Children of the Titans - Saint Joseph High School

Children of the Titans
family tree
Oceanus & Tethys- 3000 rivers [Nile & Scamander-Troy] & 3000 Oceanids [includes
Calypso & Styx...Nike/ Victoria]
Theia & Hyperion -Helios [Sun], Selene [Moon], & Eos [Dawn... Winds, Stars]
Iapetos -Atlas [sky on shoulders], Prometheus [Forethought], Epimetheus
Cronos & Rhea- Hestia [Vesta- hearth, home, flame], Demeter [Ceres- grain/
harvest], Hera [Juno- queen, marriage, women, peacock], Hades [Pluto/ Disunderworld, wealth], Poseidon [Neptune- sea, trident], Zeus [Jupiter -king, sky,
thunder, law/justice, eagle, oak, bull]
* prophecy: overthrow, Cronos swallows, rock-Zeus, potion? cut?-sibs out,
* war [10yrs]: Titans + Giants vs. Zeus & siblings + Prometheus, Epimetheus,
Cyclopes & Hecatonchires [100 hands]; Zeus uses thunderbolt to imprison Titans in
Tartarus; Zeus becomes ruler of gods [lots]
The Seven Wives of Zeus
1. Metis: prophecy, swallow, wisdom, Athena[Minerva -wisdom, strategy/war,
crafts, owl, aegis]
2. Themis -3 Hours, 3 Fates
3. Eurynome -3 Graces
4. Demeter -Persephone [Proserpina- seasons/ spring; wife of Hades -kidnapped,
ate, shared]
5. Mnemosyne [Memory] -9 Muses
6. Leto -Apollo [Phoebus Apollo -sun, music, prophecy, healing] & Artemis [Dianamoon, hunt, childbirth]
7. Hera -Hebe [cupbearer, wife of Hercules]; Ares [Mars-war]; Enyo [(female) wardestruction of cities]; Eilethyia [childbirth]; Hephaestus * [Vulcan- lame, fire/ forge,
Aphrodite] * in some stories Hera produced him alone in anger over Zeus' other
Creation of Man
* Golden Age - Prometheus creates man from clay [Cronus' rule]; peace, justice,
abundant food; man lives to old age but has youthful appearance
* Silver Age -[Zeus' rule] Zeus creates man from ash-tree; live 100 yrs with Mom,
short adult life- fighting; agriculture & architecture; no worship -Zeus destroys
* Bronze Age -war/ violence; ends with flood
* Flood story- King Lycaon sacrifices boy to Zeus, Zeus enraged, destroy
world by flood; Deucalion [Prom.'s son] & Pyrrha [Epi.'s daughter] build chest, float
for 9 days; repopulate by throwing stones over shoulder to create people
*Heroic Age- demigods & heroes; wars at Thebes, Troy
* Iron Age- toil, misery, violence; nations, navigation, mining; no xenia -hospitality
Fire & Woman
Prometheus tricks Zeus with sacrifice; meat vs bones & fat
Zeus mad, no fire
P steals fire; punished -chained to rock, eagle eats liver, regenerates; freed by Herc.
Pandora -"all gifts"; Heph.- clay & winds; made beautiful by goddesses; Epi.'s wife;
jar/ box "DO NOT OPEN!!!" opens -evils; forethought/ hope left