Myths and Legends SWBAT discover commonalities between the primordial deities. Do Now – Share Our Greek Characters • Share out our Greek Characters. Please tape your character bio to the walls (Just one strip of tape on the top). The Twelve Titans including Cronus and Rhea should go on the back wall. All other characters place on other areas around the room. Take your notebooks, and go on a museum walk reading about our various primordial creatures. Take notes on any commonalities they appear to share, or anything that it striking to you. Be ready to report out. (Five minutes) Commonalities • Take note of the commonalities you have found as you will want to include this in your original creation myth. Notes • Please take brief notes as I speak on Titanomachy. The Titanomachy • What happened immediately after [Kronos regurgitated his children] is not clear, but the war between the gods and Titans the Titanomachy - soon begins. Unfortunately the epic poem of that name, which would have told us much, is lost. The first complete account we have is in Apollodorus (which was probably written in the 1st century A.D.). • Some of the children of the other Titans - such as Iapetos' son Menoetius - fought alongside their forebears. Others - including Iapetos' other children Prometheus and Epimetheus - did not. Don’t worry….no one died Since both sides of this war were immortal, no permanent casualties were possible. Finally, however, the gods triumphed with the aid of older powers. The Cyclops are Freed!! Uranus had long ago imprisoned the three Cyclopes and the three Hundred-Handers (Hekatoncheires) in dark Tartaros. Again advised by Gaia (Zeus’ mother), Zeus freed these monstrous cousins of the Titans and was rewarded with their aid. The Cyclopes gave lightning and thunder to Zeus to wield as weapons, and in later accounts also created Hades' helmet of darkness and Poseidon's trident. We’re Free!! Thanks Zeus! You’re the best. Your Grandpa Uranus made us sad when imprisoned us The final battle – Rock throwing! • The Hundred-Handers provided more direct assistance. In the final battle, they kept the Titans under a constant barrage of hundreds of thrown rocks, which together with the other gods' strengths, particularly Zeus' thunderbolts, overcame the Titans. The defeated Titans were hauled down to Tartaros and imprisoned there, and the HundredHanders became their jailors. Hecatoncheires – Hundred handed Giants We got your back Zeus! Where did the Titans Go??? • However, in other myths the Titans did not remain imprisoned. In fact, some helped Zeus, and the women were most likely not locked up…so they went on to have children. • The mythological record is silent on most of the rest of the Titans, but a later myth said that Kronos himself was eventually released by Zeus, and he was assigned to rule over the Isles of the Blessed, where the spirits of heroes went after death. Read how man was created in Greek Mythology • So, we have Zeus in place on Mt. Olympus. ….but what about man? How were they created? Prometheus and Epimetheus • Read Prometheus and Epimetheus in groups of Four To summarize, create a thirty second version of this tale. It can be done in any way you would like. Decide which moments are most Important to tell. Bios – Feb 11th • Who did the bios for Ares and Uranus? • Are there any more bios to be handed in? (This is for a grade.) Do Now – You have fifteen minutes • Get into the groups assigned to you yesterday. Find a way of presenting Prometheus and Epimetheus in 30 – 45 seconds. • You may do this by – • Having one person in the group do a fast telling of the story. (A rap, a song, Or just shorten it to 30 seconds) • Present through frozen pictures with someone saying one word per picture or narrating. • Acting out a quick scene. • Do it as a commercial. Why in a theatrical way?? Why tell a myth in a theatrical way?? Thursday Feb 12th • Any more presentations?? • Please note we will have a quiz when we return. Make sure you are checking my website to see what we have read, and any power points I have posted. • Please make sure you are on my Take a Buzz feed Quiz • WHICH MYTHICAL CREATURE ARE YOU – BUZZFEED QUIZ PEOPLE JUST DON’T RESPECT ME!!! Quote by Zeus (sort of) • Remember…Zeus was not happy that man was not fully worshipping him and doing foolish things. • 1. He was upset that they did not want to sacrifice a portion of their food to him. (Prometheus tricked him by giving him bones and not meat) You gave them FIRE!? How dare you!!! - Zeus • 2. He was upset Prometheus had given them fire. (or had given it back to them) Typical Woman Ruining Everything!! • 3. He was upset Pandora opened up the box and let all evil out into the world. (Then again, he created Pandora to be that way) …I’m taking revenge to a whole new level! Zeus He was clearly mad with Prometheus, and bound him up for 1,000 years. Every night Prometheus’ liver was eaten up by an eagle. • ….but Zeus was still upset. The Great Flood • Read THE GREAT FLOOD • mythology/videos/zeus-and-the-greatflood?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false Noah’s Ark “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis Quick Write • Knowing that these are just myths, why do you think Greek society at that time needed characters like Zeus to look up to? Read how Islands and life & death formed in Japan • As we read Izangi and Izanami, think about the similarities between this creation myth and the Greek ones we read thus far. Friday Feb 13th, 2015 • SWBAT Compare and contrast the creation myths. • Let us return to The Flood. As we watch it, think about why there are these recurring stories throughout different lands. • What does something like a Flood Myth teach society?? Amaterasu – Sun Goddess of Shinto Religion Born from Izanagi’s left eye when he was purifying himself from the underworld In Popular Culture • Creation Myths Hawaii – Maui and the Creation of the Islands • We will watch three myths that discuss how land masses and stars were formed. How did we get islands, the sun, the moon, and the stars?? It all seems rather mysterious, but it wont be once you know the story behind it. • "Maui and the Creation of the Islands“ – Be ready to compare this creation myth with the Japanese and Greek ones we read. Creation Myth – The Raven Alaskan Tlingit Tribe • tories.raven/the-raven-story/ Creation Myth – The Ten Suns China • DEzgAiIV0zM In groups of four • Compare and contrast the creation myths we have read thus far. Think about the morals it teaches (if any), how things came to be formed, character traits, setting, etc… • Eurynome and Orphion / Gaia & Uranus to Rhea & Cronus to Zeus (how the world was formed and how the Gods came to power) • Prometheus & Epimetheus (how man was created, and how evil came to mankind thanks to Pandora) • • • • • The Flood – How Zeus started over again Izangi and Izanami – How life and death (and various Japanese Gods came to exist) Hawaiian Islands Alaskan Stars, Moon, and Sun Chinese Suns Find your own creation myth •Find your own creation myth. What does this say?? • Since Ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus, what does this story possibly say about the culture of that time? • How does this inform our own culture in modern day??