02/21/2013 University of Maryland 2nd Year Annual Report NASA Grant NNX11AF54G to the University of Washington Titled: “Using MODIS and CERES Data to Improve Energy Balance Snowmelt Modeling" Principal Investigator: Laura Hinkelman, University of Washington 1. At Issue Modeling and prediction of snowmelt-driven hydrologic methods in the Western US suffers from lack of energy balance information. The objective of this portion of the project is to develop appropriate energy balance data sets using MODIS observations at 5-km spatial resolution with a focus on shortwave (SW) fluxes. It is expected that such information will improve the quality of snowpack modeling by accounting for the spatial variability of the energy that drives the melting. Since this is a novel approach to integration of high spatial resolution satellite data into snow-melt modeling, many new issues need to be dealt with. These include validation of the fluxes derived from a 5-km pixels; the ground radiometers used for evaluation integrate the entire sky dome above and as such, the two types of observations are not compatible. At the same time, it is known that the spatial variability in the surface energy budget will impact the snow-melt and should be accounted for. Scale issues need to be addressed for developing a realistic approach to the evaluation process, to be described in what follows. Figure 1. Study domain. 2. Proposed Work We propose to examine the benefits of using satellite SW and longwave (LW) surface flux data instead of parameterizations used in current snow-melt models. This will be achieved by driving a range of snowmelt models with surface radiation data derived from MODIS and CERES measurements. Comparisons will first be made at individual instrumented sites 1 throughout the mountainous western US to be extended to entire river basins in the Sierra Nevada, as illustrated in Figure 1. Model improvement will be assessed based on agreement between the simulated and measured temporal progression of snow water equivalent (SWE). The differences between the CERES (3-hourly with 1 grid spacing) and MODIS (twice daily with 5km grid spacing) data will enable us to evaluate the relative importance of spatial and temporal sampling of radiation to snowmelt model performance and to investigate optimum methods of combining temporal and spatial flux information. 3. Original Work Plan Used will be observations from Terra and Aqua to produce surface radiative fluxes in support of snow-melt modeling. The inference scheme to be implemented for the retrieval of shortwave (SW) fluxes is described in Wang and Pinker (2009) where it was also evaluated at 10 spatial resolution. Additional evaluation of this product is presented in Pinker et al. (2009; Niu et al. (2010; Niu and Pinker (2011); feasibility of implementation of the methodology at 5-km and its application has been illustrated in Wood et al. (2007) and Su et. al. (2008). Information on LW fluxes will be produced from MODIS at 10 resolution at least. Original plan for data to be processed was: For shortwave: Oct - Dec 2003 and Jan – July 2005. Data for 2004 b produced previously have been provided to the PI and collaborators for testing. For longwave: October 2003 to July 2004 and October 2004 to July 2005. 4. Work done 4.1 Original version of model for shortwave (SW) fluxes (v1.0) Original model designated for use in this work is described in (Wang and Pinker, 2009). Shortwave (SW) radiative fluxes are computed in seven spectral intervals (0.2-0.4, 0.4-0.5, 0.50.6, 0.6-0.7, 0.7-1.19, 1.19-2.38, 2.38-4.0 μm) assuming a plane-parallel, vertically inhomogeneous, scattering and absorbing atmosphere. Water vapor absorption is parameterized following Ramaswamy and Freidenreich (1992), and Chou et al. (1999). Ozone absorption in the ultraviolet and in the visible is computed following Lacis and Hansen (1974). The single scattering properties and vertical profiles of aerosols were derived from the Optical Properties of Aerosols and clouds (OPAC) software package (Hess et al., 1998). Five atmospheric aerosol 2 vertical profiles (Continental, Desert, Maritime, Arctic and Antarctic) are used with the inference scheme. Cloud extinction coefficients, cloud single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor are computed from the parameterization of Slingo (1989) and Edwards et al. (1996) for water clouds and Chou et al.(2002) for ice clouds. Multiple scattering is dealt with using a delta-Eddington approximation following Wiscombe (1977). Vertical profiles are from the standard atmospheres of Kneizys et al. (1980). TOA solar spectral irradiance data are from MODTRAN 3. 4.2 Modified version of model for shortwave (SW) fluxes (v2.0) The two main features of v1.0 that have been modified are related to the way snow information is use (needed for computing the surface albedo) and the way cloud optical depth and drop size are computed from the MODIS data. Snow information at daily time scale is used as available from both Terra and Aqua and if bot available, the average is used. If no information is available at daily time scale, the 8 day composite is used. Description of the first issue: For the MODIS Level-2 swath data, the cloud phase information is hidden in a parameter named “Quality_Assurance_1km”; details are provided in Appendix A. When calculating the shortwave fluxes over Western US at 5-km scale, the cloud fraction, cloud optical depth and cloud drop size are gridded from the 1-km scale “Quality_Assurance_1km” data. In the previous version, information used for gridding is Byte 2, named “Primary retrieval processing path”. In the current version, we make use of the “Multi Layer Cloud Flag” (Byte 4) values to get the cloud phase information. Firstly, the 1-km resolution swath image is grouped into 5-km resolution image with each grid of size of 5 x 5 pixels. Within these 25 pixels, “Cloud Mask Undet” (000) is treated as missing values and does not count in calculation. The single layer and multi-layer unknown type clouds (110 and 111) are classified as water type, namely: 5 km water cloud fraction is calculated as #(010+011+110+111) / [25-#(000+001)]; 5 km ice cloud fraction is calculated as #(100+101)/[25-#(000+001)]; 5km cloud optical depth is calculated at log scale, namely: 5 km cloud optical depth = exp (mean (log (cloud optical depth from 1-km pixels))); 5 km cloud drop size is calculated as the mean of pixel value within the 5 x 5 block. 4.3 LW model used The downwelling surface longwave (LW) model (hereafter, /UMD_v2) is driven with a combination of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level-3 cloud 3 parameters and information from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim model. To compute the clear sky component of LW a two layer feedforward artificial neural network is implemented; it is trained with simulations derived from runs of the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM). When computing the cloud contribution to LW, the cloud base temperature is estimated by using an independent artificial neural network approach of similar architecture as previously mentioned, and parameterizations. The cloud base temperature neural network is trained using spatially and temporally co-located MODIS and CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) observations. Daily average estimates of LW were compared against ground measurements from BSRN giving an overall correlation coefficient of 0.98, root mean square error (rmse) of 15.84 W m_2, and a bias of _0.39 W m_2. 4.4 Model inputs Table 1. SW Model Input Time and Geolocation Day of Year, Hour of Day Longitude, Latitude Sun Position Cosine of Solar Zenith Angle Aerosol Aerosol Optical Depth Cloud Water Cloud Fraction Water Cloud Optical Depth Water Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Ice Cloud Fraction Ice Cloud Optical Depth Ice Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Cloud Top Pressure Surface Surface Elevation Surface Pressure surface Albedo Profile Column Amount of Ozone Column Amount of Precipitable Water 4 Table 2. LW Model Input Time and Geolocation Day of Year, Hour of Day Longitude, Latitude Sun Position Cosine of Solar Zenith Angle Cloud Mean Cloud Fraction Ice Cloud Fraction Infrared Cirrus Fraction Cloud optical thickness Cloud Water Path Cloud Effective Emissivity Liquid Cloud Effective Radius Ice Cloud Effective Radius Cloud Top Pressure Surface Surface Elevation Surface Pressure 2 Meter Temperature 2 Meter Dewpoint Temperature Surface Albedo Total Column Water Vapor Profile Geopotential Height Temperature Relative Humidity Column Amount of Ozone Column Amount of Precipitable Water 4.5 Model Input Data Sources 4.5.1 For SW o 5-km resolution upward and downward fluxes are processed with MODIS level-2 swath data for year 2005. o Aerosol data are from collection 5.1 MOD04_L2 (Terra) and MYD04_L2 (Aqua). MISR aerosol data are used for the regions where aerosol data from MODIS are missing. 5 o Cloud data are from collection 5.1 MOD06_L2 (Terra) and MYD06_L2 (Aqua). o Profiles are from collection 5 MOD07_L2 (Terra) and MYD07_L2 (Aqua). NCEP reanalysis precipitable water data are used to fill the MODIS missing value. o Surface albedo data are the Filled Land Surface Albedo Product (http://modisatmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/ALBEDO/index.html) o Snow information at daily time scale is used as available from both Terra and Aqua and if bot available, the average is used. If no information is available at daily time scale, the 8 day composite is used. 4.5.2 For LW↓ MODIS data at 10 resolution and ERA Interim (the higher resolution as available from NCAR). 4.6 Processing issues with 5-km data Figures 2 and 3 show two examples of the downward SW fluxes from the 5-km observations. For each day, there are 4, 5 or 6 swaths passing over the target region. Number of swath depends on the day of the year and satellite orbit. The example is for the first day of 2005. There are 4 swaths from each satellite (Terra and Aqua) that cover the Western US. The passing time are shown in the figures. The number of observations available for every station depends on the station location and time. Investigations were conducted on how to optimally combine all the swaths to get a uniform daily coverage of the region 17:35 19:15 19:20 17:40 Figure 2. SW↓ flux from MODIS (Terra) swath data for 2005.001 over western USA. Swaths are observed at following times: 17:35, 17:40, 19:15 and 19:20 GMT. . 6 21:00 19:20 20:55 19:15 Figure 3. SW↓ flux from MODIS (Aqua) swath data for 2005.001 over western USA. Swaths are observed at following times: 19:15, 19:20, 20:55 and 21:00 GMT. 4.7 Preparation of data for evaluation of SW↓ fluxes The flux data processed from the MODIS swath product are pixel by pixel with footprint of about 5-km. The ground observation instrument usually has a field of view around 1700 looking upward. The actual sky area that contributes to the downward flux may be much large then 5-km. To facilitate the choosing of a good matching scale between the satellite retrieval and ground observations, all satellite retrievals that are within 50 km radius around the station are recorded and used in analysis. 4.8 Data Processed with SW V2.0 Initially, data that were provided to the University of Washington have been processed with v1.0 of UMD_SRB_MODIS algorithm. Once v2.0 was in place the data were reprocessed with the updated version for following periods: Jan-July 2003; Jan-July 2004; Jan-July 2005; Jan-July 2009. The data were processed for all the relevant swaths so a complete coverage of the required region can be obtained. The region for which this information was derived is: Western US (from the eastern foothills of the Rockies to the Pacific, specifically: 300-500 N, 1250-1050 W). Upon request from the University of Washington, a data sub-set was prepared to create match-up files over stations where snow water equivalent (SWE) information was available as 7 well as selected information on radiative fluxes. The data were extracted over each station for a 50 km radius. Similar data were extracted for all the SURFRAD/BSRN stations for evaluation of model output at stations known to be of highest quality. This was subsequently extended to stations in Oregon, where additional ground truth is available. The LW data were provided at regional scale since they were produced at lower resolution due to the limitations imposed by the resolution of the ERA Interim profiles that are needed for computing the LW fluxes. 4.9 Data Processed with LW V2.0 Daily values of LW↓ fluxes at 10 spatial resolution covering the entire region of interest were submitted for October 2003-December 2005. 5. Validation Results One of the critical issues in the validation process of satellite retrievals against ground measurements is the issue of scale, namely, do the ground measurements and the satellite retrieval measure the same thing? Since the satellite estimates made here are of the highest spatial resolution available so far, and the ground measurements are at high temporal resolution (original averaging starts at 1 min) (at least, for the SURFRAD/BSRN stations), it is possible to investigate the matching problem and its impact on the results. Comparison against ground observations was done at different spatial and temporal scales and for all surface conditions and by separating snow and no snow conditions, mountain site vs no mountain sites, and winter vs summer. 5.1 Validation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous surface SW↓ fluxes We compare instantaneous MODIS based SW↓ fluxes with different averaging times of ground observations (10, 20, 30, 60 min) at SURFRAD/BSRN sites (TBL, FPK and BON). The results show that the 60 min averaging yields the best results in terms of BIAS, STD and Correlation Coefficient. Therefore, the 60 min averaging time period for ground observations was selected. Evaluated were also done with different satellite space scales around match-up ground sites (5, 10, 25, 50 km radius). A 50 km radius is nearly 10; averaging at such scale yielded best results. Therefore, most validation results were performed at such a scale. Results are shown in Figure 4. As seen, the scatter over the mountain site is larger than over the flat sites while the bias at the mountain site is comparable to the ones of flat terrain (the number of data points over the flat sites is larger than at the mountain site). The data cover the entire year, including snow situations. 8 Figure 4. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous SW fluxes for 2005 at a mountain location of a) TBL (CO) and flat terrain locations b) FPK (MO) and BON (Ill). The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version2.0 data were used here. Figure 5. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous SW fluxes for 2005 for a) no snow conditions and b) snow conditions at FPK, TBL and BON sites. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version1.0 data were used here. 9 Evaluation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous SW fluxes for 01/01/2009 to 06/30/2009 was performed at the at mountain sites of USFmf, USFuf, USFwf, USMe2, USMe3, and USGLE where SWE measurements are made. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version2.0 data were used here. The results show only a relatively small bias (1.2 %) while the scatter is higher than at the other sites used. Figure 6. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous SW fluxes for 01/01/2009 to 06/30/2009 at mountain sites of USFmf, USFuf, USFwf, USMe2, USMe3, and USGLE. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version2.0 data were used here. 10 Figure 7. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km instantaneous SW fluxes for 03/01/2005 to 07/01/2005 Oregon sites of a) Burns b) Eugene c) Hermiston d) combined at all 3 sites. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version1.0 data were used here (http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SolarData.html). 5.2 Validation of hourly SW↓ at Because MODIS swath SW↓ are initially calculated as instantaneous fluxes at the overpass time, the fluxes at a missing time (Fm) are obtained by multiplying the instantaneous fluxes (Fi) by the ratio of the solar zenith angle (Z) cosine at the missing time to that at instantaneous time. Fm= Fi ( CosZm / CosZi ) Averaging the instantaneous SW↓ and all missing SW↓ within 30 min before and after the observational time generates the hourly SW↓. Averaging all the daytime instantaneous SW↓ generates the daily SW↓. Figure 8. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km hourly SW fluxes for 01/01/2009 to 07/31/2009 at FPK and BON. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version2.0 data were used here. 11 Figure 9. Evaluation of MODIS 5-km daily SW fluxes for 01/01/2009 to 07/31/2009 at FPK and BON. The MODIS data were averaged over 50 km radius and ground observations were averaged over 60 min. Version2.0 data were used here. Points outside 3 std were removed (5 points, 1%). 5.3. Validation of MODIS surface LW↓ fluxes Monthly Downward LW fluxes from UMD_SRB_MODIS were evaluated at four SURFRAD sites over the US and at independent sites where high quality observations are available. Time series for the SURFRAD sites are shown in Figure 10. Statistical results are shown in Figure 11, illustrated good agreement between satellite estimates and ground measurements. 12 Figure 10. Figure 11. Time series of LW fluxes at selected SURFRAD sites for years Validation of monthly mean LW from UMD_SRB_MODIS at 4 SURFRAD sites (bon, fpk,gwn, psu) for 01/2003 to 06/2007. Additional stations selected for validation are located at: BER (32.27N 64.67W, Bermuda), CAR (44.08N 5.06E, France) , PAY (46.82N 6.94E, Switzerland).In Figure 12 (left) shown are results for daily LW from the UMD_SRB_MODIS model the BER site for 2009; (middle) CAR (right) all 3 stations (BER, CAR, and PYR). 13 Figure 12. (left) shown are results for daily LW from the UMD_SRB_MODIS model the BER site for 2009; (middle) CAR (right) all 3 stations (BER, CAR, and PYR). 6. Spatial and temporal variability Figure 13 is an example of monthly mean SW↓ surface flux for January 2005 at 0.05 degree grid resolution. The MODIS instantaneous swath data were first normalize by daily mean solar zenith angle, and then re-gridded to 0.05 degree regular grid. Re-gridding uses a simple averaging method, namely, all pixels that fall in a 0.05 box are averaged. If no pixels fall into a grid box, the box value is set to missing. Normalized fluxes from Terra and Aqua are combined to get the daily fluxes. The monthly mean values are averaged from the daily data. Snow information is dealt with as follows: information on snow at daily time scale is used as available from both Terra and Aqua; if both are available, the average is used. If no information available for a particular day, the 8 day composite is used. All figures were plotted (or re-plotted) in January 2013. 14 Figure 13. Monthly mean SW↓ for Jan 2005 using MODIS 5-km observations from terra and Aqua. The swath pixels were re-gridded to a 0.05 deg grid. No filling was used for missing data. Daily mean is calculated as: (daily mean solar zenith angle/instantaneous sza)x(instantaneous SW). Snow information from daily MODIS information is used. Figure 14 shows the mean day-to-day variability over the wester US domain. The day-to-day variability is calculated as the standard devation (STD) of daily values for a month (January 2005). Each pixel in the figure gives the STD for each location. The calculation is based on the grided data, so each pixel is of 0.05 degree resolution. The absolute value of STD is dominated by latitud. In the southern part, correspoding to higher sun elevation, SW↓ flux variability is larger. 15 Figure-14. Mean day-to-day variability of SW↓ flux over one month (Jan 2005) using MODIS 5-km observations from Terra and Aqua. The swath pixels were re-gridded to a 0.05 deg grid. No filling was used for missing data. Daily mean is calculated as: (daily mean solar zenith angle/instantaneous sza)x(instantaneous SW↓). Figure 15 is similar to Figure 14, but shows the relative variability. In Figure 15 the STD is scaled by the monthly mean value of SW fluxes. Although from Figure 14, the absolute value is higher in the southern part, the relative values show opposite observations, the low sun elevation region has higher relative STD. 16 Figure 15. Relative day-to-day variability, the day to day variations are scaled by monthly mean SW for each grid. The other procedures are the same as described in Figures 13 and 14. Figure 16 shows the spatial variability (standard deviation) around every pixel for the 1st of January 2005. In this figure, fluxes were first normalized to daily mean value as described above, and then the STD is calculated over a 10 x 10 block around each pixel. Since the pixel resolution is 0.05 degree, the size of a 10 x 10 block is about 0.5 degree. Large variability is mainly seen around cloud edges or in the region of scattered clouds. 17 Figure 16. Spatial variability represented by the std for 10x10 grid boxes of 0.05 deg. The other procedures are as described for Figures 13 and 14. Figure 17 shows the frequency distributions of the variability values shown in Figure 16. The mode value is around 8 W/m2. Figure 17. Histogram of the spatial variability shown in Figure 16. 18 Figure 18. Same as Figure 16 but for monthly mean fluxes. SW↓ fluxes were first averaged to monthly means. Followed the same procedure as for Figure 16, namely, the spatial STD over a 10 x 10 block is calculated for each pixel. Figure 19 is the frequency distribution of the spatial variability of the monthly mean flux. This distribution is closer to Gaussian than that for the daily mean flux. The mode value is around 10 W/m2. Figure 19. Histogram of spatial variability of the monthly mean SW fluxes for January 2005, namely, the std over a 10x10 boxes of 0.5 deg using monthly mean SW. Figure 20 shows the domain averaged spatial variability as a function of the block size. Figure 16 and Figure 18 show the images of the spatial variability. In Figure 20, every data point on the 19 line represents the average value over a whole image. The curves show the domain average spatial variability change as function of block size. In the figure, the monthly curve is flatter than the daily curve, which indicates that the mean spatial variability of a monthly flux filed is more uniform that that for a daily flux field. Given a daily mean field and a monthly mean flux field, in a block region of the same size, one has more chance to find large jumps in a daily filed. Monthly mean process filters the flux values and gives a more smooth flux field than the daily filed. However, this is not always the case, as shown in the figure, in scale less than about 0.8 degree, a monthly mean filed is actually more variable than a daily field. The reason may be that the monthly mean process reduces the spatial correlation between the neighbor points. Monthly mean process is a temporal average process, when doing so the spatial correlation among the neighbor points in a daily filed is reduced. Figure 20. Spatial variability as function of block size, N of 0.05 degree grids. Values are averaged over entire domain. SW daily values are for January 1, 2005; monthly values are for January 2005. Terra and Aqua satellites fly over the region at different times. One is around 19 UTC and one is around 21 UTC. There are about 2 hours lag between the two satellites. During the 2-hour period, cloud distributions may change and solar illumination conditions may change as well. Figure 21 20 shows the monthly mean differences between the daily fluxes from Terra and Aqua. Here daily mean is computed for each satellite by solar zenith angle normalization method. Figure 21. Monthly mean difference in SW between Terra and Aqua for January 2005. Terra and Aqua instantaneous values were first normalized to daily means and then the difference was taken between the two images. Figure 22 shows the frequency distribution of day to day variation. The day to day variation is computed as the differences between two successive days in January 2005 (day 2 minus day 1). Daily values are combined from Terra and Aqua. Since this is for January, so the positive mean difference value is mainly due to the solar declination angle change. 21 Figure 22. Frequency distribution of monthly mean day to day variation. Day to day difference is computed as: flux between each consecutive day from the beginning of the month to the end for each grid point in the entire domain. Time period is January 2005; domain is (long:-125-100; lat: 30 55). Summary Inference schemes were modified to allow implementation with MODIS 5-km observations and input data. Procedures were developed for evaluating the inferred fluxes against ground observations. They were implemented against numerous well maintained and calibrated ground observations as well as against observations in the region of interest. Procedures were developed to obtain spatial and temporal variability metrics that can be used in snow-melt modeling. Following needs to be addressed: How well is the diurnal cycle represented? Variability statistics needs to be redone for region of interest only. 22 References Chou et al., 1999. A solar radiation parameterization (CLIRAD-SW) for atmospheric studies. NASA Tech. Memo, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 38 pp. Ma, Y. and R. T. Pinker, 2012. Shortwave Radiative Fluxes from Satellites: An Update. JGRAtmospheres, 117, Issue D23, DOI: 10.1029/2012JD018332 Niu Xiaolei, Pinker Rachel T.; Cronin Meghan F., 2010. Radiative fluxes at high latitudes. Geophys. Res. Lett 37 Article Number: L20811 DOI: 10.1029/2010GL044606 Niu, X. and R. T. Pinker, 2011. Radiative Fluxes at Barrow,Alaska: A Satellite View. J. Climate, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 24 (21), 5494-5505, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00062.1 Nussbaumer, E. A. and R. T. Pinker, 2012a. Estimating Surface Longwave Radiative Fluxes from Satellites utilizing Artificial Neural Networks. JGR-A, 2011JD017141. Ramaswamy, and S. M. Freidenreich, 1992. A study of broadband parameterizations of the solar radiative interactions with water vapor and water drops, J. Geophys. Res., D11, 11,48711,512) 23