Quarter 2 benchmark study guide

Quarter 2 benchmark study guide
7th grade
Chapter 3
1a. In sexual reproduction, the offspring have half of each parent’s DNA, but during asexual
reproduction, the offspring have an ___________________________ set of DNA.
Chapter 4
1. Put these in order from most basic to most complex:
organ system,
_____________, _______________, ______________, _________________
2. All living things are made from ______________________.
3. What are the 2 types of transport through a semi-permeable membrane?
_______________________ and _____________________________
4. What are the types of passive transport? __________________ and
5. Which type of passive transport refers to the movement of water? _______________
6. What type of transport requires ATP energy to move large molecules like sugar through
the membrane? ________________________________
7. If a plant doesn’t get watered for a while, and more water diffuses out than in, what will
happen to the plant? ________________________________
8. When particles move from an area of high concentration to low concentration, what
type of passive transport is that? ______________________________
9. What is the difference between multi-cellular and uni-cellular?
10. Which level of organization of life is made up of similar cells that work together to
perform a specific function?
a. Organ system
b. Organ
c. Cell
d. Tissue
11. Which statement is part of the cell theory:
a. All cells contain organelles.
b. All cells come from specialized cells
c. All living things are made of cells
d. All cells work together in structures called tissues.
12. How are an animal cell and plant cell different?
Chapter 5, Lesson 3
13. Mitosis refers to the cell doing what? __________________________________
14. What is the purpose of mitosis?
15. Why do the chromosomes make copies of themselves during the first stage of the cell
16. List the steps of the cell cycle: *Hint, there are 6
Chapter 6
17. The two different forms of a gene are called _________________________________.
18. Make a Punnett square with the following parents:
Tt X tt
19. In a Punnett square, what do the capital and lower case letters stand for?
20. If the allele for tall plants in pea plants is (T). What genotype would a short pea plant
have to have? Remember genotypes have 2 alleles. ________________________
21. Gregor Mendel was whom?
22. Gregor Mendel called traits of plants, “factors”. What do we call factors now?
23. When a person inherits characteristics, this means their characteristics come from their
24. What does homozygous mean? ___________________________________________
25. What does heterozygous mean? _________________________________________
26. When a homozygous red flower is crossed with a homozygous yellow flower, and it
produces all red flowers, we could say that red is a __________________ trait.
27. From the example above, yellow would be a ____________________ trait.
28. How many chromosomes are in normal human cells? __________________
29. How many chromosomes are in human reproductive (sex) cells? _________________
30. Most of our hereditary information is found in our ________________________.
Chapter 7
31. The sides of the DNA strand are made of ________________________.
32. The “rungs” of the ladder are _________________ bases.
33. The primary role of DNA is to _________________________________
34. If a light colored moth over time turned dark colored to blend in with the dark barked
trees, why would this be a good mutation?
35. What is the shape of a DNA molecule? ________________________________________
36. Complete the pairing: adenine pairs with ________________________
Cytosine pairs with ________________________
Chapter 9
37. How can scientists see that there have been changes over time in species?
38. Why are there fossils of organisms that used to exist, but now there are no remaining
living members?
39. What happened to the soft tissue of animals that are now fossils?
40. As animals changed over time, sometimes their appearance and traits would change.
Why do you think new traits developed?
41. Who was Charles Darwin?
42. Where did Charles Darwin study a lot of species on his trip around the world?
43. What are homologous traits?
44. The external skeletons of many insects are made mostly of the hard material chitin. In a
single species of insect, Darwin’s theory of natural selection predicts that –
a. Some individuals will have more chitin than others
b. Mutations for the chitin gene will kill some members of the population
c. The more chitin the insects have, the more offspring they will produce
d. Differences in chitin production will disappear after a few generations
45. Draw and label a cell and the organelles: nucleus, mitochondria, golgi apparatus,
cytoplasm, ribosome, cell membrane.