Biology 2 nd Semester Final--2015

Biology 2nd Semester Final--2015
Approximately 125 multiple choice and matching
Units: Genetics (including Dihybrid Crosses, Pedigrees, Karyotypes), DNA and Protein Synthesis,
Genetically Modified Organisms, Ecology, Human Systems (respiratory, digestive, circulatory,
skeletal, nervous), the FROG
“Cheat Sheet”: you may use one side of a 8.5” x 11” paper for handwritten notes (ONLY!)
o Any tables and charts need to be handwritten. NO images may be pasted.
The study guide is not meant to cover all material on the final… it should give you an idea
Genetics Unit (mostly chapter 9-10 and additional activities, labs, worksheets)
o Mendel and Punnett Squares
 Describe Mendel’s crosses and results with his pea plants.
 What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
 What is an allele? A gene? Define dominant and recessive. Heterozygous/homozygous?
 What is a karyotype? A pedigree? When are they used?
 Can you make a Punnett square? What are genotypic/phenotypic ratios
o Cross a homozygous x homozygous;
o cross a homozygous x heterozygous,
o cross a heterozygous x heterozygous
o What is a monohybrid cross? A dihybrid cross?
 What is the difference between codominance and incomplete dominance? Give examples
 Complete Punnett Squares: codominance, incomplete and complete dominance, sex-linked
 What are the different blood types? Can you complete Punnetts with blood types?
 What are some common genetic disorders? What causes these disorders?
o DNA Structure and Protein Synthesis
 Describe the basic structure of DNA. How does RNA differ?
 What is a mutation? What causes mutations?
 Describe the process of DNA replication. Review your DNA replication model lab. Refer to
your colorings.
 What is transcription? What is translation?
 Describe the process of protein synthesis. In which part(s) of the cell would you find mRNA,
tRNA, and DNA? What is a codon and anticodon? How are amino acids assembled in a
 If the master strand of DNA is ATG GCC CGG ATT, what are the mRNA codons and tRNA
anticodons? Use your codon table to determine the amino acid sequence.
Genetic Modification Unit
o Make sure to study the Genetically Modified Organisms Notesheet and GMO review
o Review “Food, Inc.” and its applications to GMO’s.
o Review “Crisis in Zambia” and “Rice with Human Genes.”
o Describe pros and cons of the major GMO topics we focused on in readings, notes, computer lab
assignments and class debates.
Ecology Too!
 State the five different levels of organization at which ecology can be studied
 Compare abiotic to biotic factors in ecosystems. Make sure you can list examples.
 Describe acclimation. What is the difference between conformers and regulators. What is dormancy,
 What are generalists and specialists? Give examples of opportunists. Make sure you can define
 Be able to construct a food web or food chain. Can you determine the trophic levels: first, second, third
order consumers and producers?
Can you describe the water cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, carbon cycle
Describe the properties of populations: size, density, dispersion (uniform, random and clumped).
What do Type I, Type II, and Type III Survivorship Curves look like. Give examples of each.
What is “Age Structure”?
Describe differences between logistic and exponential growth models. How do you determine
population size? What is immigration and emigration?
Describe the difference between density independent and density dependent factors. Give examples of
What is symbiosis? Determine differences and give examples: commensalism, mutualism, parasitism?
Human Systems Unit
o Chapter 45 and NOTES (Muscular/Skeletal)
 What are some of the diseases of the bones and joints? (e.g. arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis)
 What are the appendicular and axial skeletons? Make sure you can label a human skeleton.
 How are bones classified? Distinguish between compact and spongy bone.
 What are the types of bone cells?
 What are flexors, extensors, ligaments, tendons, joints, myosin, etc.?
o Circulatory/Respiratory System: Chapter 46 and additional notes
 Compare and contrast veins, arteries and capillaries.
 Know the parts, locations and functions of the heart.
 Be familiar with the blood flow through the heart, to the lungs and body cells
 Describe the different cells, platelets and plasma in the blood? What are their functions?
 What are some diseases we can diagnose based on blood counts? In terms of blood types,
do you know how a blood type is determined? Which blood can be transfused
 Describe the parts and function of the respiratory system and related terminology:
trachea, bronchi, lungs, alveoli, gas exchange (CO2 and O2)
o Digestive System REVIEW too (mostly in frog)
o Nervous System Vocabulary (Chapter 49)…review skills worksheet, brain sketch, videos
watched in class including “Brainpower”
 Review your last test too including neuron structure and function, brain parts and
function, sensory information, and drug effects on the brain and body
 What are the major parts of the brain and their functions?
 What are the different types of neurons and their functions?
 Know and understand all the senses and how the brain processes this information
 What are the effects of psychoactive drugs on the CNS? How do they affect the neuron?
o Review table 45-1 in your textbook to review all body
o Review general organs and functions from frog
o Also be familiar with external surfaces and mouth part
and functions; where are anterior/posterior,
dorsal/ventral surfaces
o Study Frog Dissection Packet and recall the types of
questions asked in your oral quizzes.