Structure and Function Test Science


Structure and Function Test

Name ___________________________________________ Period _________

1. Who is considered the father of genetics?

A. Charles Darwin

B. Gregor Mendel

C. James Watson

D. Francis Crick


Which of the following statements describes an organism that produces offspring that would be an exact copy of the original?

A. asexually reproducing human offspring

B. sexually reproducing human offspring

C. asexually reproducing bacteria

D. sexually reproducing bacteria

3. Phenotype refers to the ______________ of an individual.

A. Genetic type

B. Physical Type

C. Alleles inside the DNA

D. Chromosomes inside the DNA

4. Genotype refers to the ________________ of an individual.

A. Genetic type

B. Physical Type

C. Alleles inside the DNA

D. Chromosomes inside the DNA

5. A plant with purple flowers is allowed to self-pollinate. Generation after generation, it produces purple flowers. This is an example of

A. cross-breed

B.incomplete dominance.

C. pure breed

D. the law of segregation

6. A woman has six sons. The chance that her next child will be a daughter is

A. 25%


C. 50%

D. 75%

7. The fossil record shows that _____________

A. most species have not evolved or changed

B. Some species have changed significantly during Earth’s history

C. All species today look just like they did when they first were created

D. Species do not go through any changes

8. Normal humans have __ chromosomes.

A. 46

B. 23


D. 15

9. In sexual reproduction, offspring get ___ of their chromosomes from their mother.

A. ¼

B. ½

C. none

D. all

10. In asexual reproduction, offspring get ___ of their chromosomes from their parent.

A. ¼

B. ½

C. none

D. all

11. DNA is called the inheritance molecule. It is passed from parent to offspring during both types of reproduction. Where is DNA located?

A. In the cytoplasm of all cells

B. In the nucleus of all cells

C. In the chloroplasts of plant cells

D. In the mitochondria of animal cells

12. Which of the following is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

A. Cell Wall

B. Vacuole

C. Golgi Body

D. Ribosome

13. If a Purebred Tall Plant and a Purebred short plant are crossed when will be the outcome of the F1 generation?

A. 100% Purebred Short

B. 75% Tall and 25% Short

C. 100% Tall

D. 100% Purebred Tall

14. Homozygous dominant traits are represented with a

A. capital letter

B. roman numeral

C. hair color

D. lower case letter

15. What is heredity?

A. The passing of genes from one's parents to offspring

B. The study of genes

C. Genetics

D. Plants scattering pollen
