Letter is typed here - Research Laboratory of Electronics

Use your own letterhead if you have one
To: International Students Office
add date
From: (Name of Professor)
(Home Department)
(Course Number)
Re: Invitation Letter for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is to inform you that we wish to invite Mr./Ms. Name of Student (full legal name as it
appears on passport) to MIT as a Visiting Student to conduct research in the Research
Laboratory of Electronics and Name of Department Affiliation from Start Date of Visit to
End Date of Visit. Mr./Ms. Name of Student will be working under the supervision of
Professor Name of Professor. His/Her research project will involve 3 to 4 sentence description
of research being done and benefit to the lab.
Mr./Ms. Name of Student, Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) is currently an
Graduate/Undergraduate) student at Name of Home Institution in City of Home Institution,
State /Country of Home Institution. He/She is a US Citizen/US Permanent
Resident/International Student. He/She is a citizen of Country of Citizenship and resides at
Full Home Address of Student and can be reached at: Email address and phone number.
The student’s Fall/Spring/Summer term registration and student activity fees of $xxxxxx will
be paid by the Student and will be supported by xxxxxx (the source of funds could be
personal, from home Institution, grant) or by Professor xxxxxx and will come from cost
object (account number).
Professor xxxxxx will/or will not provide a monthly stipend. (If the PI will provide a stipend,
note the monthly amount and cost object).
Attached is the completed Certification of English Proficiency Assessment document.
For further information please contact Cheryl Charles, ccharles@mit.edu, 3-4198.
Name of Professor
Title of Professor, x-phone number
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.,
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307