Surface area to volume ratio

AP Biology
Test 2 Chapters 3 & 4
What atom do organic compounds always contain
What’s the purpose of functional groups
Different functional groups and what atoms make them up
Specific monosaccharides and polysaccharides
Difference between cellulose, starch, and chitin
What types of eukaryotes contain chitin
Which of the four organic molecules is hydrophobic
Saturated vs unsaturated
Phospholipid structure and function
What are steroids
What are enzymes
What makes up cell membranes? What does the cell membrane look like?
4 levels of protein structure
What happens when a protein is denatured? What could cause a protein to be denatured?
Surface area to volume ratio
What type of molecules can pass through the cell membrane?
Structure of cell membrane
Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
Which domains are prokaryotes and which are eukaryotes
Animal Cells vs. Plant Cells
Chromatin vs. chromosomes. What’s the difference, and when would each be present?
Know all organelles structure and function for plants and animals, including the contractile vacuole which is
found in some single celled organisms
Tay-Sachs disease
Cytoskeleton. I won’t ask you the difference between the three fibers, but you need to know what they are, and
as a whole what is their purpose?
Extracellular matrix
Cilia and flagella
Put in order the steps of the path of a protein from the DNA sequence to export from the cell
Free Response
1) Surface area to volume ratio for cells. As a cell increases in size, what happens to the surface area: volume ratio? As a
cell increases in size, which increases faster, surface area or volume? Why is a low surface area: volume ratio bad for
cells? What can cells do to avoid having a low surface area: volume ratio?
2) Polymers and their monomers and the subunits of each monomer. Triglyceride and phospholipid subunits. Know and
be able to explain the reactions that join monomers together and break monomers apart. Know the type of bond that
links proteins together.