1st Quarter Schedule A *06-*07 Ch 1 (Prehistory), Ch

8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus
Ms. Vanessa Alfonso – Room 514
Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K-8
E-mail: vanessa_alfonso@dadeschools.net
Phone: 305.933.6161
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to eighth grade and to what I hope will be a wonderful year of Language Arts. The purpose of this course is to
continue to develop students into effective readers, writers, speakers, and listeners, who can think critically, and be successful
working individually or in a group. Students will be studying literature, poetry, informative texts, language mechanics and an
assortment of writing styles, public speaking, listening skills and creative thinking. The primary source of instruction will be from the
state-approved, school-adopted language arts program by McDougal Littell: Literature. Every student will have online access to the
text. Materials from other sources will be supplemented as appropriate.
My Expectations
By the time the bell rings, you will be in your seat, not talking to your peers or me, and beginning work on the daily journal.
During this time, there is absolutely no talking, even if you finish early.
Each day we will begin with “Bellwork”. This may include writing prompts, a free write, a grammar exercise or vocabulary
review activities.
Home Learning / Assignments
1. Home Learning assignments are posted daily in class. Please copy this information down in your Agenda as soon as you
come into class. Parents/guardians are asked to please check it daily. Please use only black or blue ink for written
2. The following heading must be written in the top right-hand corner of every assignment in order to receive credit:
Last Name, First Name
Date Turned In
Teacher’s Name
Make-Up Assignments
Please check the board immediately upon return from an absence for missed assignments, work, and handouts. You will have 3 days
to make-up work, tests and quizzes missed during an excused absence, for full credit (or the same number of days you were absent
if it was longer than 3 days). It is a student’s responsibility to ask for work they have missed.
Late Work
Work turned in late due to an excused absence will be accepted for full credit. Unexcused student late work will be graded normally,
and then an additional twenty-five points will be deducted for lateness. Don’t leave projects and essays until the night before
they’re due, because bad luck will probably strike, and your printer could run out of paper/ink, your Internet connection/electricity
could go out, or your computer could break…DON’T LET THIS BE YOU
Class Rules
1. No electronic devices are allowed in class. If you use your phone or any unauthorized electronic device in class it will be
taken to the main office and a parent must come in to pick it up.
2. Arrive on time every day.
3. All materials should be out and you should be working on the “Bell Ringer” once the tardy bell rings.
4. Raise your hand and wait to be called to speak or get out of your seat.
5. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.
6. Treat all materials properly.
7. You are not allowed to eat food, candy or chew gum. Do not bring these items to class.
**Please note these are my personal classroom rules. Every student is required to follow the school’s Code of Student Conduct in
addition to my rules. You will be disciplined if you break my classroom rules and/or the code of Student Conduct rules. Every student
will begin with a verbal warning and it will escalate if the rule is broken again. You may be excluded from activities and trips in
addition to parent notification and/or administrative referral.
1 folder or a section of a binder is acceptable.
1 composition book
2 packs loose leaf paper, either wide or narrow-ruled
Pencil with eraser (either #2 or mechanical)
1 set of highlighters (four different colors)
Pen with blue or black ink
Daily Agenda
Jump Drive
1 pack of printer paper for home
Ear Phones for i-ready
All folders will be arranged in chronological order. Students are asked to maintain a neat, organized, and up-to-date folder. Journals
are NOT to be kept in classroom desks. Please don’t lose your folder/Journal.
Grading Break Down
Classwork =1 grade
Quizzes =2 grades
Writing Prompt =2 grades
=2 grades quarterly - Each journal entry should be complete.
=3 grades
i-Ready =2 grades per early/mid/end of year assessments. 1 grade every two weeks for completion
of an assessment GREATER than or EQUAL to 80%.
=1-4 grades - Due when the bell rings on the assigned date. No projects will be printed in class that day, as there are
other educational assignments planned for that period. All papers must be typed, black ink on white paper, 1” margins, Times New
Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, unless otherwise specified.
Class Grading Scale
Miami Dade Report Card Scale
A= 90-100
A 3.5-4.0
B= 80-89
B 2.5-3.49
C= 70-79
C 1.5-2.49
D= 60-69
D 1.0-1.49
F= ≤59
F ≤ 0.99
Extra Credit “A”: A 4-6 paragraph essay (informative or argumentative), responding to a prompt selected from my teacher webpage, due one week before the quarter ends.
Effort Grade: Based upon teacher judgment as to whether the student pays attention in class, participates, comes prepared to class,
seeks help when needed, completes assignments both in and out of class to the best of their ability, and works well with peers.
All students are expected to follow all class and school rules, to be in class on time, and to treat themselves, their classmates,
teachers and other school personnel with respect. Students are expected to exercise due care when handling school equipment and
supplies. Class offenses such as (but not limited to) fighting and theft, will result in an immediate referral. Minor class offenses will
result in:
Conduct Cut / Detention
Parent/Teacher Conference
Note/Call home
Referral to House Administration
Positive behavior will result in my undying gratitude, a positive note/call home, praise, and positive class activities.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of
them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will be treated no differently than cheating. Proven cases of
plagiarism and/or cheating will result in a “0” grade for the assignment and you will not be able to make up the missed points. This
class will cover the appropriate way to use another author’s work without plagiarizing and all students will be responsible for citing
their sources in each written work.
Parent-Teacher Contact
1. Handwritten notes in the Agenda. 2. Phone messages: 305.933.6161, for Ms. Alfonso E-Mail: vanessa_alfonso@dadeshools.net
Saving Documents/Projects: All documents/projects should be saved to 2 places: your jump drive and your
Student Portal
Class Website: http://www.teacherweb.com Parents/Student tab> “Find Your Teacher” > Your State=FL> Your School=
SunnyIslesBeachCommunitySchool >Select Alfonso. Many valuable resources are available here!
Textbook Website: www.classzone.com Middle School Lang. Arts>FL>McDougal Littell Lit. Gr 8 FL Textbook Code: 4696215 – 110
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for taking time to fill out one more form! I will keep this contact information close at hand so we can stay in touch
throughout the year.
Parent/Guardian Name
Phone Number/s
Parent/Guardian Name
Phone Number/s
Parent/Guardian e-mail/s
Please check any of the following that apply:
Please note any additional information that might help me provide the assistance your child may need in my Language Arts class.
PLEASE SIGN: I have read the 8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus and understand expectations and procedures.
_____________________________ _________
Student’s Printed Name & Period
Parent’s Printed Name
Student Signature
Parent’s Signature