Instructor: Megan Coker
Phone: 864-949-2355 EXT 7902
James F. Byrnes High School
Assignments and Daily Quizzes (DQs):
Assignments will be given every day! The purpose of assignments is to practice the concepts and skills
we have learned in class. These assignments may be completed during class and/or outside of class.
Assignments may be graded for completeness/effort OR correctness. This means that you should complete
every problem to the best of your ability on every assignment!
A daily quiz (DQ) will be given each day at the beginning of class. These quizzes will be short and will
include recently taught concepts. Sometimes the questions may come from in class notes or homework so make
sure you are keeping your notebook organized! We will go over these quizzes each day and they will be
returned with a grade the following day.
Notebook and Notebook Quizzes:
Do not throw anything away. Date and label everything in your notebook. Make sure you can identify
everything (assignments, notes, daily quizzes, etc.) Each month we will have a notebook quiz. This quiz will
be 10 questions with each question coming directly from your assignments, notes, essential questions, daily
quizzes, etc. Everything is fair game. I could ask about anything that should be in your notebook, and I mean
ANYTHING. For example, I could ask “What was the essential question on Jan. 8?” These quizzes will be
open notebook so be organized!
Make-Up Work and Late Work
It is beneficial to attend every class. When absences occur, you need to see me as soon as you return.
The longer you wait, the more you can fall behind. Also, it is your responsibility to get any missed class notes.
As stated in the Student Handbook, you have 5 days to make up missed work. Once this time has expired, any
uncompleted make-up work will result in a zero for those assignments. Daily notes and assignments are posted
on my website each day. I will also send reminders through a Remind 101 text message.
Students will have a full week to complete each MathXL assignment. After the week is over the
assignment will be graded as is. No late work will be accepted.
Restroom Policy:
Each student will be given three restroom passes per nine weeks. Use these passes wisely. Any
additional trips to the restroom or trips without a pass present will require a five minute teacher detention the
following day before or after school. Do your best to go during class changes. Do not come to class first and
ask permission to go to the restroom before class starts. I will not tell you no, however if you return after the
bell rings you will be marked tardy. Also, each pass has your own name on it and you may not use another
student’s pass as this will also serve as your hall pass.
Leaving the Classroom:
Students should not be leaving the classroom. However, if you do leave the classroom to use the
restroom, go to the nurse, if you are called to the front office, etc you must have a pass. If you are going to the
restroom uses the passes I have given you; for all other destinations you should use the passes in the back of
your agenda. You must fill out the time, destination, and date for me to sign. YOU MUST HAVE A PASS
Tardy Policy:
Please make sure you are on time for class. If you enter the classroom after the bell rings you will be
marked tardy. Remember tardies are cumulative for the entire semester! The consequences for tardies are as
1st Tardy: Warning
2nd Tardy: Parent Contact
3rd Tardy: Parent Contact and 15 minute teacher detention before or after school
4+ Tardies: Referral to administrator
Food and Drink:
Class time should be spent focusing on math not eating and drinking. Food (including candy) IS NOT
ALLOWED in my classroom. I do not mind if you have a drink with you (preferably water), but it MUST have
a screw top. We want to keep our room and building as clean as possible. If you accidently spill something on
the floor it is your responsibility to clean it up or let me know so we can call a custodian.
Textbooks and Calculators:
You will be issued a textbook at the beginning of the year. It is your responsibility to take care of your
book. The first week of school you will sign stating you have received your book and indicate the condition the
book was in when you received it. At the end of the semester if your book is damaged or misplaced you will be
charged for damages or the full replacement cost. YOU MAY NOT LEAVE YOUR BOOK IN MY ROOM!
You will also be issued a calculator at the beginning of the semester once you have provided the 4
required AAA batteries. You are responsible for your assigned calculator during your class period. If you find
something wrong with your calculator you must let me know at the beginning of class. At the end of class you
are responsible for returning your calculator to its proper location. If your calculator is found missing or
damaged at the end of the class period you will be charged full replacement cost.
It is extremely important you come to class prepared. The following are items that you must have with
you each day:
 4 AAA batteries in an unopened package ***This is only needed one time at the beginning of the
 Expo dry erase markers and eraser for individual white boards
 Pencils w/erasers
 Lined notebook paper (preferably in a three-ring binder)
 Graph paper
I want every student to do well in this class. I will do all I can to help each one of you. If at
any time you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I check my e-mail
regularly, and this is generally the best way to reach me. I can also be reached by calling
Byrnes at 949-2355 ext 7902. Extra help sessions will be available before and after school.
Available times change each week, but will always be posted on the front board.