HARTNELL COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE November 5, 2015 2:00-4:00 PM Library Information Competency Room/A-212 Agenda MEMBERS: Carol Kimbrough, (Chair), Theresa Carbajal, LaVerne Cook, Melissa Chin-Parker, Francisco Corchado, Mary Cousineau, Mary Dominguez, Jeanne Hori-Garcia, Jason Hough, Jeff McGrath, Daniel Ortega, Celine Pinet, Mercedes Quintero, Deborah Stephens, Violeta Wenger, Ann Wright SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales I. II. III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: (Note the order of the agenda is modified as needed to accommodate presentation schedules or other circumstances related to the logical flow or efficiency of committee actions). APPROVAL OF MINUTES, 10/15/2015 Motion: __________ CONSENT ITEMS: a. SLO Only: 1. BUS-32, Introduction to Business 2. RCP-54, Supervised Practice: Foundations 3. RCP-60, Diagnostic Studies & Respiratory Care 4. RCP-61, Respiratory Therapeutics 5. RCP-62, Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology 6. RCP-63, Beginning Clinical Practice 7. RCP-64, Supervised Practice: Beginning 8. RCP-70, Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care 9. RCP-72, Neurologic and Traumatic Conditions 10. RCP-73, Intermediate Clinical Experience 11. RCP-74, Supervised Practice: Intermediate 12. RCP-83, Advanced Clinical Experience 13. RCP-84, Supervised Practice: Advanced b. Changes to Disciplines/Minimum Qualifications Only 1. RCP-62, Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology change to include Masters: Bio Sci; NonMasters: Respiratory Technologies, Respiratory Technician c. CSS: Program and Certificate Revision d. THA (Theatre Arts) change designator to TAC (Theatre and Cinema), or revise course number 1. THA-1, Introduction to Theatre to TAC-1 2. THA-2, Script Analysis to TAC-2 3. THA-3, History of Theatre to TAC-3 4. THA-4, Beginning Voice & Movement to TAC-14 5. THA-5, Acting for the Camera to TAC-15 6. THA-6, Improvisational Acting Techniques to TAC-16 7. THA-7, Devised Theatre Performance – Creation Workshop to TAC-17 8. THA-10, Acting I to TAC-10 9. THA-11, Acting II to TAC-11 10. THA-18, Voice and Diction to TAC-18 11. THA-20, Introduction to Ensemble Play Production to TAC-20 Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda 11/5/2015 12. THA-21, Introduction to Modern Play Production to TAC-21 13. THA-23, Introduction to Musical Theatre Production to TAC-23 14. THA-24, Introduction to World Theatre Production to TAC-24 15. THA-25, Introduction to Revival Play Production to TAC-25 16. THA-26, Stage Scenic Construction to TAC-26 17. THA-27, Scenic Painting, Properties and Technical Production Techniques to TAC-27 18. THA-28, Makeup/Hair Techniques for the Stage to TAC-28 19. THA-29, Stage Lighting and Sound to TAC-29 20. THA-30, Fundamentals of Theatre Design to TAC-30 21. THA-31, Puppetry and Mask to TAC-31 22. THA-40, Stage Costuming Practicum to TAC-40 23. THA-41, Fundamentals of Costume Design toTAC-41 24. THA-50, Video Production Lab – Single Camera to TAC-54 25. THA-51, Directing to TAC-55 26. THA-52, Playwriting and Screenwriting to TAC-52 27. THA-90, Theatre Outreach Project to TAC-90 28. THA-91B, New Works Project: Implementation and Practice to TAC-91 29. THA-22, The Modern Revival Play in Performance to TAC-22 30. TAC-23, Introduction to Theatre for Social Change to TAC-93 31. TAC-24, Children’s Theatre to TAC-92 32. TAC-52, Introduction to Stop-Motion Animation to TAC-53 Motion: __________ IV. TWO READING ITEMS – ACTION: NEW COURSES a. Agricultural and Industrial Technology (Al Graham, Violeta Wenger) 1. AIT-130, Introduction to Metal Fabrication, 3 units Prereq: AIT-70, Intro to Mechanized Agriculture; Co-Req WLD-150, Basic Welding Advisory: ENG-253 or ESL 265; MAT-201 Motion: __________ PCA: _________ b. Construction, Burton Ward 1. CONS-61, Construction: Rough framing Principles, Practices, and Skills, 4 units Prereq: CONS-101, Introduction to Sustainable Construction; MAT-201, Pre-Algebra; eligibility for ENG-101, Intermediate Composition and Reading Motion: _________ PCA: _________ V. TWO READING ITEMS – ACTION: NEW PROGRAMS a. Chemistry – Associate in Science in Chemistry for Transfer Degree (AS-T) (Lawrence Yee) Motion _________ VI. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION: NEW COURSES a. Art, Jerri Nemiro 1. ART-78, Motion Graphics and Design Principles, 3 units, Jerri Nemiro b. Music, Steve Ettinger 1. MUS-12, Introduction to Songwriting, 3 units, Steve Ettinger 2. MUS-35, Chamber Music Ensemble, 1 unit 3. MUS-36, Jazz Combo, 1 unit c. Sociology, Hortencia Jimenez 1. SOC-25, Sociology of Latina/Latino in U.S. Society, 3 units Advisory: SOC-1, 42, 15 and EGN-1 2 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda 11/5/2015 VII. ONE RERADING ITEMS: ACTION, COURSE REVISIONS a. Apprenticeship, Andy Hartmann, Violeta Wenger 1. APP-120, 1st Year Commercial Electrical Appr. I, 4 units, Andy Hartmann Prereq: acceptance into Inside Apprenticeship Program at the International Brotherhood of electrical workers (IBEW) Local Union. Advisory: (see COR) Modifications: units, hours, advisory, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA _________ 2. APP-121, !st Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: acceptance into Inside Apprenticeship Program at the International Brotherhood of electrical workers (IBEW) Local Union). Advisory: APP-120 Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 3. APP-122, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical App. I, 4 units Prereq: APP-121, 1st Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, MOI, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 4. APP-123, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: APP-122, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship I Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 5. APP-124, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Appr. I, 4 units Prereq: APP-123, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II Modifications: units, hours, prereq, description, objectives, content, MOE, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 6. APP-125, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Appr. II, 4 units Prereq: APP-124, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Appr. I Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ b. Library Instruction, Deborah Stephens 1. LIB-2, Introduction to the Academic Library and Information Competency, 1 Advisory: DE/Hybrid advisory; eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: description, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ c. Mathematics, Jim Butler 1. MAT-3B, Analytic Geometry and Calculus II, 4 units Prereq: MAT-3A Modifications: content, not eligible for audit Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 3 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda 11/5/2015 d. Respiratory Care Practitioner, Tanya Ho, Emily Brandt 1. RCP-53, Foundational Skills, 2 units Prereq: Admission to the RCP program Co-req: RCP-50, -51, -52, 54 Modifications: units, hours, content, MOI, MOE, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ 2. RCP-71, Basic Mechanical Ventilation, 2 units Prereq: RCP-61; co-req: RCP-73 Modifications: hours, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, disciplines/min quals, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ e. Vocational Nursing, Nancy Schur-Beymer 1. NVN-123C, Vocational Nursing Clinical V, 4 units Prereqs: NVN-119B, -120C, -121C, -122C and Essential Capabilities and Functional Requirements (see attached files) Coreqs: NVN-123A, -130C Modifications: hours, coreq, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ PCA: _________ VIII. TWO READING ITEMS – NO ACTION, NEW/REVISED PROGRAM a. (Geology – Associate in Science in Geology for Transfer Degree (AS-T), Bob Barminksi) b. (Associate in Arts in Theatre Arts for Transfer Degree (AA-T), Marnie Glazier) IX. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Academic Senate resolutions related to Curriculum b. Last meeting to meet deadline for approvals for the 2016-17 catalog: December 3rd X. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Next meeting date: 11/19/2015 4 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation;