Butler intermediate High School 7 Grade Algebra I - Mrs. BodameR th Welcome to Algebra I! This handout is meant to be informational for both students and parents -- course objectives, teaching techniques, and expectations are outlined to provide a general introduction to the course. I look forward to working with you this year. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the course or its procedures. I can be reached at 724.214.3151 ext 5510 or by email at amy_bodamer@butler.k12.pa.us. I. Course Objectives and Description This course is recommended for those students who excel in mathematics. Major concepts developed in Algebra I include: Linear Relationships, Quadratic Relationships, Functions, Laws of Exponents and Radicals, Inequalities, Systems of Linear Equations, Polynomials and Quadratic Equations. Students will learn the fundamental skills for all the high school mathematics courses that will follow Algebra I. As dictated by the state of Pennsylvania, the course will culminate with the Algebra I Keystone Exam. II. Teaching Techniques The teaching techniques used throughout the course center on active involvement - which allows the students to take responsibility for their understanding of the material covered. Students spend the majority of class time working together to build new understandings and working problems to practice those skills. The textbook (Pearson’s Algebra), online resources, manipulatives and technology will all be integrated to allow the students to build conceptual understanding. Students will have access to both a print textbook and an online textbook. Online access codes will arrive home early in the year and will allow the students the opportunity to utilize countless online resources for both practicing and understanding concepts. Notebooks: In order to keep everyone organized, each student is required to keep a neat notebook of daily class notes and materials. (Preferably a notebook that is only for math.) We recommend that students use a 1.5 inch binder as their math notebook. Binders allow more space for homework assignments and handouts, and they are also more likely to last all year so that the students don’t need to juggle more than one math notebook. Calculators: During class time, we will be using Texas Instruments TI-30XIIs solar model calculator and the TI-83 graphing calculator. It is recommended, but not required, that students acquire a similar scientific calculator for use at home and school. Calculators are a great resource for daily homework assignments and will be useful for many years if they are taken care of. Homework Policy: Homework is assigned throughout the week to practice the concepts studied in class. Students will be given a homework calendar with assignments and tests clearly outlined for the next week/s of class. Students and parents can access the Algebra calendar on Edline at any time during the year. All students are expected to complete each homework assignment -success in mathematics is achieved through practice!! Most homework assignments will be in the textbook, and online textbook resources and solutions will be provided. Homework will be scored with an emphasis on effort and process. The scoring system will be: 3 points ~ Completed assignment on time: work shown on each problem to show an attempt made 2 points ~ Assignment more than half way done with work shown on each problem completed 1 points ~ Assignment is less than halfway completed * Late homework will be worth 2 points if it is completed and turned in one day late and 1 point if it is two days late. Most of the homework assignments will be checked for effort using the 3-point scale above, but there will be periodic assignments that are graded for accuracy for values ranging from approximately 10-20 points. Most graded assignments will be announced well in advance and will be assigned over a period of a few days or even a week. NEVER EVER, EVER USE A PEN TO DO ANY MATH ASSIGNMENT. ONLY USE PENCIL. III. Classroom Expectations In order to have an active environment for learning in our classroom, it is essential that we all abide by one simple rule: respect. Show respect and you will get it. Specific rules that are necessary for respecting each other and being successful in math class are: 1. Respect your own and your peers right to an education. 2. Be prepared for class and in your seat when the bell rings. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Be active with questions and answers during class by raising your hand and participating when called on. 5. Keep a notebook and take notes during class time – only work on math in math class. 6. Complete all assignments by the due date. Failure to abide by these rules will result in the following consequences: (1) Verbal Warning, (2) Phone Call Home, (3)Teacher Detention (arranged with the parents/guardians and teacher) and (4) Office Referral. The first three of these consequences will be disregarded for any of the following behaviors: acts which endanger others, cheating, fighting, vandalism of school property, stealing, forging passes, or use or possession of a substance considered illegal by the student handbook. IV. Grading System Quarterly grades are made up of the following components: (1) tests, (2) quizzes, (3) homework assignments graded for effort, (4) homework assignments graded for accuracy and (6) in-class activities. Each is given a point value and a final percentage for the grading period is computed based on points the student has earned out of the points possible. Partial credits are used throughout the course. Each quarter will count for 20% of the final grade with Midterm and Final Exams each making up 10% of the student’s final grade. As determined by the Butler Area School Board, the following scale will be used to determine letter grades: A: 90 - 100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70 - 79%, D: 60 - 69%, E: 59% and below. Keystone Exam: The Algebra I Keystone Exam will evaluate graduation proficiency as determined by the state of Pennsylvania, but it will not be a component of the student’s grade. Students who do not earn proficiency on the Algebra I Keystone Exam will be required to retake the Exam and may also require remediation of Algebra I. Schoolwires/Edline: It is expected that students and parents are monitoring the student’s grade through weekly Schoolwires/Edline updates. Quarterly and final grades will also be reported through Schoolwires/Edline. I encourage both the student AND the parent to access their grades regularly to effectively monitor the student’s progress! I will also use Schoolwires/Edline to send reminders and share resources that will encourage success in Algebra. Please contact me if you are unable to access Schoolwires/Edline and would like to receive paper copies of the weekly grade updates. Extra Credit: Extra credit may be available periodically for those students who have completed homework assignments and are demonstrating an honest effort in the course. Students will receive extra credit for doing what they are supposed to do as part of their Algebra I coursework. Make Up Work: When a student is absent, they are responsible for finding out what they missed by referring to their assignment calendar. Make up assignments must be completed within 5 days in order to receive full credit. (See the student handbook.) However, it is recommended that students turn in make up assignments as soon as possible! Students involved in extracurricular activities during class time need to make sure they know assignment before leaving in order to turn it in on time the next class period. Any student who misses class (for any reason or any part of the period) is encouraged to take extra steps to learn the material that was covered during their absence from class. Tutoring: Morning Math Help is available during “Holding Room” (in Rooms 225, 230 and 239) from 7:00 till homeroom. Math Help is also available for students in study halls throughout the day or after school. I encourage any student who has a study hall to take advantage of a “Math Study Hall”. It is the student's responsibility to ask questions to insure that they understand the material and to ask for extra help when it is needed. Please contact me for assistance arranging all the tutoring options. Students who take advantage of tutoring early in the year and maintain regular weekly attendance will see the benefits of their diligence! Mathematics builds on itself -- each concept will form the foundation for new concepts studied later! Work hard and demonstrate an effort to understand and practice the concepts we are studying and you will do well in Algebra I. I look forward to a great year working with you. Good luck! - Mrs. Bodamer