CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND DISCIPLINE PLAN Teacher ____Carolyn Wehring__________ School Year 2011-2012 Room # _213_ Grade level/content _7/Science_ The level of structure I anticipate establishing is (circle or highlight one): Guidelines for Success High Medium Classroom Rules (posted) I use the BMS Guidelines for Success: I’m SR2 Safe Respectful Responsible 1. Be safe by following all verbal and written instructions at all times. 2. Be respectful to your classmates by not disrupting the learning environment. 3. Be responsible for yourself and your actions. Attention Signal (p.61) I will use the attention signal and raise my hand while saying in a quiet voice to say, “I need your attention please”. I will keep my hand in the air until the class has raised their hand in response and has become quiet and paying attention to instructions. CHAMPS Expectations for Classroom Activities and Transitions See my CHAMPS posters displayed in classroom. Encouragement Procedures Greet students as they come into class with a smile. Praise often for specific situations. Encourage students to show respect and manners through modeling behaviors that I will reinforce during the 1st week of school and revisit throughout the year. Occasional rewards such as, free homework pass, listening to their Ipods while working, and helping with teacher presentation of power points or passing out graded papers. I will strive for a 3:1 Ratio of Positive to Negative Interactions and make at least 3 positive parent contacts a week. Correction Procedures for Misbehavior Early-stage corrections include: Proximity Non-verbal signals Verbal reminders Private Discussion Consequences for rule violations include: change seating arrangement private discussion after class lunch detention (10min) w/me lunch detention (entire lunch)w/me & parent contact Beginning and Ending Routines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Routine for how students will enter room: I greet students at the door as they enter and check for ID’s/Dress Code compliance. Students will pickup journal and get out their necessary supplies. Students go directly to seats and begin working on their Bell Ringer, which they will work on individually at a zero voice level. If a student is high energy or upset, I ask that he or she speak with me while others are entering. I let that student enter after he or she is calm. Routine for how students will be instructionally engaged while attendance is taken and for how opening business is conducted: I take attendance while students continue to work on the Bell Ringer. Afterward, we discuss the Bell Ringer, go over the schedule for that day’s class, and take care of any other business/announcements. Within 3-4 minutes of the bell we get started on the day’s lesson. Routine for dealing with tardy students: I will follow the handbook policy for tardy students and allow them to return to my class from the hallway sweeps. I will have a discussion with the student regarding the importance of being on time. If it happens a second time, I will make a parent contact. If it continues, it will result in an office referral according to the procedures set by the school. I will continue to monitor the situation and find out why a student is tardy. Routine for dealing with students who come to class without necessary materials: I keep extra paper and sharpened pencils on the student desk at the front of my classroom. Students may pick up needed materials as they enter the room if they need it. If they continuously come in without supplies, I will have a discussion with the student about their supplies and determine if they need to be referred to CIS and contact parents. Routine for dealing with students returning after an absence: If a student is absent they will pick up their makeup work from the folder for their particular class. Assignments are posted on my webpage and may be printed out at home. The due date for work after absences is equal to the number of days absent to qualify for full credit. If they need clarification they are encouraged to attend tutorials the following day. Routine for wrapping up at end of class: I schedule five minutes at the end of the period to: (a) Make sure the classroom is straightened and litter is picked up. (b) Make sure students are clear on homework assignments due in coming days. (c) Provide positive feedback on what went well today and recap what was covered during the class period. (d) Preview what to expect the following day (e) If needed, talk about what needs to be improved the following day Routine for dismissal: The students will know that the teacher will dismiss them, not the bell. They will not be allowed to pack up their belongings until the bell rings since their backpacks will be kept in a secure location within the room. After the bell rings and the class is calm, quiet and seated, I will dismiss them by section to get their backpacks and tell them, “See you tomorrow, have a good day,” as they exit. Procedures for Managing Student Work 1. Procedures for assigning classwork and homework: At the beginning of each week, I will have a list of topics and/or assignments that will be covered in the calendar on my webpage. The students will be encouraged to copy them into their planner at home or during tutorials. Students will understand that this list is flexible depending on how much we are able to finish in class. Specific assignments will be added to the calendar when needed and major assignments/projects will be listed on the webpage. I will also have a section on my board for upcoming events that they will be encourage copying for long range planning. 2. Procedures for collecting completed work: I collect homework as students are finishing the Bell Ringer activity by having students pass their homework to the front of the room. Classwork will be collected before the end of the class period individually by me in order for me to check for completeness. 3. Procedures for keeping records and providing feedback to students: I enter scores for all assignments as quickly as I grade them in order to give immediate feedback. . My goal is to get graded work back to students the next day or, at the latest, two school days after completion. Labs, projects and common assessments will be turned in and graded within one week. Each week, failing students will be notified either verbally in a private conversation or by a print out that specifies their current grade averages and a list of any missing assignments or homework. The print out will be taken for parents to sign. A parent contact will be made if the grade is not brought up immediately. 4. Procedures and policies for dealing with late and missing assignments: Any late assignments (other than those due to absences) will immediately lose 10 points for each day it is late. A student will have until the Unit assessment to make up assignments but will only; after that it becomes a zero in the gradebook. A student who begins to exhibit a chronic pattern of late or missing assignments will have a student/teacher/parent conference. If the conference does not solve the problem, the situation will be referred to the RTI Committee to assist in setting up an intervention plan. Procedures for Managing Independent Work Periods On all except the simplest review assignments, we complete the first part of the task as a class (guided practice) to make sure students know what is expected. If a small group of students is likely to struggle with an assignment, I work directly with those students while the rest work independently. Independent work times are never scheduled for more than 20 minutes at a time, the other time will be reserved for teacher-directed or cooperative group activities (LABS) CHAMPS expectations for Independent Work are posted, so if a student is not meeting expectations, I can simply refer to the CHAMPS chart. Students can get assistance by quietly raising their hand and waiting for help from the teacher. During cooperative group activities, they may ask the students they are working with, and if they feel they need more help, they may ask me to come to their group by raising their hand.