Colonial Poster Project

Name: _____________________________
Due Date: __________________________
Topic: _____________________________
Partner: ___________________________
Colonial Poster Project
Staple the requirements for your topic here!
Requirements For ALL Posters
Large title
Neat!! (no messy cutting, gluing, handwriting etc.)
Visually Appealing (color, no large blank spaces, meaningful graphics)
Information is well organized (includes subtitles)
All information must be written in complete sentences
If you want a(n)….
Include all requirements
plus 4 additional interesting
Information from the
textbook plus information
from at least 3 outside
Site outside sources
4 or more graphics (besides
those included in
Include all requirements
plus 2 additional interesting
Information from the text
plus information from at
least 2 outside sources
Site outside sources
3 or more graphics (besides
those included in
Include all requirements
Information from the
textbook only
2 or more graphics (besides
those included in
If you are researching one of the 13 colonies here are the requirements for your poster:
Date of settlement
Reason for founding the colony
How was the colony governed?
Sources of economy (how did they make money?) Be specific!
Who settled there (where were they from?)
A map to show where your colony was located
If you are researching one of the 13 colonies here are the requirements for your poster:
Date of settlement
Reason for founding the colony
How was the colony governed?
Sources of economy (how did they make money?) Be specific!
Who settled there (where were they from?)
A map to show where your colony was located
If you are researching one of the 13 colonies here are the requirements for your poster:
Date of settlement
Reason for founding the colony
How was the colony governed?
Sources of economy (how did they make money?) Be specific!
Who settled there (where were they from?)
A map to show where your colony was located
If you are researching one of the 13 colonies here are the requirements for your poster:
Date of settlement
Reason for founding the colony
How was the colony governed?
Sources of economy (how did they make money?) Be specific!
Who settled there (where were they from?)
A map to show where your colony was located
If you are researching one of the other topics here are the requirements for your poster:
1. Colonial Women
 What rights did Pilgrim women have that women in England did not have?
 What were the 3 expectations for Pilgrim women?
 Who was Anne Hutchinson and what impact did she have on the early New England
 How did women contribute to the colonial economy?
 What was the women’s role in the family?
 Who was another notable colonial woman and why was she important?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
2. Education in the Colonies
 What, when and why was the first law passed about education in the colonies?
 Who were the first teachers in America?
 How was higher education developed in America?
 What were the different attitudes towards education in the different colonies?
 How many people could read and write during colonial times?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
3. The Pilgrims
 Who were the Puritans?
 Who were the Pilgrims?
 Why did the Pilgrims immigrate to America?
 What was the Mayflower Compact and why was it important?
 What relationship did the Pilgrims have with the Native Americans near Plymouth?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
4. East Coast Native Americans
 What tribes lived in the area?
 What was their source of food? (How did they get food?)
 What was life like for girls and/or women in the tribes?
 What was life like for boys and/or men in the tribes?
 What were the Native Americans’ interactions with the colonists like? (See sections on
Roanoke, Jamestown, War in Virginia, Bacon’s Rebellion, and Pilgrims and the
American Indians for additional information.)
 Who were some of the more well known Native Americans from east coast tribes?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person, including colonists)
5. Jamestown
 Where was it located?
 Who funded the project, and how was it funded?
 What was life like there for the colonists?
 What was the area they settled in like? (What was the environment?)
 What interactions did the colonists have with the Native Americans in the area?
 What was the eventual outcome of the colony? (Successful, not successful – give
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
6. Roanoke
 Where was it located?
 Who funded the project, and how was it funded?
 What was life like there for the colonists?
 What was the area they settled in like? (What was the environment?)
 What interactions did the colonists have with the Native Americans in the area?
 What was the eventual outcome of the colony? (Successful, not successful – give
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
7. Tobacco in the new world (answer the following questions on your poster)
 Why was it important?
 Why was it profitable?
 What were the differences in the varieties of tobacco?
 How did it get to “the new world”?
 What were different reactions to tobacco?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)
 What impact did African slaves have on tobacco?
8. Salem Witch Trials
 Where and when did they happen?
 What caused them? (Why did they happen?)
 Who was involved?
 What happened during the trials?
 What was the response of the people accused of witchcraft? How did the court
influence their response?
 What was the outcome of the trials?
 Include a quote from a primary source (this could be a person)