EPC Sepy2015 - Eglingham Parish News

Clerk to the Council Amy Smith
amycartmell@googlemail.com 01665 603755
Minutes of the meeting held on Friday September 11th 2015 at
Village Hall.
15/90 Present – Cllrs W. Purvis (acting chair), A Sutcliffe, J Lawson, S Wright,
I Grant, J Robson and County Cllr Kate Cairns.
15/91 Apologies for absence. Chair Alston.
15/92 In attendance - Amy Smith (clerk) . One member of public.
15/93 Declaration of Interest was read out by the chair.
15/94 Minutes of the meeting held on Friday September 11 2015 at South
Charlton Village hall. The minutes were proposed and seconded as a true record.
15/95 Matters arising from the minutes
-Parish Trust; The clerk read out a report for Eglingham Parish trust (see attached).
Malcolm Angus also reported that Fiona Robson had been co-opted as a treasurer and a
trustee. The next meeting of the trust is scheduled for October 5. Mr Angus also said
the Trust was looking at putting in an application to the community foundation through
the parish council to fund a survey for the parish trust seeking views from parishioners
on what they would like to be achieved (see amendment below). The Parish Council
agreed to put the application through for the Trust. Mr Angus also raised the question
of the potential for some of those involved in the parish trust to be co-opted as parish
councillors. He is concerned that younger faces in the trust gain experience of the
parish council. It was agreed to seek the advice of the chair.
-Eglingham Village Road sign- the clerk had written to NCC regarding the new road sign
but the response was that it was a standard issue sign and the old sign was beyond
repair and had been scrapped.
-The clerk had written to NCC in support of Branton school and against its closure as
part of a proposed change to a two tier system.
15/96 Shipley Road Sign The parish council recorded its thanks to Michael
Fairnington for repairing the sign and to Cllr Lawson for bringing its poor state to our
attention and to Cllr Grant for organising. The PC agreed to present Mr Fairnington
with a bottle of whisky for his efforts at no cost to the council.
15/97 Eglingham Village Hall celebrations; Jean Findley a former resident of Eglingham
who researched the history of the village has kindly agreed to help provide some of her
15/98 Middlemoor Windfarm Community Funds Applications
The clerk reported that grants had been agreed for the following applications;
Superfast broadband North Charlton (£40,250), South Charlton Village Hall doors
(£6,619 ) and improving the parish website (£2000).
-The clerk had written to the Eglingham and South Charlton village halls asking
that any applications to the community fund for structural works be put through
the parish council as leasees.
-The clerk reported that the community fund had agreed to pay for the clerk’s
time in submitting VAT refunds from community fund related invoices and also to
cover the cost of the statutory audit charge once a parish councils income rises
above £25,000.
15/99 Financial;
Deposits 31/7/15 Community Foundation £22,125 (£20,125 for Superfast
broadband first half of instalment, and £2000 for parish website).
7/08/15 Community Foundation £6,619 (South Charlton Village Hall New Doors)
Payments :Greenfingers (paid online between meetings) (13/6;3/7 )
Creative Timber-Eglingham Community Field sign (paid online) £80
BDO auditors £240 a standard fee for an income/expenditure between £25,000£50,000.
To Pay at meeting;
Greenfingers 29/7, 11/8, 21/8 £162
A Smith (Clerk’s renumeration) £ 178.20
Balances as at 27/08/15
15/100 Planning; Single storey extension at Harehope Farmhouse-granted; proposed
rebuild of porch/sun room at Rose Cottage, Eglingham.
The clerk had received no update on the proposed single wind turbine at South
15/101 Correspondence;
-The clerk had received a letter from the wildlife trust regarding an event at Kirkley
Hall which she circulated and put on the residents email.
-An email had been received from the clerk of Thirston PC who is looking into airstrips
in the Eshott area. She had asked what the planning conditions were for South
Charlton airstrip but there was no memory of any and it was suggested she contact
NCC planning department.
15/102 Any other business;
-Dog fouling; The parish council agreed to fix a dog fouling bin onto the white fence at
the bottom of Eglingham Terrace which will be emptied fortnightly as part of the
general waste collections.
-The clerk is to write to the highways department regarding the state of repair of the
wall by the Glebe field on Beanley Road.
- County Cllr Cairns brought to the attention of the parish council Yvette Coopers call
for Northumberland as a county to help provide support to refugees during the current
-Cllr Cairns displayed a copy of an NCC map of the parish with roads marked for
immediate and soon to be repaired potholes.
15/103 Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be held on Friday November 6
2015 at South Charlton Village Hall. There being no further business the meeting was
closed at 8.30pm.
EPC September 2015 Minutes amendment to 15/95
Cllr Grant asked it to be recorded as an amendment to the minutes his concerns regarding an
application to the Community Foundationfor £5000 to fund a survey for the Parish Trust. Cllr Grant
suggested that the survey could be done by volunteers within the parish trust who would be capable
of compiling a questionnaire and evaluating the answers.