80 STANSTED MOUNTFITCHET PARISH COUNCIL OPEN SPACES MINUTES of a meeting of the OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE held at 7.45pm on Wednesday 14 January 2015 in the Council Offices, Crafton Green House, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex PRESENT: Cllr S Dunn (Chairman), Cllrs M Caton ,C Dean, J Freeman, F Richards, J Salmon, J Savopoulos and G Sell ATTENDING: Mrs R Clifford (Clerk) Mr T Lloyd (Assistant to the Clerk) Cllr J O’Brien 1 Member of the public 342 APOLOGIES - Cllr V Trundle 343 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 344 MINUTES - None. The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12 November had been approved at Full Council in December so were signed as a true record. 345 MATTERS ARISING 270- Bus Shelter still not satisfactory. Steve will be requested to move this up his to do list and the Clerk assured members that the work would be done by the time of the next meeting. 272- Cllr Dean reported on her inspection of the trees causing concern. Although the tree is not particularly large it is difficult to assess until it is fully in leaf. The Clerk agreed to arrange for the self-seeding trees on the Rec to be removed. 346 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 347 TREE MATTERS a] - nothing to report General The Clerk reported that we are still awaiting a date for the appeal on the trees at the Tennis Club which we have been recommended to fell on safety grounds. b] Consideration of planting a King John Oak tree to commemorate Magna Carta It was agreed that the precise location would have to be negotiated with the Elms Farm developers. 348 GARDENING, GRASS CUTTING AND BULB PLANTING Cllr Savopoulos reported his disappointment at the bulb planting on Walson Way. The area covered on this year’s planting was on his estimate only a third of last year’s at the same cost. The Clerk informed the meeting that the contractors had not been paid and it was agreed to invite the contractors to a meeting to agree an appropriate reduction in charges. 81 Concerns were expressed about the poor state of the verges on the Mountfitchet estate caused by parking. The Clerk undertook to price putting in wooden or concrete posts as well tarmaccing some of the areas. There was a consensus that in the longer term the council needed to work on a strategy to improve the environment on the estate. 349 FOOTPATHS The Clerk will circulate Bill Stiles’s report when he submits it. It was agreed to request action from the Highway Rangers on footpaths where issues were identified. 350 LITTER It was agreed that the Spring Litter Pick should take place on Saturday 11 April and that Churchill’s should be approached to see if they are prepared to continue their sponsorship. The Clerk was requested to contact UDC to deal with the litter at Gypsy Lane which has become very unsightly. 351 CEMETERY The Clerk had approved a memorial application for the grave of Sarah Radukic . 352 PLAY EQUIPMENT a] General The Clerk reported that we are still awaiting the contractors to give us a date for work to commence on the Bentfield Green play area. b] Skatepark The Clerk reported that a site meeting had been held with the new project manager from FreeStyle to resolve some design issues. The planning application has gone live but we are still awaiting the outcome of a funding application to ECC. A formal request to have s106 money available if needed has been made to UDC. 353 FORESTHALL PARK a]The Clerk reported that she had had preliminary talks with Croudace about them handing over the open spaces on the development to Parish Council management. She proposed that Cllrs Dunn, Caton, Jones and Savopoulos join her to walk the estate to assess the work that will be involved and agree the standards that potential contractors should be asked to quote on. In the longer term it was agreed that an assessment should be made about the relative merits of employing contractors to do the work compared to some kind of in-house arrangement. b] Cllr Savopoulos suggested that residents would welcome the use of some of the s106 community fund money to provide picnic tables in Rochford Square. He agreed to consult the residents association to establish a “wish list” of other amenity projects they would like to see. 354 STANSTED IN BLOOM- nothing to report 82 355 BIRCHANGER WOOD Cllr Caton raised concerns about funding issues she had identified in the minutes of the last meeting. Cllr Sell reported that they had reserves of £21,000 and in his opinion the finances were very well managed. Meeting closed 8.35 pm