Latin II Honors Semester Exam To Do Study List Part I: Grammar

Latin II Honors Semester Exam To Do Study List
Part I: Grammar, Syntax, and Forms
1. Know demonstrative hic, haec, hoc by its definition and be able to decline it
2. Know demonstrative ille, illa, illud by its definition and be able to decline it
3. Know demonstrative/personal is, ea, id by its definition and be able to decline it
4. Know personal ego (nōs pl.) and tū (vōs pl.) by their definitions and be able to decline them
5. Know relative qui, quae, quod by its definition and be able to decline it
6. Know interrogative quis, quid by its definition and be able to decline it
7. Decline a fourth declension noun (masculine or neuter paradigm)
8. Decline a fifth declension noun
9. Decline a 2-1-2 adjective to agree with a noun (this is a Latin I skill)
10. Decline a 3rd declension adjective to agree with a noun (this is a Latin I skill)
11. Decline a comparative adjective (uses 3rd declension regular, NON-i-stem endings) to agree
with a noun (vid. p. 189)
12. Compare (write out the comparative and superlative degrees) a regular adjective
13. Compare a “Sorta-Regular” –ER adjective
14. Compare a “Sorta-Regular” –ILIS adjective if it’s from facilis, difficilis, similis, dissimilis,
gracilis, humilis
15. Compare a “Sorta-Regular” –IUS/EUS adjective
16. Form the adverb of a positive degree adjective (2-1-2 and 3rd declension adjective)
17. Form the comparative adverb from an adjective
18. Form the superlative adverb from an adjective
19. Be able to recognize and understand the function of various cases, including in example
English sentences. E.g. Identify the case and construction of the underlined: “We were
released from our cares when the letter came back with an affirmative response.” ANS:
Ablative of Separation
o Objective Genitive
o Partitive Genitive/Genitive of the Whole
Latin II Honors Semester Exam To Do Study List
Ablative of Cause (ablative case = ob/propter, but no preposition in Latin needed)
Ablative of Separation
Ablative of Comparison
Ablative of Degree of Difference
Ablative of Time When/Time Within Which
Ablative of Respect (in phrase maximus natū)
Accusative Duration of Time / Extent of Space
Dative after special adjectives (amīcus, facilis, idoneus, similis, etc.)
All Latin I cases and constructions
20. Identify for which words the preposition cum becomes an enclitic (e.g. mēcum, quibuscum,
21. Explain in writing the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent
22. Translate a relative pronoun in an example English sentence into Latin showing the correct
gender, number, and case needed
23. Know the gender characteristics of 4th and 5th declension nouns
24. Differentiate the various ways to translate the word quam based on whether it is used as an
exclamatory adverb (how!), a relative pronoun (whom, which), an adverb in comparisons
(than), or an adverb with a superlative degree adverb or adjective ( possible)
25. Write a Latin pronoun, short phrase, or idiom as it is used in an English sentence. E.g.
Scrībe Latīne the underlined: “This coffee is not suitable for us.” ANS: nōbīs (dative after
adjective suitable, which is idoneus)
26. Use post and ante as adverbs (NOT prepositions meaning “after” and “before”) with an
ablative of degree of difference, e.g.:
o multīs annīs post = “many years later” (i.e. “later by many years”)
o paulō ante = “a little earlier” (i.e. “earlier by a little”)
27. Identify the case, gender, and number of a pronoun by its Latin form, e.g. haec can be 1)
nominative feminine singular, 2) neuter nominative plural, and 3) neuter accusative plural.
28. Write a Latin phrase that uses a partitive genitive (these contain words such as satis, nihil,
pars, plūs, paulum, etc.).
29. Recognize examples of adjectives that take the dative case. (vid p. 195)
30. Translate into English a portion of a sentence containing a statement of comparison.
31. Translate into English a short Latin sentence that uses quam and a superlative adjective or
Latin II Honors Semester Exam To Do Study List
32. Translate a present passive Latin infinitive into English, e.g. monērī = “to be warned.”
33. Understand the comparison of senex as senior / maior nātū in the copmarative and
maximus nātū in the superlative and identify the case and construction of nātū.
34. Understand that a superlative adjective can be used with a partitive genitive: e.g. “This is the
tastiest (superlative adjective) of the treats (partitive genitive).”
35. Distinguish those adjectives with “of” built into their definition that therefore do NOT trigger
partitive genitives:
o omnis, omne = “all of”
o reliquus, -a, -um = “the rest of”
o summus, -a, -um = “the top of”
o medius, -a, -um = “the middle of”
o īmus, -a, -um (also seen as īnfimus, -a, -um) = “the bottom of”
36. Identify what kinds of words (cardinal numbers especially fit this) that don’t use a partitive
genitive but instead use a preposition followed by the ablative. E.g. vigintī ex meīs amīcīs
sunt turpissimī. (“Twenty of my friends are very ugly.”)
37. Identify the verbs that have short, irregular singular imperatives:
o Fac Dūc, Dīc, it’s not Fer!
o their plural imperative forms are MOSTLY regular: facite, dūcite, dīcite, ferte*
o *fer, ferte are the s. & pl. imperatives of ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum, an irregular verb
meaning “to bear, bring”
38. Conjugate a fourth conjugation verb in all six tenses, active and passive, including the
imperative form.
Part II: Vocabulary
1. This time, definitions only for 70 words total
2. Don’t ignore idioms (5 asked), adverbs (8 asked), and conjunctions (3 asked)
Part III: Reading Comprehension
1. Translate “How the Aegean Got Its Name.” Suggestion: read a brief summary of the
Theseus myth (from his conception through when he became king of Athens, and his
interactions with his father Aegeus) as background knowledge to one of the stories
2. The other story will be “at sight” and will be assessed via multiple-choice questions. It uses
primarily Jenney vocabulary with other words glossed.
Part IV: Translation
1. Unfamiliar words are glossed, but the vast majority of words are Jenney vocabulary.
2. Sentences are part of an overall story, so there should be some kind of narrative flow that
emerges from your translation.