Things to do list - Roehampton eLearning services blog

Moodle quiz tool
Lecturer’s checklist: Creating and running an online Moodle test
Who needs to know
Please inform those listed below of the date and time of the exam for help and support
Department eLearning Advisor
Technical Academic Services – Please log a request via the IT Footprints portal
Department Administrator
Invigilators (have they been booked)? Minimum of 2 in each of the computer suites. The Department
Office will assist in booking external invigilators
Important settings /issues to consider when creating the test
Book computer suites
Identify any special needs students and make appropriate arrangements for support e.g. extra time,
printed copy of exam, booking laptops or a separate room
Try out your test and ask another academic to test it for you. Does it work as it should? Are the correct
marks being awarded for each of the questions?
Quiz settings to check
 Minimize cheating
o Set a password for the test
o Randomize the question order where feasible
 Include introductory guidance text for students to refer to (included in pack)
 Date and time settings, have you got these right?
 Feedback- when do you intend to give feedback? For in class tests we recommend waiting until all
students have completed the test before giving grades or feedback.
 Accessibility block: Ensure this is hidden from student view as it provides access to a dictionary
 Request the Department eLearning advisor to check test settings
Preparing students: This is especially important if the students have never done a Moodle quiz/test before
Ensure there is a link to the University Regulations on In class tests available for students to read prior to
the test day (This can be placed on the Moodle site at the start of the term and referred to the week
before the test)
Prepare a practice quiz and avail it to students a week or two before the actual quiz/test. This will give
students a feel of what to expect during the real test and give them practice on the process of navigating
within a Moodle test.
Email students via the Moodle News forum prior to the test and remind them that they should familiarise
themselves with the regulations, that a University ID is required and that they should arrive on time.
On exam day
Place notice on exam room doors as early as possible (sample notice provided)
Arrive in exam room 20-30 minutes before exam and announce that those not taking the exam should
Issue invigilators with invigilator guide sheet (invigilator guide included in pack)
At the start of the exam
Ensure all students can log onto a computer and onto Moodle
Lecturer, eLearning Advisor or Department Technical Academic support should run through ‘Online exam
Moodle quiz tool
Lecturer’s checklist: Creating and running an online Moodle test