Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 1: Purpose and Direction The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. 1.1) The school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a school purpose for student success. [Student (3-5) Strength] 1.2) The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking, and life skills. The schools vision, mission and fundamental beliefs are reviewed with all beginning of year staff meetings. School mission and vision have been long standing for the past 9 years. Mission, Vision & Fundamental beliefs are communicated to parents via the schools website, back to school Open House, and are posted in classrooms and throughout the school. Mission and vision are included in all official school correspondence and letterhead. The schools vision, mission and fundamental beliefs are reviewed with all beginning of year staff meetings. School mission and vision have been long standing for the past 9 years. School leadership (principal, coach and lead teachers) review 1.3) The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement data, lead all staff in data review discussions, as well as train and implement core and intervention curriculum and continually process that provides clear direction assess data for ongoing improvement. for improving conditions that support student learning. Mission & Vision Website Fundamental Belief Website. Open House Agenda (Parent Involvement file) Newsletters /Letterhead (file) Mission & Vision Website Fundamental Belief Website. EPSS (Accreditation Binder) PLC & Grade level minutes (binder) Staff Meeting Agenda (binder) [Staff Strength] [Student (6) Strength] Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 1 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. 2.1) The governing body establishes The Espanola Public School Board of Education has Espanola Public Schools Policy policies and supports practices that established policies and procedures for the effective hiring of Manual (NMSBA) ensure effective administration of the school administrators. EPS BOE Website school. EPS BOE utilized the New Mexico Highly Objective EPS “Board Book” Uniform Statewide Standard of Evaluation for Principals Human Resources Website (HOUSSE-P) to support the effective evaluation principals. Collective Bargaining Agreement NM TEACH HOUSSE-P website 2.2) The governing body operates The Española Public School District is operated in Espanola Public Schools Policy responsibly and functions effectively. accordance with policies established by the Board and regulations Manual (NMSBA) developed by the Superintendent. The Board, which represents EPS BOE Website the state and local community, adopts policies after careful EPS “Board Book” deliberation, and the school administration implements the policies through specific regulations and procedures. The Board and administration evaluate the effects of the policies and procedures and revise them as necessary. 2.3) The governing body ensures that EPS BOE Policy [C-1200 © CFA SCHOOL PRINCIPALS / Espanola Public Schools Policy the school leadership has the Manual (NMSBA) BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS] Provides for the primary autonomy to meet goals for duty of a principal is to administer and supervise the achievement and instruction and to instructional program. A principal, as the educational manage day-to-day operations leader of the school, will administer and supervise the effectively. school in accordance with policies and administrative regulations of the District. A principal will be directly responsible to and will report only to the Superintendent and will keep the Superintendent informed of the conditions and needs of the school. Duties, authority, and responsibilities of the principal will be delegated only by the Superintendent. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 2 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. 2.4) Leadership and staff foster a School leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with Mission & Vision Website culture consistent with the school’s the schools purpose and direction by planning for and Fundamental Belief Website. purpose and direction. implementing effective instruction to meet students’ needs. Staff & Grade level web expectations (see binder also) Staff Web Site 2.5) Leadership engages stakeholders effectively in support of the school’s purpose and direction. 2.6) Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result in improved professional practice and student success. [Staff Strength] Leadership welcomes parents, and community to be active participants in the education of the students. School events are announced and communicated via website, newsletters, and school marque to encourage stakeholder participation. Community members are invited to give presentations that educate and promote positive lifelong lessons. The principal as the leader of the school will administer the evaluation process and provide feedback about professional practices, strengths, and weaknesses in accordance with District and State policies. This allows for teacher reflection and future planning. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. Parent Involvement Folder & Parent Involvement Plan (file) School Advisory Committee Members (file) Teachscape Reports (sample) Sample Feedback (sample) 3 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. The school and EPS district have adopted the Treasures Reading 3.1) The school’s curriculum Treasures Online Curriculum Program in grades K-6. Treasures is a research based, comprehensive provides equitable and Connection Reading Language Arts program for grades K-6 that gives educators the challenging learning experiences enVision Math Curriculum resources they need to help all students succeed. High quality literature that ensure all students have Connection coupled with explicit instruction and ample practice ensures that students sufficient opportunities to ISEC Science Curriculum grow as life-long readers and writers. develop learning, thinking, and Connection life skills that lead to success at Santillana Descubre el Español The school and EPS district have adopted enVision Math. the next level. Curriculum Connection Written specifically to address the Common Core State Standards, enVisionMATH Common Core is based on critical foundational research and proven classroom results. The school and EPS has partnered with In fall 2010, ETS Fairview partnered with the LANL Foundation and launched the Northern New Mexico Inquiry Science Education Consortium (ISEC) as a regional program to improve performance of high-need students in grades K–6. We began a fiveyear commitment to bring inquiry science instruction to all K–6 classrooms in our school and throughout the EPS district. Teachers receive ongoing professional development with the inquiry materials and methods of instruction. They are also supported in class by Science Literacy Coaches (SLCs) who teach model lessons, observe lessons and provide feedback, meet with individuals and groups of teachers, and assist in data collection for the on-going ISEC evaluation. The school and EPS district is currently utilizing The Santillana bilingual curriculum to support Spanish Language Arts instruction through its Heritage Language Revitalization Program. Santillana Descubre el Español is currently being piloted in grades 1-4 with the hopes of expanding the newer Santillana program to upper grades next year. Descubre el español is a comprehensive program designed to promote, support, and enhance education in the Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES) classroom. This Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 4 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Spanish program is jam-packed with rich and engaging activities that help students learn Spanish through the five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Students learn and study Spanish as they travel together with student book characters to different Spanish-speaking countries and learn about their cultures. 3.2) Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of professional practice. [Student (6) Strength] [Student (3-5) Strength] 3.3) Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations. ETS Fairview Elementary reviews summative data (SBA) as well as Short Cycle Data (DIBELS and MAP) at the beginning, middle and end of year to support student learning, intervention and instruction throughout the school year and to make summer school recommendations and priorities. Teachers also utilize daily formative assessment techniques and weekly/unit summative assessments to monitor student progress and adjust instruction as needed. Teachers share data with students and parents through presentation of data results and Academic Improvement plans. Staff Meeting Agenda (binder) PLC Notes (binder) Intervention Schedules (binder) Intervention Plan (binder) Summer Program Recommendations (binder) Sample AIPs, Report Cards, progress reports. (samples) EPS Lesson Plan Template (samples) Sample student learning pictures (e-file) Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies such as whole group, individual, teacher directed, and cooperative learning experiences to support learning. Teachers utilize the Launch, Explore, Summarize lesson presentation sequence to systematically present lessons to students. Teachers utilize Marzano’s instructional strategies to support student learning. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 5 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Teachers employ ELL strategies to support ELL students (vocabulary word/object walls and Cognitive Content Dictionary Strategies). Teachers utilize Mathematical Practices to support instruction of math concepts. Teachers utilize technology resources (document cameras, projectors, websites, laptops and/or iPads) to support instruction. 3.4) School leaders monitor and School leaders and instructional coach review data, assist all staff Teachscape Reports (sample) See support the improvement of in data review and discussions, as well as train and implement core and 2.6 instructional practices of teachers intervention curriculum to ensure student success. Sample Feedback & Walkthrus to ensure student success. School administrator and instructional coach complete regular (sample) See 2.6 walk-thrus and provide feedback to teachers regarding instructional Coaching Binder (binder) practices. 3.5) Teachers participate in Teachers participate in grade level, PLC and school professional Staff Meeting notes (binder) collaborative learning development to support student learning Profession Leave (binder) communities to improve PLC (binder) instruction and student learning. [Parent Strength] 3.6) Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning. [Parent Strength] [Student (6) Strength] [Student (3-5) Strength] 3.7) Mentoring, coaching, and induction programs support instructional improvement Teachers comply with school scheduling requirements. Teachers provide instruction utilizing the approved curriculum and lesson plan. School administrator and instructional coach complete regular walk-thrus and provide feedback to teachers regarding instructional practices. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. Staff Schedules (binder) Staff Lesson Plan (sample & binders in classroom) Teachscape Reports (sample) See 2.6 Sample Feedback & Walkthrus 6 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. consistent with the school’s Level 1 teachers are mentored through the district’s mentoring (sample) See 2.6 values and beliefs about teaching process by Level 3 teachers. Coaching (binder) and learning. District Mentoring Plan (samples) 3.8) The school engages families The school provides numerous ways for families to participate in Parent Involvement (file) in meaningful ways in their their child’s education by providing: Newsletters (file) children’s education and keeps Instructional Programs: open house, instructional nights, them informed of their children’s book fairs, field trips and the 6th grade Close-Up program learning progress. Sports Programs: Basketball, cheer, competitions , [Parent Strength] student/staff basketball game. Community Participation & Outreach: Walk Against Drugs, Fiesta Parade, Light Parade Family Fun: Holiday meals, School Carnivals (Halloween & Valentines), field trips and the 6th grade Close-Up program. School calendar with progress reporting dates. (samples) The school provides regular opportunities for parents to review student progress. Parents are appraised of students’ progress through Sample AIPs, Report Cards, scheduled: progress reports. (samples) see 3.2 Parent/Teacher Conference (October & March) Parent Aid Portal Quarterly Report Cards (October/January/March/May) Interim progress reports approximately every 4-5 weeks. Individualized Academic Improvement Plans for students summarizing student’s achievement data. AIPS are updated at the beginning, middle and end of year to keep parents apprised of student progress. Optional “Parent Aid” portal allows parents to access their child’s grades and attendance data in real time. Annual IEPS or SAT meetings as necessary. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 7 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. 3.9) The school has a formal Teachers provide individualized support for their students and Sample AIPs, Report Cards, structure whereby each student is communicate their progress via Individualized Academic Improvement progress reports. (samples) see well known by at least one adult Plans for students summarizing student’s achievement data. AIPS are 3.2 advocate in the school who updated at the beginning, middle and end of year to keep parents Counselor SAT Schedule supports that student’s apprised of student progress. (binder) educational experience. At risk students are supported through the SAT or IEP process if IEP Schedule (Intervention binder) necessary. BMS Partnership Referrals At risk students are also supported through community (sample) partnerships to provide Behavior Management Services by adult mentors as needed. 3.10) Grading and reporting are The school provides regular opportunities for parents to review student based on clearly defined criteria progress. Parents are appraised of student’s progress through that represent the attainment of scheduled: content knowledge and skills and Parent/Teacher Conference (October & March) are consistent across grade levels Quarterly Report Cards (October/January/March/May) and courses. Interim progress reports approximately every 4-5 weeks. [Parent Strength] Individualized Academic Improvement Plans for students summarizing student’s achievement data. AIPS are updated at the beginning, middle and end of year to keep parents apprised of student progress. Teachers utilize a standardized grading Program to record and report student grades. The school follows the districts grading policies Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. See 3.8 for artifact data. Espanola Public Schools Policy Manual (NMSBA) 8 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. 3.11) All staff members Teachers participate in Professional learning via district sponsored participate in a continuous professional development initiatives. program of professional learning. Teachers also participate in PLC grade level meetings to support ongoing data analysis and professional learning. 3.12) The school provides and coordinates learning support services to meet the unique learning needs of students. Teacher participate in the Professional Development Plan annual process as part of their evaluation requirements. Teachers participate in PLC grade level meetings to support ongoing data analysis and align learning targets to support students’ needs. Interventions may include interventions at the: Classroom level Title I Intervention Program Tutoring (ASP/ Summer School / K-3 Plus) SAT referral IEP Support / Special Education Community based program referral. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. Professional Development (binder) PLC (binder) PDPs (samples) PLC (binder) Title I (binder) Intervention / Title 1 (binder) Counselor / SAT (binder) Intervention / IEP (binder) 9 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. 4.1) Qualified professional and ETS follows highly qualified hiring practices to ensure staff are ETS Class load requirements support staff are sufficient in properly licensed to support students’ needs. (samples) number to fulfill their roles and ETS / EPS schools offer stipends for hard to staff areas (Bilingual EPS School Recruiter responsibilities necessary to and TESOL) EPS Hiring Practices (sample) support the school’s purpose, EPS Job Descriptions direction, and the educational program. [Staff Strength] 4.2) Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are sufficient to support the purpose and direction of the school. ETS complies with the PED requirements for school time. They exceed the minimum requirements outlined by PED. ETS utilizes its operational budget, arts funding, Federal Programs Funding, Go Bond Funding , K-3 Plus Funding, Fundraiser Activity and Read to Lead to support and fund its instructional program, materials and resources. School Calendar Budget(binder) 4.3) The school maintains facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for all students and staff. 4.4) Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to support the school’s educational programs. The school maintains adequate inventory and utilizes its district ordering process to maintain custodial supplies. We also utilize School Dude Maintenance database to submit work orders. Inventory (file) Custodial Orders (file) Work Order Requests (sample) Students and school personnel utilize state approved text materials, many of which have additional media content such as Time for Kids, online resources, hands on manipulatives and leveled readers. Treasures Online Curriculum Connection enVision Math Curriculum Connection ISEC Science Curriculum Connection [Student (3-5) Strength] Additionally we subscribe to and offer online media programs such as enVision Math , First in Math Content, and Achieve 3000 literacy content. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 10 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools 4.5) The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning, and operational needs. [Student (3-5) Strength] Further teachers utilize many free programs and Aps which support read and math development. Classroom teachers all have access to internet (wired and wireless) as well as Computers, document cameras and projectors in all K-6 classrooms. FirstInMath Achieve 3000 /Kidbiz District Technology Plan The school has 2 functioning computer labs (1 dedicated to Interventions and 1 for open use by classrooms. All 3rd – 6th grade classrooms have laptop carts in the classrooms for each student. Kindergarten has access to ipad centers (5 per kinder class). We are currently expanding the media capability in the library and primary (1st and 2nd grade) , iPads are on order for library/classroom use. 4.6) The school provides support services to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of the student population being served. The school has access to a full time school counselor. They also have access to a part time social worker (primarily assigned to service special education students, but provides guidance and support in case referral if necessary. The school also partners with local counseling agencies Agave and Valle del Sol to refer students in need of more extensive counseling or behavior management services beyond the scope of the school academic counselor. 4.7) The school provides services The school provides a full time counselor to support school counseling that support the counseling, and referral needs. assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all Counselor responsibly coordinates career visitors to visit and support students. students’ needs. He schedules partnership visits with the local city, Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. Counselor / SAT (binder) BMS Partnership Referrals (sample) See 3.9 Counselor / SAT (binder) BMS Partnership Referrals (sample) See 3.9 11 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools county and state police, paramedics, and hospitals to provide on site visits. He assists in coordinating transition visits from the local Headstart program and transition programs to the high school. In more recent years he has assisted in coordinating 6th grade visits to the local college providing students with the opportunity to experience STEM related courses on the college campus. Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 12 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools School Response Supporting Artifacts Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement. 5.1) The school establishes and The school complies with PED mandated testing per the approved WIDA ACCESS data (Bilingual maintains a clearly defined and calendar. Annual summative assessment includes: WIDA ACCESS Binder) comprehensive student testing for ELL students, SBA & NMAPTA testing for 3rd – 6th grade SBA data (Data Binder) assessment system. students, IPT bilingual testing. W-APT (language screening) data (Bilingual Binder) Short cycle formative assessment occurs at the beginning, middle and DIBELS SCA (K-3) (Data end of year. Assessments include DIBELS for K-3 students and MAP Binder) for K-6 students. MAP SCA (K-6) (Data Binder) Test Schedule (sample) 5.2) Professional and support Teachers utilize summative as well as formative test data obtained from DIBELS DATA (Data Binder) staff continuously collect, SCA as well as classroom unit studies and daily observation to support MAP DATA (Data Binder) analyze, and apply learning from student learning. SURVEY DATA (Accreditation a range of data sources, Binder) including comparison and trend Additionally staff utilizes data from student and parent surveys to PLC (binder) data about student learning, support program and organizational decisions. instruction, program evaluation, and organizational conditions. 5.3) Professional and support Administrator and instructional coach support the training of staff to Staff Meeting Agenda (binder) staff are trained in the access, interpret and disaggregate school data. evaluation, interpretation, and use of data. 5.4) The school engages in a Teachers utilize summative as well as formative test data obtained from PLC (binder) continuous process to determine SCA as well as classroom unit studies and daily observation to support verifiable improvement in student learning. student learning, including readiness for and success at the Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 13 Eutimio ‘Tim’ Salazar III Fairview Elementary Española Public Schools next level. [Staff Strength] [Student (6) Strength] 5.5) Leadership monitors and communicates comprehensive information about student learning, conditions that support student learning, and the achievement of school improvement goals to stakeholders. Leadership communicates information to stakeholders via the annual open house, presentation of EPSS, board reports, AIP/Report Cards/Progress Reports and via the school website. Open House Agenda (Parent Involvement file) EPSS (Accreditation Binder) Board Reports Sample AIPs, Report Cards, progress reports. (samples) [Staff Strength] Our vision is everyday we do our best. Our mission is to promote positive attitudes and nourish a love for learning. 14