Title: Comparing Organelles in Cell Introduction: All Cell has

Title: Comparing Organelles in Cell
A. All Cell has Organelles that has it’s own function to make the cell work
B. Both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell have Organelles that are use a the same
Function and that work the same way in both cell types
A. Cell Anatomy
1. Anatomy of Eukaryotic cell
a. What’s in Animal Cell? Nucleus, Ribosome, Lysosome, Etc
b. What’s in Plant Cell? Cell wall, Chloroplast, Etc
2. Anatomy of Prokaryotic cell
a. What’s in Bacteria? Macro nucleus, Etc
B. Organelles In Cell
1. Eukaryotic Cell Organelles
a. Definition Of Eukaryote cell
b. Function of the Organelles in the eukaryotic cell, “Cell Wall: To
protect the cell from the outside”
2. Prokaryotic Cell Organelles
a. Definitions Prokaryotic cell
b. Functions of the organelles in the prokaryotic cells “Nucleus: the
Core of the cell, the Brain of the Cell”
C. Similarity and Differences
1. The Similar Organelles in both Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Cell
a. Similarity in the Functions and there is the organelles or not
2. The Difference of organelles in both Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Cell
a. Differences in the Function and there is the organelle or not
The Effect of not having that organelles
Why is that organelles important
The microscope can see that human made of something small and every living thing
has them. Its name is cell. Cell need something to work properly, they are little thing that can
only be seen through the microscope. The little things in cell or cell organs; are called
organelles. Organelles have different function that makes the cell work properly. Cell can be
broken into two types, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Eukaryotes are cell that construct animal,
plant and humans, rather than prokaryotes are the cell that construct bacteria fungi and single
celled organism. Because they are both cell they have organelles that makes them function
properly. Although they are cell they have different organelles in them that also have
different functions. But there are some organelles that function and work the same way in
both cells. To explore which organelles have the same function, have to view those cells,
prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Eukaryotes have two types of cell, animal and plant cell, both have different
organelles. In animal cell there organelles that makes cell work. Animal cells have vacuole,
centrioles, cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum or ER which is smooth and rough, ribosomes,
mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane, microtubules or microfilaments, some
have flagella, lysosomes, nucleus and cilia. There are different organelles in plant cell
because the cell that made them is different. The anatomy of plant cell are cell wall,
centrioles in lower plant forms, chloroplast, cytoplasm, Endoplasmic reticulum or ER smooth
and also the rough, ribosomes, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane,
microtubules or microfilaments, flagella in some cell, lysosomes, nucleus and cilia are very
rare. Bacteria are the representation of the prokaryotic cell. The organelles inside a bacteria
prokaryotic cell are, cell wall, cell membrane or plasma membrane and ribosomes.
To know more about prokaryotes and eukaryotes cell they have definition and
organelles function that can be explored. The definition of the eukaryotic cells is organism
whose cell is organized into structure by internal membrane and a cytoskeleton. By this essay
you know that eukaryotes have many organelles. The functions of each organelle are
different. There are some organelles in eukaryotes more important than other. They are cell
wall (used to protect the inside of cell), nucleus (is the brain that operates the cell’s),
ribosomes (produced proteins), mitochondria (provides power to the cell), vacuole (that
stores all the substance inside cell), cytoskeleton (acts as muscle and skeleton), Golgi
apparatus (modifies and package proteins), cell membrane (regulates what enters and leave
the cell), endoplasmic reticulum (collects proteins and produce lipids) and lysosome (recycle
system of the cell). Prokaryotic cell is organism without a cell nucleus or any membrane
bond organelles. Prokaryotic cell have cell wall (protection of cell), cell membrane (that
regulates enters and leaves the cell) and ribosomes (produce proteins).
From the above we can know that the organelles have functions. To both cell they
benefit them and make them work properly. But how are they similar, the eukaryotes and
prokaryotes. Now there are some organelles that are in the same cell. Both have cell wall that
protect the cell, they both have cell membrane or plasma membrane to regulates what leaves
and enters the cell and ribosomes that produce protein for the cell. Also they have differences
of organelles. Eukaryote has more organelles then prokaryotes and the most important is that
the prokaryote does not have a nucleus. Eukaryotes have nucleus, lysosomes, microtubules,
Endoplasmic reticulum or ER, mitochondria, cytoskeleton and Golgi apparatus.
For the conclusion we can conclude that eukaryotes have more organelles then
prokaryotes. If prokaryotes doesn’t have that particular organelles can it work, like if the
prokaryotes doesn’t have ER they cannot consume the proteins and produce lipids. If
prokaryotes doesn’t have nucleus they can operates. So there are some important organelles
that is useful to the cell more then other. Having many organelles like eukaryotes can benefit
the cell more for example lysosome can devours waste in cell and the cytoskeleton id the
skeleton and muscle of the cell, that makes the organelles move around the cell. So there are
important cell in cell that can benefit the cell and make them work properly, if one of the
organelles are missing the cell cannot work properly.