Chapter 18 Quickie Notes PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Section 1: Old school treatment of mental illness was barbaricstraitjackets and worse- spirits, demons, witchcraft Psychological Disorders- Things that cause problems with 1. serious personal suffering and the ability to cope/function in everyday life. “Normal”- Normality is tough to tie down. Most people with PD do not differ much from “normal” people- its all in the degree- they have exaggerated symptoms Criteria- maladaptive, causes emotional discomfort, socially unacceptable Typicality- how average is the behavior- some people are exceptional in a good way and some normal people have unusual lifestyles Maladaptivity- Person’s inability to function adequately in everyday life- alcohol, paranoia etc *Most people who commit violent crimes are not mentally ill and most mentally ill do not commit violent crimes. Emotional Discomfort- Anxiety and Depression can cause people to feel helpless and hopelessness etc. Socially Unacceptable Behavior- Violates what society finds acceptable. The problem is that this can vary from society to society (culture-bound systems) DSM- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- system for classifying mental illnesses- Chart on Page 501 Chapter 18 Section 2 Anxiety and Mood Disorders Anxiety (state of dread and uneasiness) Disorders Phobic Disorders- a persistent and irrational fear of a particular object or situation Social Phobia- Fear of social situations- public speaking, crowds- usually avoid these situations Panic Attack- a short period of intense feardizziness, rapid heart rate etc. They often have an intense fear of another panic attack and deathagoraphobia- fear of places that escape is impossible- crowded place- often become homebound Generalized Anxiety Disorder- an excessive or unrealistic worry about life- money, relationships etc OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- obsessions are unwanted thoughts, mental images or ideassenseless and repetitive- sufferers usually have 1. compulsions which are repetitive ritualistic behaviors Stress Disorders- PTSD and Acute Stress disorderAcute occurs quickly and usually doesn’t last as longboth happen because of a traumatic experience Post partum Depression- hopelessness and inadequacy. Can have negative impacts for child, mom and infant-child bonding. *There is strong evidence for the biological view. Twin studies and blood tests are in support Chapter 18 Section 3 Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders: Dissociative Disorders- The separation of personality components or mental processes from conscious thoughts Dissociative Amnesia- A sudden loss of memory following a stressful event. Usually for a specific time period, sometimes for life. Memory can suddenly come back“psychogenic” Dissociative Fugue- Like DA but the person relocates and starts a new life Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) 1. Depersonalization Disorder- People feel detached from their bodies and feelings- looking at themselves from a distance- a common symptom of other disorders *Psychologists see dissociative disorders as the minds defense about dealing with traumatic events Somatoform Disorders: Psychological problems are expressed through physical symptoms Conversion Disorder- a change or loss of physical functioning with no medical explanation. They are not faking it, BUT they show little concern over their physical loss Hypochondriasis- Sufferers have a preoccupation with having a serious illness Chapter 18 Section 4 Schizophrenia- The most serious of psychological disorders- loss of contact with reality- often strike in the late teens and early 20’s Hallucinations- auditory and visual Delusions of grandeur Catatonic Stupor- discussed later 1. Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Schizophrenia- Often have delusions and hallucinations. Usually have a specific fear. Disorganized Schizophrenia- Incoherent in their thoughts and speech. Often show inappropriate or no emotion Catatonic Schizophrenia- Disturbance of movementunnatural, awkward. Sometimes people will be rigid in weird poses. Dopamine is implicated in the disease and the brains of Schizophrenics looks different than “normal” people Chapter 18 Section 5 Personality Disorders- Are patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and may distress the affected individual. Chart on page 525 Paranoid Personality Disorder- Suspicious of others and feel their motives are harmful or evil Schizoid Personal- No interest or feelings about other people Schizotypal Personality Disorder- Odd behaviors, unconventional beliefs, avoid relationships out of fear of not fitting in Antisocial Personality Disorder- Persistent pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, harm animals, etc- new term for sociopaths 1. Borderline Personality Disorder- Moody, chaotic, disturbed sense of self- cutting and self mutilation are among the symptoms Histrionic Personality Disorder- Overly dramatic/emotional and seek constantly attention Narcissistic Personality Disorder- Believe they deserve excessive admiration, fantasies of their own success- self focused with little empathy for others Avoidant Personality Disorder- Desire relationships with others but are prevented froim this by a fear of embarrassment or disapproval Dependent Personality Disorder- Overly dependent on others, seek constant advice and have trouble running their own life Obsessive-Compulsive Personality DisorderInflexibility, fixation on rules, procedures and orderliness, time, money and cleanliness. Often work more hours than they need to. Genetics thought to play a role. Runs in families and antisocial personality disorder sufferers have less neurons in the front of their brains 1. 1.