Dissociative Disorders

Chapter 16 Mental Health Notes
In order to be considered a disorder it must be………………….
History and conditions of the mentally Ill
Today- Deinstitutionalization
Medical Model
Perspectives on Psychological disorders
1. Psychoanalytic2. Biological-
3. Behavioral4. Humanistic-
5. Social-cultural6. Evolutionary-
7. Cognitive-
The Bio-psycho-social perspective-
DSM IV (now DSM V)
Neurotic v. Psychotic Disorders
Pros v Cons
1. Anxiety Disorders –
General Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders-
General Causes of Anxiety Disorders-
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder-
 Panic Disorder
 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-
 Phobia-
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Tourette’s-
 Agoraphobia-
 Conversion-
 Hypochondriasis-
2. Mood Disorders
General Symptoms of Mood Disorders-
General Causes of Mood Disorders-
 Major Depressive Disorder-
 Dysthymic Disorder-
 Seasonal Affective Disorder-
 Bipolar-
3. Dissociative Disorders
General Symptoms of Dissociate Disorders-
General Causes of Dissociative Disorders
 Dissociative Identity Disorder ( multiple personality)-
 Anterograde Amnesia-
 Retrograde Amnesia-
 Dissociative Amnesia-
 Dissociative Fugue-
4. Schizophrenia
General Symptoms of Schizophrenia-
General Cause of schizophrenia-
 Paranoid Schizophrenia-
 Disorganized Schizophrenia-
 Catatonic Schizophrenia-
 Undifferentiated Schizophrenia-
5. Personality DisordersGeneral Symptoms of Personality Disorders-
General Causes of Personality Disorders
 Avoidant Personality Disorder-
 Paranoid Personality Disorder-
 Borderline Personality Disorder-
 Histrionic Personality Disorder-
 Narcissistic Personality Disorder-
 Antisocial-
Other Disorders1. Anorexia-
2. Bulimia
o For each disorder be sure to have symptoms, causes,
possible treatments, typical onset time and who the illness
usually targets (male/female, young/old). Also be sure you
can accurately tell the difference between each disorder, for
ex, the difference between paranoid schizophrenia and
paranoid personality disorder, or dysthymia and Major
depressive disorder