Chapter 2 Key Terms - Lakewood City Schools

A. Career Connections - Chapter 2 Key Terms
1. Working with things is a category of job tasks
that involves the use of machines, tools, and
2. The way a person usually acts, feels, and thinks
in certain situations is called temperament.
3. Your character is your sense of morality and the
ethical code by which you live.
4. Working with people is a category of job tasks
that includes everything related to
5. Your involvement with other people and your
view of what they think about you is your social
6. Tests used to measure interests are called
interest surveys.
7. Reference groups are groups that set
behavior standards.
8. Interests are preferences a person has for
specific topics or activities.
• The part of your experience that you regard
as essentially you is your self.
10. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude
Battery (ASVAB) is a group of tests that
measures your aptitudes in five broad
career fields.
11. How well you perform specific work
tasks is your ability.
12. Working with data involves the use
of words and numbers.
13. A constructive leisure-time activity
that provides personal satisfaction is
an avocation
14. Personality is the relationship that
exists between all of a person’s
psychological parts.
B. Factors That Influence Your Development
1. Heredity
2. Culture
3. Life Experience
4. Environment
B. 5.
Heredity – the transmission of
physical and mental characteristics
from parent to offspring
B. 6.
From the day you are born, your
environment (surroundings) has
influenced you , and in turn your
environment has been influenced by you.
B. 7. The culture (way of life in the society
in which you live) also influences your
attitude toward education and training.
The United States is a nation in diverse
(distinct or different) cultures
7. The term culture denotes whole product of
an individual, group or society of
intelligent beings. It includes, technology,
art, science, as well as moral systems
and characteristic behaviors and habits.
a. Religion/Beliefs
f. Marriage
b. Celebrations/Holidays g. Music
c. Family structure
h. Literature
d. Food
i. Art
e. National, Regional, Ethnic Traditions
B. 8. Significant events in a person’s life
that affect his or her actions and attitudes
are life experiences. These experiences
cause you to feel confident or fearful as
you prepare for a career, develop
friendships, or enter into a lifelong
C. Personality
The parts of personality include:
1. Character – sense of morality and
ethical code in which you live
2. Temperament – the way you usually
act, think, and feel in certain situations
3. Ability – how well you perform work
4. Interests – the preferences you have for
specific topics or activities
5. Personality trait – any personality
characteristic that can be measured
C. 6. Self-Concept is your attitude toward
your personality.
7. Self-esteem is your judgment about your
level of competence and adequacy as a person.
C. 8. Self – is that part of your experience
that you regard as essentially you.
The image you have developed about yourself
includes these components:
a) Your physical and material self
b) Your psychological self
c) Your emotional self
d) Your social self
e) Your ideal self
C. 9 Interests
a) Working with data - Verbal and
numerical information.
b) Working with people – Interacting
with others
c) Working with things – Tools,
instruments, or machines
C. 10.Aptitude – is a person’s potential
for success in performing a certain
Learning capability,
Verbal proficiency
Numerical skill
Spatial thinking
Form perception
Clerical perception
Motor coordination
Finger dexterity
Manual dexterity
Color discrimination
11. Leisure time is time free from your
everyday job responsibilities.
Levels of Leisure
Rest: sleeping, relaxing
Recreation: having fun, playing games,
spending time with friends
Avocation: volunteering, being involved
with organizations, or doing any
constructive activity that provides
personal satisfaction
Answer questions
in Chapter 2