Why learn presentation skills? Definition and rationale Why learn presentation skills Public speech differs from private speech Impression through speech, appearance, personality and skills Personal and private dimensions Special techniques and rhetoric Face – threatening act Speech Seize differs from writing the moment Face it alone Prepare for the unexpected Coordinate multiple activities Look out for audience and time Context and culture dependence Match the occasion, time and audience Socially constructed activity Culture dependent Author-friendly Audience-friendly style Presentation transferable Personality skills are development Management and technical skills Body language awareness Speech awareness Metaphors of presenting Music Learnable skills and gift Emotional and rational appeal “The problem with improvisation is that it needs so much preparation.” Acting Seeing and hearing Hard work and improvisation Authority and personality Driving Peripheral attention: automatization Focal attention:new skills and info A theoretical perspective An academic student presentation is a STRUCTURED TALK given FORMALLY or SEMI-FORMALLY by an individual before fellow-students and instructors, who constitute an AUDIENCE, with the AIM of giving information about, analysing or arguing and justifying a viewpoint in relation to a subject area. ISMERETSTRUKTÚRÁK STRATÉGIAI KOMPETENCIÁK 1: CÉL, TERVEZÉS SZITUÁCIÓ KÖZÖNSÉG TÉMA SZÖVEGKOMPETENCIA: MŰFAJKERET ,RETORIKA NYELVI ÉS FORMULA KOMPETENCIA SZOCIOKULTURÁLIS KOPETENCIA INTERARAKTÍV KOMPETENCIA TEVÉKENYSÉGEK SZEMLÉLTETÉS STRATÉGIAI KOMPETENCIA 2: TANULÁS ELŐADÁS Key features Aims Explicit Implicit Speech acts Informative Organisational Territorial Cooperative