What are we learning in the Spring Term? Class: Creators English Talk for Walking: Texts we will be using are: Pinocchio and Kipper’s Toy box We will cover writing fiction, labels and captions, instructions and poems. Grammar and Punctuation: Using a capital letter for the start of a sentence and a full stop at the end. Begin to use suffixes ‘ing ‘ ‘ed ‘ 'er’ and use the prefix ‘un’ to change the meaning of adjectives and verbs. Spellings: Words linked to phonics stage and the National Curriculum. Introducing the new ‘spelling passport’ scheme Maths Number and place value – recognition and ordering numbers to 100 Understanding place value for tens and units Mental Addition and Subtraction . Halves and doubles of numbers to 20 Problem solving, reasoning and algebra. Mental Multiplication and Division. Counting in 10’s, 5’s and 2’s. Sharing groups of objects. Geometry: properties of shapes and position and direction. Confidently name all common 2 and 3 d shapes. Measurement – Measuring with non-standard units, length and weight. Money Other curriculum areas Science: Materials – Identification of different materials and exploring their properties Spring - New life animal life cycles History and Geography – Toys in the past Design and Technology – Making a puppet Art – ‘Colour Chaos’ - Exploring primary and secondary colours. Beginning to understand the use of tone and tint Computing – Computer Science - Understanding what Algorithms are. Create a debug a simple program. Write an Algorithm to programme ‘Bee bot’ RE – The journey of Life / Belonging PSHCE – Emotional knowledge and Managing Feelings Music – ‘ Make and combine sounds’ In this unit children will experiment with different ways of creating sounds using a variety of materials. They will explore dynamics and simple notation. Special Events: Year 1 are having dance lessons on Tuesdays with Anna from Anna’s dance Academy Brush Bus - Launch of healthy teeth programme for Year 1 and Foundation Stage Year 1 to join with Year 2 and 3 for their World War 2 Day in school Foundation Stage to have a puppet making afternoon with their parents Homework Spellings – Spelling words linked to the phonic phase each child is on. Spelling tests are on Fridays. Launched this term a new Spelling scheme called Spelling Passport to be used across school. Either a maths activity or a reading comprehension – to be handed in the following Thursday. Reading at home every night. Phonics: Letter sounds and names by phonics phase. Roll a sound game cards and phonic flip books