Staff in Year 2

Learning Together;
Learning for life
Year 2 Curriculum Evening
6.30pm -7.45pm
Year 2 Teachers
Mrs Sewell
Mrs Karpouzi
Mrs Sarah Whitehouse (PPA)
Educational Teaching Assistants
Sarah Yates
Sharon Hirst
Helen Ward
Jayne Simpson
Children to arrive between 8:45 and 8:55 am.
An early morning task will be set for the children.
Registration 9:00 am.
Phonics 9:05 - 9:30 am
First session 9.30 – 10.30 am.
Assembly 10:30, Singing 10:25 am.
During assembly time, staff work with guided reading groups.
Play time 10:45 - 11:00 am.
Second session 11:00 - 12:00 am
Dinner 12 - 1:15 pm.
Third session 1:15 - 2:15pm
Afternoon playtime 2:15 -2:30 pm
Last session 2:30 -3:15 pm
Children can be picked up between 3:15 and 3:30 pm.
After school clubs 3.15-4.15pm
PE kits should include clothes for both outdoor and
indoor PE.
All clothes should be labelled.
Footwear should be either pumps or trainers (named).
Can parents check kits periodically to ensure they still
fit their child.
The PE kit should be in a clearly labelled bag and be
in school every Monday morning.
No jewellery is to be worn. Earrings must be
PE changes during the year as we work with Project
sport. Check with class teacher each half term.
Children are welcome to take books home as
long as they can remember to bring them
Every effort will be made to make sure a
range of books to suit all abilities are
If children like a particular type of book please ask, we may be able to find some. e.g.
spooky stories, fairy tales.
Work is sent out fortnightly and is linked to
the topic. It is an opportunity for your child
to share their learning with you.
We ask for this to be returned on or before
the date requested.
Learning logs are a vital communication between
home and school.
This is where we will share what your child has
been reading, their current targets and any areas
your child may need to work on.
Parents are invited to write in them when
reading, to tell us about any achievements or ask
questions. Please share what your child has been
doing at home too.
Please can the children be reminded to put
learning logs into the boxes provided in the
classrooms every morning.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
World Kitchen
Famous People from the
Oceans and Seas
Animals and Zoos
Going Green
Learning Together;
Learning for life
 Our
Designed to produce productive, creative
and well educated pupils
Strong emphasis on:
vocabulary development
(for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in
Handwriting is expected to be fluent, cursive and
Spoken English will focus on debating and
presenting skills
Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and Division
◦ Properties of shape
◦ Position and Direction
◦ Tally charts, pictograms, block graphs and tables
Strong emphasis on scientific knowledge and
Animals including humans
notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans,
for survival (water, food and air)
describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of
different types of food, and hygiene.
Everyday materials
identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials,
including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for
particular uses
find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be
changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
Computing replaces Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)
Greater focus on programming rather than on
operating programs
Year 2 children will learn to:
write and test simple programs
organise store and retrieve data
understand digital literacy (e-safety)
2 papers with a mixture of text types
English Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Test
Arithmetic Test
To be administered during May 2016
Used for reporting national curriculum test
Schools not required to change preparation for,
or administration of, tests
Helps test results to be reported consistently and
maintain meaning over time - 2 pupils achieving
the same scaled score in different years will have
demonstrated the same attainment
National standard will be ‘100’
The ‘raw score’ that equates to 100 might be
different each year
Children in key stage 1 (both year 1 and 2)
attend differentiated phonics groups.
Spellings are sent home weekly and are
differentiated according to their phonic
Spelling books MUST be in school on a Friday
for the weekly spelling test.
As you will be aware, last year Year 1 children
were required to complete a phonics check.
Some children may need to repeat this check
this year if they did not meet the required
Marking is done daily
Feedback to your child can be verbal or
We use two colours:
◦ “Tickled pink” to show children they have worked
◦ “Green for growth” to show children where they can
improve their work further
◦ Stickers and certificates
Targets are shared for reading, writing and
maths regularly with your child.
These targets are sent home in the school
learning logs.
After school sports clubs
Enterprise club
French Club
Spanish club
Lego Club
School trips
Admission packs for Junior school were sent
out last week.
These need to be completed online by the
end of December 2015
Transition to Junior School begins in the
summer term with lots of different activities
happening between schools.
Details to be given beginning summer term