KS2 Spelling Letter

Tuesday 4th November 2014
Dear Parent/Carer,
You may have noticed that your child has not brought home a spelling list this week.
This is because following the successful implementation of the Read Write Inc. phonics
programme in KS1; KS2 is now adopting a new approach to the teaching and learning of
We will be holding a parents information session on Tuesday 11th November at
5pm in the school hall to share more details, we hope you will be able to attend.
Read Write Inc. Spelling is a 15-minutes-a-day spelling progamme, which uses a proven
teaching approach underpinned by phonics. The programme provides structured and
systematic teaching of spelling which supports the aims of the national curriculum.
As part of the programme your child will have a Spelling Log Book in which to record
their own words to revise. They will be encouraged to bring their Log Book home to
share with parents and carers, and they should be practising these spellings at home,
but there will be no set spelling list or test. Ongoing teacher assessment and selfassessment is at the heart of the programme.
It is our aim, that through this programme, your child will leave KS2 not only meeting
the National Curriculum expectations for spelling but as confident spellers and writers.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. We are here to help and we look
forward to seeing you at the meeting on Tuesday 11th November.
Kind regards
Gemma Kydd
Deputy Headteacher