July - Abingdon Farmers Market

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 07/07/14
Steering Committee Present: David McLeish, Tamara McNaughton, Steve Vencill, David King, Darnell
Sumrell , Steve Lindleman, Liz Kiser, Ben Bullen, Richard Moyer, Mary Bell Boltwood, Rhonda Cox and
Nicole Dyer. Vendor’s Present: None
Reading of Market Purpose by David McLeish: “To provide a consistent venue for farmers, food
vendors, crafters and artisans from Washington County, VA(and the surrounding area) to sell their wares
directly to the public: to encourage the growing and consumption of local foods and to promote the
local economy in Washington County, VA.”
Reading of Steering Committee Role:
“To promote the unity of vendors, patrons, and the Town of Abingdon in AFM decision.”
Market Manager Report
Nicole stated that she had been asked to do a Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
(VDACS) pricing report each month. Due to time constraints she would not be able to do this for the
months of July & August and asked if any steering committee member could do the monthly report. Liz
Kiser stated she would be able to report the produce pricing. The reporting is used locally and regionally
Nicole stated that t-shirts have been selling good. Altogether, market promo items have sold a total of
$250 so far this year and have been selling better than normal.
Nicole stated she will be doing an interview with Carolyn Wilson with the Washington County News
concerning the relationship between the market and businesses that have paired with the market to
sponsor Farm Fresh Kids, the Father’s Day event, etc.
Nicole stated she had received an application for a space from Off the Dock Seafood, a business that is
based in Washington County, but the seafood comes from the coast by way of family residing in the
coastal area. After much discussion regarding the “local” production, the committee felt there was a
problem with the application maintaining the “local” commitment and determined that their application
to sell seafood at the market would be denied.
Robin Raines, Southwest Virginia 4-H Center Director, will begin picking up donated produce for use at
the center beginning July 8, 2014.
The Town has contacted the steering committee regarding picking the design and sign color for the
market signs to be situated off each Abingdon exit. David McLeish stated he would use his sign program
to design and email examples to the committee members.
Treasurer’s Report – Ben stated that he did not have a report and that Sandy was out of town. He
mentioned they were waiting on the check from the Harvest Table and only a couple vendor fees
remained outstanding. Michael Richard has not paid any season fees or application fee. Nicole stated
she had contacted him 3 weeks prior concerning his coming to the market and the fees.
Subcommittee reports
Promo – Nicole stated she was almost out of linen bags and that the promo committee suggested using
the logo now used on market t-shirts.
We have received an anonymous donation of $40 to cover the cost of the AFM cling. An order will be
placed for them.
Tuesday incentives – spend $25 on Saturday and received a coupon for $2 of Tuesday’s purchases.
Bring friend (new customer) you receive $2 coupon. Must come to Info table called 2fer Tuesday.
Mary Bell made motion to approve the two promo ideas and a limit of $50 set. A second was made by
Steve L. and the motion passed.
Nicole also stated that the idea of spotting a AFM sticker on vehicle, getting license plate number and
announcing at the market they were the Customer of the Month. They would receive a $10 coupon.
Mary Belle amended her previous motion to include the Customer of the Month promo and splitting the
budget for the promo ideas and the motion was seconded by David King. Motion passed.
Tomato fest – July 26th
Squashtoberfest – Town interested in coordinating with the market. Richard mentioned that having the
contest in October would work best for most pumpkin producers.
Fundraising – David congratulated the committee for the work in receiving sponsorship monies for Farm
Fresh Kids and music. The committee did not have any information to report.
5-Year Committee – Ben stated that a draft of the survey should be complete.
Meeting Minutes for May and June be accepted on motion by Steve V. with submitted changes.
Seconded by Richard. Motion passed.
Vendor Refunds – Richard made a motion that refunds be prorated if a vendor asks for a refund but no
more than ½ of the vendor fees. The motion was seconded by Liz. Motion passed.
Regarding the situation of a vendor receiving an upgrade in a space, a question was raised as to whether
the vendor should be charged additional fees. After discussion, a motion was made by Tamara to not
require additional fees to the vendor receiving an upgrade. The motion was seconded by Liz and the
motion passed.
2014 Farm Visits
Louis Watson – Steve V. and Tamara
Rev Campbell – Steve V. & Tamara
Coltsfoot – David K & Steve V.
Laughing Water – Rhonda & David Mc.
Susan Kiley – Richard,Mary Bell/Liz
Tony McKenna – Mary Bell & Liz
Kat Payne – Richard & Liz
Chesnut Grove – Richard & Mary Bell
All visits should be done in July. A farm visit form was provided for each member visiting. An addition to
that form will be made concerning making a picture and if that picture could be used in promotional
A farm to consumer store called the Green Grocer is opening soon in Glade Springs. Mary Bell inquired
about them using the same tag line as the AFM, Always Fresh, Always Local. It was suggested that we
take no action.
With no further business the meeting adjourned until August 4, 2014.