Ancient Egypt Unit 2014 - Corbett School District

Ancient Egypt Unit!
In this unit you will be expected to complete five different tasks about a variety of topics
associated with Ancient Egypt. It is important that you plan and use your time wisely as you
will only have six weeks to complete all work. This unit is intended to help you learn and
understand about many aspects of Ancient Egypt and to have fun doing so. Good research,
many notes, citing sources, organization, and creativity will all help to make your projects
stand out in quality and educational value. Some points to keep in mind:
Keep track of all the sources you use. You must cite your sources in a
comprehensive bibliography.
Organize your work. Some notes may be useful for more than one project, so
do not throw anything away until the end of the unit.
Get an idea of the projects that you think you would like to do. Plan to budget
your time in order to complete them all. You may choose to use two days on
one and six on another; just don’t wait until the last minute – time flies!
Choose group members carefully. Take into account the strengths and
weaknesses of your partners. Make sure you have partners who will do their
All work will be evaluated based on the thoroughness of research, accuracy,
presentation (neatness, organization, creativity), and your demonstrated
understanding of the topic.
Have fun and get creative!
Keep track of your projects and your time. Use the guide below and on the next page to keep
track of your progress. You must choose a main topic, which can be somewhat broad. For
example, you can research pyramids, or Hatshepsut, or farming, or slavery, or mummies, etc.
This topic will be the bulk of your learning, and will be the basis of your essay and speech.
The other three projects will be from the five Ancient Civ. topics listed in this packet.
_______ Main topic essay (E). Your essay will be scored using the scoring guide. Your
paper must be between 2-3 pages – typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman. A
rough draft (typed or handwritten) must accompany the final draft.
_______ Main topic speech (S). Your speech must be a minimum of three minutes in length.
It will be evaluated using the speaking scoring guide. It should include a visual of some kind,
such as a PowerPoint, a poster, a costume, or a 3-D object. You are also required to turn in
an outline of your speech, such as notecards.
_______Visual (V). This may be a model, diorama, painting, sculpture, photo essay,
brochure or other visual. It will be scored based on ideas and content, organization, visual
appeal, and creativity.
_______Group project (G). This may be a play, song, movie, game, lesson, or other project.
Come to me with special requests. Groups should be between 3-5 people. It will be scored
according to a group project rubric.
_______Choice Project. This should be an additional project from one of the five Ancient
Egypt topics that you did not explore for your visual or group project. It can be done solo
or with a group—your choice!
_______ A comprehensive (covers all projects) works cited.
Code: E, S, V, G,
Project description and group members,
if any
Thurs. 12/4
Your due date
Mon. 12/15 –
Wed. 12/17
Mon. 12/1
Mon. 12/8
Choice Project:
Mon. 12/15
Works Cited Page
Thurs. 12/11
Write in your code and topic # for each of your final due dates on the calendar. Use this calendar to
set up your own personal due dates (ie. rough drafts, visual plans, outlines, etc.).
Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Weekend 3
Essay Rough
Drafts Due
(Gobble Gobble!
No School)
Visuals due
Essay Final Drafts
Group projects
Weekend 4
Weekend 5
Works Cited Due
¡Elefante Blanco!
Winter Break,
(Or, as we know it where
I come from, Get-out-ofthe-house-and-go-throwa-snowball-at-somebodywho-is-bigger-and-olderthan-you-and-then-runaway-really-fast Break)
Visual, Group & Choice Project Ideas!!!
Perform the skit, “Saba the Farmer” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
-orCreate a well labeled map of Egypt (including a key) that includes the following: Red Sea,
Nile River, Nile Delta, Arabian Desert, Libyan Desert, Fertile Valley, cataracts, Upper Egypt,
Lower Egypt, Nubia, Cairo, Heliopolis, Giza, Memphis, Akhetaton, Abydos, Thebes, Luxor,
Valley of the Kings, and Aswan. Answer the following in a placard: what are some
significant events that occurred in these locations?
-orCreate a travel brochure or travel commercial that highlights the wonders of Ancient Egypt.
Convince others to visit your fair city!
-orCreate a cartoon strip that shows the many steps needed to farm the land. Label the activities
in each picture.
-orBrainstorm the many ‘gifts’ the Nile brought the people of Ancient Egypt. Create a 3-D
project depicting these gifts and explaining their importance. Construct an actual gift.
-orPerform the skit, “Anen the Artist” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
-orCreate a 3-D Shabti sculpture or Faience amulet. Explain the significance of this type of
-orMake a water clock and explain the significance of this type of device.
Perform the skit, “Misa the Merchant” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the merchants of Egypt.
-orCreate a comic strip to show the following: How did Ancient Egyptians purchase their
goods? Where did they go to do their shopping? What is deben? Who were some of the
Egyptians' foreign trade partners? What are at least five items imported into Egypt? Where
did they come from? What are three of Egypt's leading exports?
Imagine you have traveled back in time aboard an ancient trade ship sailing to Nubia, Kush
or the land of Punt. Create a travel log describing your voyage. Include your destination, the
sailing conditions, the geography you see, the items imported and exported for trade, and any
other noteworthy events.
-orResearch the many different types of boats used by the Egyptian's for trading and traveling.
Use construction paper to build a 3-D replica of your favorite one.
-orCreate a map of trade routes that includes:
5 places one could travel for precious metals
3 places one could travel for exotic animals or skins
the spices that can be found in Punt
where one would go for wood supplies.
Answer the following: What island would you reach if you sailed north up the Nile and
northwest across the Mediterranean Sea? If you started at the Egyptian delta, then traveled
east on the Mediterranean Sea, what direction would you go to get to the Hittite Empire?
Using specific directions, describe one way to get from Egypt to India. Name four places
Egyptians could travel to using only waterways. Name three places to which Egyptians
would need to travel by land on at least part of the journey.
-orBuild and label a House of Life. Include items for treatment and payment.
-orMany Egyptian paintings depict the intricate workings of the temple and palace arts and
crafts workshops. Create a mural explaining the significance of one of the following craft
shops: stonemason shop, stone worker shop, metal worker shop, carpenter shop, goldsmith
shop, tannery shop, pottery shop, weaving shop, painters shop.
Topic #3: WRITING
Perform the skit, “Shunat the Scribe Student” with a group of people. Have an introduction
that explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
-orDraw a comparison picture of a day in the life of a student—then and now. Be sure to label
things correctly, and to include relevant information.
-orCreate a PowerPoint slide show with information on Egyptian hieroglyphics.
-orCreate a game using hieroglyphics and transcription. Include information concerning how
people learned to transcribe Egyptian writing.
-orMake a replica model of the Rosetta Stone, with a museum-quality placard explaining its
Perform the skit, “Pentah the Priest” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
-orChoose one of the significant Egyptian Gods and write and perform a skit that depicts why
they were important and what they represented to the community.
-orCreate a poster describing several of the following Gods: Horus, Osiris, Anubis, Thoth, Seth,
Ammit, Isis, Re/Amon/Amon-Re, Ma'at, Nut, Re-Harakhti, Aten, H'apy, Ptah, Hathor, Geb,
Mut, Sakhnet, Nepthys, Mut, Bastet. Be sure to include important details that reflect who
each God is and what it represents.
Perform the skit, “Beshet the Burial Priest” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
Make a video describing a proper Egyptian burial. Include the following vocabulary and
ideas: ba, ka, akh, Book of the Dead, judgement scene, mummification, natron, Opening of
the Mouth ceremony, Field of Reeds, canopic jars, sarcophagus, embalming pavilion.
Create a newspaper to report on the conditions and activities of certain areas of Ancient
Egypt. Information you should include: a heading and a picture with a caption, weather, state
of fertile valley, irrigation system conditions, workers' activities, quotes from local
inhabitants, information on wildlife.
-orMake an Egyptian calendar. Label the months, weeks, and days. Include the three seasons
and festivals.
-orPerform the skit, “Building the Pyramids” with a group of people. Have an introduction that
explains why this play is significant to the lands of Ancient Egypt.
-orCreate a mural or diorama that details the various jobs and duties performed by Egyptian
Big Ideas
Let these questions guide your work throughout this unit!
Centralized Government
 What was Egypt's government like?
 Who led it?
 How did the leaders claim the right to lead?
 What functions did the government perform?
Organized Religion
 What kind of religion was practiced in ancient Egypt?
 What things were done to appease the Gods?
 How did worshippers show their faith?
 What were the Gods like?
 How did priests run their religions? What kinds of functions did
they perform?
Job Specialization and Social Class
 What types of jobs did ancient Egyptians have?
 How were ancient Egyptians ranked (who was considered more
important or less important)?
 How and why was slavery practiced by the Egyptians?
Arts, Architecture, and Public Works
 What did ancient Egyptian art and architecture reflect?
 What public works projects were used to ensure a steady food
 What kinds of public works were used to ensure the defense of the
 How did Egyptians use writing to help their civilization?
 What did their writing look like?
 How did it change over time?
 What types of functions did scribes perform for Egyptians?
Ancient Egypt Score Sheet
Group Project:
(See attached rubric—
Ideas & Content:
informative writing)
Group evaluation:
Choice Project:
Ideas & Content:
Ideas & Content:
Works Cited:
Proper format: