CLOUD REMOVAL IN HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITE IMAGES USING DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM P.Ramya 1, Mr.S.KarthiPrem2 ,A.Nithyasri3 123 Department of Information Technology Vivekananda College of Engineering for women, 1 Pg scholar 23 Assistant professor 1,, ABSTRACT: Satellite images playing a major role for monitoring earth comparing the multi-temporal images and find the changes in land covers such as forest, cities, agriculture, difference between the images. If the differences between coastal area etc., but the major problem in the earth the images are positive then it has higher accuracy so the observation is the clouds in the satellite images. Thus cloud values are added otherwise the values are subtracted. Then cover removal is very essential in the field of satellite the cloudy region will be replaced by the value found. The imagery analysis. But it is very complex to present the most cloud removal method will gain the accuracy between accurate information in the cloudy region. The existing 85%– 90%. After removing clouds the Discrete wavelet system is the modified neighborhood similar pixel transforms are applied to gain the accuracy of the result. interpolates method which as the major limitations that it The wthresh is applied to remove noise from the images. lack its accuracy when the size of the cloud pixel increase Then the inverse discrete wavelet transform is applied to and if the frequent clouds are present it is hard to find the gain the output image. similar pixels. The proposed method helps to improve the Keywords: Efficient Cloud Detection and Removal accuracy level to some extent than the existing methods. Algorithm, wthresh, NSPI(Neighborhood similar pixel The proposed Efficient Cloud Detection and Removal interpolator), spectro-spatial information. Algorithm (ECDR) may improve the degree of accuracy by I.EXISTING SYSTEM from the satellite images. It is the proposed method A modified neighborhood similar pixel interpolates of the Neighborhood similar pixel interpolator method (modified NSPI) helps to remove the cloud (NSPI). In the NSPI approach, it predicts the spectral value of the target pixels from its neighboring similar pixels. It employs the threshold to identify the similar pixels. The weight between the similar pixels and If the target pixel is located near the cloud center target pixels can be calculated by using the Euclidean then the spectro-temporal information is more distance. It has the major drawback such as cloudy consistent images may sometime replace as the similar pixels. information becomes less useful around the Due to the varying size of the cloud and randomly cloud center where the target pixel is farther to shaped the similar pixel replacement can reflect the its similar pixels. The cloud center is computed cloudy appearance. Thus the modified NSPI method by averaging the coordinates of the pixel. because the spectro-spatial is used and it overcomes those problems.In the modified NSPI method the time series images are Some Drawback of the detections: used to replace the cloud area. The detailed The accuracy of the recovered image decreases descriptions of the steps that are different from the with the increased cloud size. As the cloud size original NSPI approach are given as follows: increases, the average distance between a target The cloud masking is the first step used in this method where thick clouds are brighter in the visible band and lighter in thermal bands than the land surface. The second step is searching the similar pixel. In a modified NSPI method, it helps to search the spectrally similar pixels around the cloud. It is pixel and the similar pixels increases and their correlation decreases.It is hard to obtain a cloud free auxiliary image from the same sensor in the same location.If the cloud presents frequently in an image then this method lack its efficiency. II. PROPOSED SYSTEM shown in the figure 2. The cloud-free image is used In the cloud removal process there are lots of to select the nearest similar pixels which should existing algorithms are available. The proposed satisfy the spectral similarity criteria.The third step is method is Efficient Cloud Detection and the gap-filling, in which the data has to fill in the area Removal Algorithm (ECDR) which helps to where the cloud masked. In the cloud-removal improves the accuracy of the cloud restoration process, the distance between a cloudy and its similar area than the NSPI method. The proposed pixels algorithm is based on the multi-temporal may vary greatly. approach. The time series images are taken as a reference image. The reference image must be more than three to get the accuracy in the result. Consider the reference images as R1, R2, R3, etc., and the cloud contaminated images as C1 and it is considered as the original images. The cloud detection is the very important step without cloud detection the cloud removal and reconstruction is a complex problem. The clouds Fig.1 Modified neighborhood Similar Pixel can be detected by the calculation of the pixel Interpolator value. The clouds are brighter in visible bands and lighter in thermal bands. The cloud pixel monitored because the clouds will cover the values are ranges from 200 to 255 in thermal areas. Thus, lots of existing methods are band and 255 in visible band. Based on this available for cloud detection and removing.The calculation the cloud values are detected. After existing system has lot of problems when the cloud detection, consider the reference image images are applied to the real time applications. RI1, RI2 and RI3 and find the difference The existing system modified NSPI approaches between them. Then find the difference between has face problems such as lack of accuracy, them. Compare the pixel values from the image similar to the other existing methods etc. The difference and find the average. Calculate the major disadvantages in the existing method is RI3 variations using RI3 and RI3 with average of that, if the frequent clouds are appeared then the image difference. Find the difference between existing method cannot produce the accurate the D1 and D2, based on the positive and result because in the existing method where the negative values in the difference; replace the similar pixels can be find by calculating based on cloud pixel by RI3 with variance. If the the distance between the target pixels.Thus, it is difference value is positive then add the value possible to replace the cloud pixel has the similar with RI3 otherwise subtract the value and replace pixel. If the cloud pixel is replaced then the for the cloudy region. method lacks its accuracy. In the proposed ECDR algorithm there is no chance of replacing The filtering is used to enhance the contrast of the image. The quality of the image is improved. The discrete wavelet transform is used for the cloud pixel because all the information’s are gathered from the reference images. Thus, there is no chance of replacing the cloud pixel. filtering the image i.e.,de-noising. The images are divided into the sub-bands and the wavelet Generally there are three types of cloud removal threshold (WThresh) is applied to the sub-bands methods are present but each has its own except the original images. The WThresh helps algorithm, methods and techniques. to de-noise the image. So, the quality of the The three types of cloud removal methods image is improved.Image can be de-noised at different levels of resolution and can be are: sequentially processed from low resolution to In-painting method high resolution.Sub-band level analysis results in Multi-spectral method high accuracy. Gain accuracy in cloud removal. Multi-temporal method Applicable for all sizes of the clouds. Produce efficient results even frequent clouds are appearing.The proposed system is designed to detect and remove clouds from the satellite images. In the coastal regions and during the winter season the tropical regions are fully covered with clouds. The cloudy regions are not In-Painting Method Multi-Spectral Method In multispectral-based approaches, multispectral data are utilized in cloud detection and removal. The different band images are taken and reconstruct the cloudy region of the image. The different satellite images have different spectral bands such as band 1,2,3,4 and so on. But the different spectral band Figure (a) Simulated original Cloudy image images have different color combinations thus the accuracy of the image is not up to the level. But when compared to the In-painting technique the result accuracy was level increased. Multi-Temporal Method The Multi-temporal based method is somewhat better method when compared to the Multi-temporal and inpainting method, which rely on both temporal coherence and spatial coherence have a better ability Figure (b) Result of original image Fig1.1 In-painting method’s result with simulated cloud The in-painting method is the earliest method that helps to remove clouds from the satellite images. In the in-painting technique, the data’s are gathered from its neighboring regions either its mean value or to cope with large clouds. The spectrotemporal relationships are inferred from cloud-free areas in the neighborhood of cloud-contaminated regions over the available temporal images. A thresholding-based approach is used to identify the best cloud-free and non-shadow pixels region is given and then generated by stitching or mosaic king the selected cloud free pixels. the similar pixel value. The multi-temporal based method produced result is But the biggest problem is that the data which reconstruct on the cloudy region is not accurate. The major problem in this method is that the boundary of the cloud is not fixed. It is represented in the figure 5.1. The boundary of the cloud is clearly visible in the above result and the data which substitute for the cloudy region is not an accurate result. This problem can be solved in the proposed ECDR algorithm. more accurate when compared to the above two method because in this method where the information are gathered from the previous year image of the same location. The result of the multi-temporal based information cloning algorithm is presented below: band. 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