
Standards Based Project
The Original 13 Colonies Projects
Students will be writing an Informational Report on all Thirteen Colonies in class and they will be
choosing one colony and present their findings by a project of their choice. The students will present
their findings by creating a PowerPoint, a Brochure, Tri-Fold poster board, or a Box Project (details are
Project Criteria
Students will choose one of the original 13 Colonies (now states) and present their findings to the
class. You will be able to choose one of the 4 projects below to present your information.
This part of the project will be completed at home and is due on Monday, March 23.
1. Create a PowerPoint that gives information
about your colony. It should include important
facts about your colony:
 Founding father
 Founding date
 Reasons for founding
 Location/physical attributes
 Affiliated Native American Tribe
 Religious Aspects
 Economics
 Interesting Facts
2. Make a brochure about your colony. It should
include important facts about your colony:
 Founding father
 Founding date
 Reasons for founding
 Location/physical attributes
 Affiliated Native American Tribe
 Religious Aspects
 Economics
 Interesting Facts
Give the presentation a title and use captions to
describe each picture. This presentation should
be about 10-15 Slides.
3. Create a display about your colony on a TriFold Poster Board.
Your display should include
 Founding father
 Founding date
 Reasons for founding
 Location/physical attributes
 Affiliated Native American Tribe
 Religious Aspects
 Economics
 Interesting Facts
4. Make a box project about your colony. Include
information about your colony on all six sides of
the box.
 Founding father
 Founding date
 Reasons for founding
 Location/physical attributes
 Affiliated Native American Tribe
 Religious Aspects
 Economics
 Interesting Facts
Include a “prize” inside that has something to do with
your colony.
Informational Report Criteria
The Informational Report will be completed at school.
Title Page
This page will have a title, picture/map and your name
Table of Contents
This page will list all of the Thirteen Colonies and place a page number that the information can be
found on
(Example - Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3)
There will be thirteen pages after the table of contents (one for each colony) that has information
about each one. The pages will have the information that is written in the Process Chart along
with any other piece of information that you find interesting. Information can be from the social
studies book, videos, books, and/or internet.
You should have 2-3 sentences that state an interesting fact and/or what you liked/learned
Works Cited
This page will list all of the sources that you used to get information for your paper. This can
include books, videos, and websites.
Presentation Criteria
You will need to make an oral presentation to the class about the colony you chose.
Your presentation should be at least 3 minutes long (memorization of at least half of the
presentation is preferable)
You should speak loudly and clearly. Your presentation should be heard by all members of the
class and you should be familiar with all vocabulary in the presentation.
Social Studies Standards
5.4 Students understand the political, religious, social, and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era.
Understand the influence of location and physical setting on the founding of the original 13 colonies, and identify on a map
the locations of the colonies and of the American Indian nations already inhabiting these areas.
Identify the major individuals and groups responsible for the founding of the various colonies and the reasons for their
founding (e.g., John Smith, Virginia; Roger Williams, Rhode Island; William Penn, Pennsylvania; Lord Baltimore, Maryland;
William Bradford, Plymouth; John Winthrop, Massachusetts).
Describe the religious aspects of the earliest colonies (e.g., Puritanism in Massachusetts, Anglicanism in Virginia,
Catholicism in Maryland, Quakerism in Pennsylvania).
Identify the significance and leaders of the First Great Awakening, which marked a shift in religious ideas, practices, and
allegiances in the colonial period, the growth of religious toleration, and free exercise of religion.
Understand how the British colonial period created the basis for the development of political self-government and a freemarket economic system and the differences between the British, Spanish, and French colonial systems.
Describe the introduction of slavery into America, the responses of slave families to their condition, the ongoing struggle
between proponents and opponents of slavery, and the gradual institutionalization of slavery in the South.
Explain the early democratic ideas and practices that emerged during the colonial period, including the significance of
representative assemblies and town meetings.
Speaking and Listening Standards
4. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts
and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable
a. Plan and deliver an opinion speech that: states an opinion, logically sequences evidence to
support the speaker’s position, uses transition words to effectively link opinions and evidence
(e.g., consequently and therefore), and provides a concluding statement related to the speaker’s
position. CA
b. Memorize and recite a poem or section of a speech or historical document using
rate, expression, and gestures appropriate to the selection. CA
5. Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when
appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
Informational Report
The project that you chose has
all the necessary information
You have all of the required
and more.
parts of the report, and more!  founding father
You have the title page with a  date founded
detailed picture/drawing and a
 Reasons why it was
table of contents. You have
written more than the
 location or physical
required 13 pages of colonial
attributes of your chosen
information or the information
you have written is very
 native American tribe that
detailed and provides a lot of
was represented in your
information by a variety of
resources. Your conclusion is
 the religious aspects,
great and your works cited
page is correct with a variety  economics
of resources. Your report was  interesting facts
completed on time.
You did an excellent job
presenting your information.
Your presentation was
outstanding. You were
able to memorize at least
half of your presentation
and you presented the
knowledgeably. You were
able to speak in a manner
that was clear and heard
by all. Your speech was at
least 3 minutes long.
The project that you chose had
all the necessary information.
 founding father
 date founded
You have all of the required
parts of the report. You have  reasons why it was founded.
the title page and the table of  location or physical
attributes of your chosen
contents. The 13 pages of
colonial information are one to
native American tribe that
two paragraphs each and are
was represented in your
well written. You have a
conclusion, and a works cited
 the religious aspects,
page. Your report was
completed on time.
 economics
 interesting facts
You did a good job presenting
your information.
The project that you chose had
You almost have all of the
almost all of the necessary
required parts of the report.
information, but not all:
You have the title page and the  the founding father
table of contents; however, it  the date founded
might not be complete. You
 reasons why it was founded.
have almost completed the 13
 location or physical
pages of colonial information
attributes of your chosen
or the information you
provided was not very
 native American tribe that
detailed. You may or may not
was represented in your
have a conclusion and a works
cited page. Your report may
 the religious aspects,
not have been completed on
 economics, and any
 interesting facts
The project that you chose had
very little of the following
 founding father
 date founded
 reason why it was founded.
You do not have all of the
 location or physical
required parts of the report.
The information you provided
attributes of your chosen
was incomplete or was not
written well. Your report was  native American tribe that
not completed on time.
was represented in your
 the religious aspects,
 economics
 interesting facts
Your presentation was
good. You were able to
memorize some of the
information. You were
able to present the
information well and we
were able to hear and
understand you. Your
speech was 3 minutes
Your presentation was
good, but could have been
better. You tried to
memorize your speech,
but ended up reading it.
You needed to be more
familiar with the
information you were
presenting. The class had
a difficult time hearing and
understanding you.
You were not prepared for
your presentation. You
presented some
information, but not
enough. We had a difficult
time hearing and
understanding you. Your
speech was not 3 minutes