HW 2

Homework # 2
Name ______________
1. This is a constructive force in which sediments are moved from one place and
dropped in another place: (deposition/delta).
2. When rivers slow and sand is deposited at the mouth of the river, they form a
3. The lines on a topographic map are called: (contour lines/circular lines).
4. A map that shows the elevations of surface features is called a (elevation
map/topographic map).
5. The smallest circles on a topographic map indicate the (lowest/highest)
6. Many desert rock formations are made from (water/wind) erosions.
7. Caves are examples of (water/wind) erosion.
8. A force that breaks down earth’s surface is called a (constructive/destructive)
9. A force that builds up earth’s surface is called a (constructive/destructive) force.
10. Put these in order for the continental margin: continental slope, continental rise,
and continental shelf.
11. Voting, serving on a jury, and following the law are examples of
(rights/responsibilities) of a U.S. citizen.
12. The first 10 amendments are known as the (Bill of Rights/Preamble).
13. The introduction to the U.S. Constitution is known as the (Bill of Rights/Preamble).
14. The right to a fair trial, a lawyer, and a proper legal case is known as the (legal
rights/due process of law).
1. Freedom of religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech ____
2. Can’t quarter (or house) troops ____
3. No self incrimination or double jeopardy _____
4. Powers NOT listed belong to the states and the people ____
5. Right to bear arms ____
6. Prohibition ____
7. Repealed prohibition ____
8. Congress sets salary for the following term ____
9. Voting age lowered to 18 ____
10. Wash D.C. gets the right to vote ____
11. 2 term limit for the Prez ____
12. Women get right to vote ____
13. Search and seizure ____
14. Right to speedy trial ____
15. Right to trial by jury ____
16. Freed the slaves ____
17. African Americans made citizens ____
18. Gave Afr. Am. Right to vote ____
19. No cruel and unusual punishment ____
20. Can’t sue a state you don’t live in ____
21. Set up Pres succession ____
22. Banned poll tax ____
23. Pres and Congress term dates changed ____
24. Direct election of senators ____
25. Congress can collect income tax ____
26. Ballots for Pres and Vice Pres ____
27. More rights than what Constitution says ___