here - Shad Thames Area Management Partnership

STAMP (Shad Thames Area Management Partnership)
Stakeholder Group
Terms of Reference
The area covered by STAMP is shown in Appendix A of the Management Plan, to be
approved by Southwark Council on 30 April 2014.
Aims of the Plan and the role of the Stakeholder Group:
The Plan sets out a framework to protect, enhance and celebrate the features in and around
the area which gave rise to its designation as a conservation area. The Plan aims to
strengthen the area’s distinctive identity and make it attractive for a range of community,
cultural and leisure activities, for the benefit of those who live, visit and work in the area.
The Stakeholder Group is a collaborative partnership between stakeholders in the area
including Southwark Council as the Local Authority, local residents and community groups,
and local businesses. The Stakeholder Group’s role is to work together to implement the Plan
in the balanced interests of all stakeholders.
The Stakeholder Group is open to those who support the aims of the Plan and the role of the
Stakeholder Group as described above, and:
 who are individuals who live or work in, or in areas bordering on, the Shad Thames
area OR
 who are business or cultural organisations, or community groups based in, or in areas
bordering on, the Shad Thames area OR
 who are elected Councillors or staff members of Southwark Council with
responsibilities for, or which include, the Shad Thames area.
There will be a minimum of 12 members, which will aim to include a mix of local residents,
local businesses, community and cultural organisations, the local Councillor(s) for the Shad
Thames area and staff from Southwark Council. There is no maximum number of members.
The Secretary will keep a membership list with contact details including email or postal
addresses to which all notices shall be sent. At least once every year the Secretary will
contact the members requesting confirmation that their contact details are correct.
The Stakeholder Group will usually meet every six weeks and in any event not less than six
times a year. A meeting will be held every year between 1 May and 31 July which will
constitute the Stakeholder Group’s Annual General Meeting. Six members will constitute a
quorum unless otherwise stated in these Terms of Reference.
Working Groups:
In addition to the full Stakeholder Group, the membership may delegate responsibility to
Working Groups to take forward specific initiatives.
Working Groups will decide on their own arrangements for meetings and proposed actions.
They will however be accountable to the Stakeholder Group who will retain responsibility for
decision making, unless this is specifically delegated to the Working Group (see Decision
Making below).
Decision Making:
All decisions will be made by the Stakeholder Group by consensus. Only if that consensus
cannot be reached will a decision be made by a simple majority vote of the members present.
Without limitation, this process applies to all decisions relating to an officer, or to exclusion
of a member under the Code of Conduct provisions, except that in those circumstances the
relevant officer or member shall not be included in establishing a consensus and/or in a
formal vote.
If circumstances arise where the Chair, in their sole discretion, considers it may not be
possible to ensure the balanced interests of all stakeholders are taken into account in making
a decision, then such decision will be postponed until the Chair is satisfied that the balanced
interests of all stakeholders will be taken into account in making such decision.
The Stakeholder Group can choose to delegate decision making to Working Groups.
Officers and their Duties:
The Stakeholder Group will appoint a Chair, a Treasurer (who will act as the Deputy Chair in
the absence of the Chair) and a Secretary. Each officer’s appointment will be subject to
confirmation at the Annual General Meeting.
The Chair (or in their absence the Deputy Chair) will conduct the Stakeholder Group
meetings. All communications from Stakeholder Group members should be sent or copied to
the Secretary who will be responsible for circulating details as appropriate.
The Treasurer will keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and report on them as
required by the Stakeholder Group.
The Secretary will be responsible for convening the Stakeholder Group meetings and giving
notices to members. The Secretary will also keep a proper record of meetings and will
circulate minutes of such meetings to Stakeholder Group members.
All notices and minutes will be in writing sent to the email or postal address in the
membership list kept by the Secretary. The Secretary will also seek to share information
through appropriate community networks.
The Stakeholder Group will formally establish a bank account the operation of which will be
the responsibility of the Treasurer. All funds will be dealt with upon the instructions of the
Stakeholder Group who will at all times act in the interests of STAMP to pursue the aims of
the Plan and the role of the Stakeholder Group set out in these Terms of Reference.
Except in the case of dissolution, no financial transaction shall take place without the prior
written instructions of the Chair, confirmed in writing by at least one Stakeholder Group
member who operates a business in the area and at least one Stakeholder Group member who
is a resident in the area.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Stakeholder Group shall have no authority to borrow any
funds, nor shall any Stakeholder Group member have any financial obligation in relation to
the Stakeholder Group or the Plan.
Code of Conduct:
Everyone will be treated with respect and will treat others with respect. The Stakeholder
Group will conduct itself on the basis of collaboration and partnership, both within the Group
and externally. The Chair may exclude any member who does not comply with this code of
conduct, or for any other conduct which may work against the aims of the Plan or the role of
the Stakeholder Group. Any member so excluded may appeal at the following Stakeholder
Group meeting.
Any member of the Stakeholder Group delegated to represent the Stakeholder Group with
any other person or body will act only in the interests of, and will be accountable to, the
Stakeholder Group.
Amendments to these Terms of Reference:
These Terms of Reference may be amended at a Stakeholder Group meeting (in accordance
with the Decision Making provisions set out above), provided that 28 days’ notice of the
amendments proposed is given to all members. Members who are unable to attend the
relevant meeting may express their views in writing to the Chair who will report those views
at the meeting.
The Stakeholder Group can be dissolved by a resolution at a Stakeholder Group meeting,
provided that:
 notice of the resolution is given to all members
 a Stakeholder Group meeting is called to discuss the resolution at least 28 days after
the notice of the resolution has been given
 a second Stakeholder Group meeting takes place no less than 14 days after the
previous meeting above, and the dissolution resolution is formally voted on in this
second meeting. For the purposes of dissolution only, the quorum required at the
second meeting is three and the resolution must attain a two-thirds majority of those
present at that meeting.
The assets, financial or otherwise, remaining when the Stakeholder Group has satisfied its
liabilities, will be applied for such purposes to benefit the STAMP community as the
Stakeholder Group decides at its meeting where the dissolution resolution is passed. The
requirements set out in the Finance section above regarding instructions for and confirmation
of financial transactions shall not apply in the case of dissolution.
These Terms of Reference were adopted at the meeting of the
Stakeholder Group on 3 April 2014.
[Management Plan to be attached]