February - Research and Graduate Studies

Present: Michelle Baker, Steve Beck, Jeff Broadbent, Frank Caliendo, Scott
DeBerard, John Elsweiler, David Geller, Dennis Hassan, Richard Inouye, Paul
Johnson, Derri Dee Leonard, Mark McLellan, Jinni Meehan, Zach Portman, Gene
Not Present: Sherie Haderlie, Peter McNamara
Visitors: Erin Anderson, Maria Spicer-Escalante subbing for Peter McNamara,
Mimi Recker subbing for Sheri Haderlie, Joan Rudd, Lorraine Walker
Minutes for January 2013 approved.
Report from the Dean:
Richard Inouye. Richard Inouye welcomed as the new Associate VP for
Research and Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
Commencement. Graduate Council will have a more active role in
commencement with each member serving as a marshal, in addition to
hooding and other additional responsibilities. To help shorten the
ceremony, students will process onto the floor in four lines rather than two,
and hooding will take place on both sides. The name of the degree will
not be read with each student’s name but will be read as colleges are
introduced. There will be two tables of “readers.” Pipers will bring
students to the Spectrum followed by the brass band that will play as
students enter the floor. Regalia will not be available at the field house,
only at the Campus Store.
Admission Applications. Application trends for 2009-2012 were handed
out for review.
Search Admission Director Update. Two of the 35 applicants for the
position are internal candidates. The search committee plans to interview
four individuals next week.
Catalog Update. It is important to archive a catalog at the end of each
semester. That process is currently not taking place, because catalog
updates can be made at any time. USU’s General Catalog is not user
friendly for graduate students. Our hope is to move the graduate student
information to the top of the online information. The Registrar’s Office is
looking into the software to see if this is possible. It is probable that links
can be added so that students can use the link to go directly to the SGS
website for current information.
Library Survey. USU Libraries will be conducting a survey to get
information about user satisfaction with library services and collections.
They will use a shorter version of the same survey (LibQual) that was used
in 2007 for results comparison. The survey will be sent to students, staff,
and faculty. Gifts will be given as incentives for those who fill out the
survey quickly.
Tuition Awards. There were unused tuition dollars at the end of the year
which were funneled back to those colleges who had increased their
dollars towards tuition awards of students on half-time
assistantships. Some colleges didn’t completely use all of their tuition
awards that were allotted them. In addition, tuition awards were
available to provide extra tuition awards for any doctoral student that a
department really wanted. Tuition award notifications for the coming
year have been sent out to the colleges. Interesting to note that in a 30day snapshot, approximately 90% of all submitted grants included extra
money for tuition.
Recruitment Workshop. A recruitment workshop will be held during
Research Week. Part of the workshop will feature a student panel and a
Graduate Recruitment Toolbox presentation.
Old Business:
New Business:
R401 EED Credit Reduction PhD. The Council unanimously approved the
proposal for a PhD degree credit reduction in Engineering Education.
R401 MIS Discontinue Plan C MS; Create MMIS. The Council unanimously
approved the proposal to discontinue MS Plan C in Management
Information Systems and create a degree of Master of Management
Information Systems.
R401 SOC Credit Reduction PhD. The Council unanimously approved the
proposal for a PhD degree credit reduction in Sociology.
R402 ITLS Discontinue Plan C MS; Create MLTID. The Council unanimously
approved the proposal to discontinue the Plan C MS in Instructional
Technology & Learning Sciences and create a Master of Learning
Technologies & Instructional Design.
R401 NDFS Dietetic Internship Certificate. The Council unanimously
approved the proposal to create a Dietetic Internship Certificate.
Committee of the Whole:
Committee Meeting: