UAA Spouse Tuition Scholarship Applicant's Data 1. NAME (Last, First, MI) 2. SSN STUDENT NUMBER 3. MAILING ADDRESS: 4. HOME PHONE 5. WORK PHONE Sponsor's Data 6. NAME (Last, First, MI) RANK 7. SSN 8. UNIT & UNIT MAILING ADDRESS: 9. DEROS 10. DUTY PHONE Educational Data 11. DEGREE LEVEL (“X” BLOCK THAT APPLIES) Certificate Associate Bachelor Graduate 13. HOURS REQUIRED FOR DEGREE: 12. DEGREE PROGRAM / MAJOR 14. HOURS COMPLETED TOWARD DEGREE: 15. COURSES THIS TERM: Please refer to Item 15 Instructions NO DUPLICATE COURSES (all fields must be filled out for each class listed) Example: Course – MATH 101 Course Title – General Math (MATH 101(DE) when class is distance education (on line) Course Course Title # of Credit Hours Tuition cost per class Class Start Date 16. TOTAL TUITION FOR ALL CLASSES: $ 17. HAS ANY GRADE BEEN LESS THAN “C” (“B” FOR GRADUATE)? ( IF YES HAS STAP BEEN REPAID? ( YES/ NO) 18. HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR ANY OTHER AID? ( YES/ NO) IF YES, WHAT IS IT? YES/ NO) 19. DID YOU QUALIFY? ( YES/ NO); IF YES, HOW MUCH/ PER TERM FOR TUITION ONLY: Financial Data: An end-of-month LES dated within the last 60 days must be attached with application 20. SPONSORS MONTHLY BASE PAY: 21. ½ OF SPONSOR’S MONTHLY OUTSIDE GROSS INCOME (Example: Part-time job, etc.) 22. ½ of APPLICANTS MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (attach pay stub) $ $ $ 24. DO YOU OWE ANY OUTSTANDING LOANS TO AFAS (EA OR STAP)? Explain: ( YES/ 23. NUMBER OF DEPENDENT CHILDREN NO) Base Remarks I understand the Scholarship will only pay for classes listed above. It is my responsibility to notify UAA of any class changes made prior to the “final add/drop date”. Spouse Tuition Assistance will not be provided for changes made to your class schedule after the “add/drop” date has passed. ____________________ ______________________________________________ Applicant Initials Committee Approval 25. Student’s Signature Date 26. Sponsor’s Signature Date