Salt Lake Arts Academy 5th and 6th Grades Humanities Disclosure for 2015-2016 Ms. Lynne 801-531-7726 Room 300 Course Information: Humanities class includes the subjects of history and reading blended together. During the year, we will study major world Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient China, ancient Americas, ancient Greece, and ancient Rome. Our reading will include information texts as well as novels. The majority of the class novels we read this year are historical fiction in nature, and each novel’s theme will correspond with the history content. Students will be expected, by the end of the year, to understand the following concepts: ● ● ● ● ● How the past influences the present The relationship between geography and cultures The rise and fall of ancient civilizations Important contributions and influences of ancient civilizations The development of world religions Geography is an integral part of each unit of study. Students will not only practice reading maps but making their own maps. Geography terms will be given throughout the year. Students are expected to learn their definitions and locate places for tests. Current Events are given as homework assignments. Once a term, students will be expected to find a current article that deals with an important issue. Students are asked to use critical thinking skills to assess the issue and support their opinion with evidence from their reading. Reading: Students are expected to have an independent reading book with them each day. When the class is reading a novel together, the expectation is for students to read their assigned novel before they read their chosen novel. When students finish early, they are expected to read quietly. Students will have nightly reading assignments when a class novel is assigned. Students will practice reading with partners, in small groups, in all class read-a-louds, or with the teacher. Reading will focus on comprehension and learning new vocabulary words. Genres of literature covered will be fiction, nonfiction, primary and secondary sources, textbooks, and scientific literature. Listening: Learning to listen for understanding is an important skill. Listening activities will be through discussions, documentaries, read-a-louds, and story telling. Periodically there will be listening quizzes. Writing: Writing assignments in history will include journaling, summaries, note taking, drawing conclusions, compare and contrast, and answering short questions. Homework: For an average student, homework ranges from about 30 to 40 minutes per night. Homework is due at the beginning of each class period. Reading assignments need to be finished nightly in order to participate in class discussions. Students are responsible for copying down daily assignments into their planners. In addition, class homework can also be found on Compass. Grading: Salt Lake Arts Academy’s progress reports incorporate three numeric rubrics ranging from 1-5. Grades can be found online and are frequently updated. ● ● ● Proficiency of Grade level academic concepts and skills Participation/Effort/Preparation/Risk-taking (PEPR) Cooperation/Attitude/Behavior (CAB) Master Grade consists of the following categories: assessments, classwork/homework, and honor’s projects. R.I.S.K. (respect, integrity, safety, kindness) are the school and classroom rules. All students are expected to abide by these guidelines at all times. Communication: Parent and teacher communication is an important part of the success of your child’s education. Information about class assignments and activities can be found in the following places: school emails, handouts, student planner, and the Google calendar. Absences: When there is an illness or family emergency, parents should send me an email or note. At the end of the school day, family or classmates may collect assignments for the student. Additionally, students need to check my Google calendar for missed work and complete it within the agreed upon time. Late Work Policy: If a student is unable to finish an assignment for a valid reason, please send a note to school with an explanation. If turning in assignments late becomes a pattern, then this policy will be terminated and the student will receive a zero. There are special circumstances where arrangements need to be made in order to help students. This will require a meeting with the teacher, student, parents, and possibly an administrator in order to create an agreement that is beneficial to all parties involved. I will not take excused assignments over a week late. No Name Work: There is a no name basket in class. Students have a week to claim no name assignments, place their name on them, and turn them in for a grade. Unclaimed papers will be recycled. In order to stay on top of your child’s homework and class work assignments, parents should Consistently check Compass and student planners for assignment deadlines Login to student’s humanities grades on Compass to check class grade status Check student’s SLARTS account for classroom updates Check Compass for more detailed information about assignments Contact the teacher after checking the above resources Students Responsibilities Be prepared each day with required materials: 2 pencils, eraser, paper, independent book, and completed homework Actively participate in classroom activities and discussions Listen attentively and respectfully while others speak Complete homework and projects on time Take pride in their learning and produce quality work Follow the four components of RISK My Goals for my Students ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Become lifelong learners Develop good study habits Be critical thinkers Develop self-confident Nurture empathy Be respectful to themselves and others Grow into good world citizens Electronic devices do not belong in the classroom. Electronics must be turned off during the day. If an electronic device is used or heard in class, it will be taken and a parent will need to retrieve it. I am very happy to be a part of the Salt Lake Arts Academy, and I look forward to a successful and rewarding school year with your child. Sincerely yours, Karen Lynne Please neatly sign below that you have read and understand this disclosure document and return only this page to Ms. Lynne. Student’s name (please print) ___________________________________________________ Student signature _________________________________________ Date _________________ Parent/Guardian name (please print) ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (signature) __________________________________ Date ________________ Parent/Guardian name (please print) ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (signature) _________________________________ Date _________________