Stovall-Shaw Elementary School Executive Summary of SIP

Stovall-Shaw Elementary School
Executive Summary of SIP
Stovall-Shaw Elementary School, according to 2013-14 EVAAS data, met
expected growth. Our proficiency in nearly all cohort groups also improved, with
87% of our subgroups meeting their AMO targets. 100% of our teachers on staff
this year are returning teachers and our Teachers’ Working Conditions survey
results were very positive. While there are many great things taking place at
Stovall-Shaw Elementary School, there is much work to be done.
Our reading and math proficiencies are not nearly what we would like them
to be, only 49.2% of our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students are proficient in all subjects.
We also have significant achievement gaps between our white subgroup and our
African-American and Economically Disadvantaged subgroups.
Our school improvement plan (SIP) will focus on state and district goals one,
two and five. Goal one states that, “Every Stovall-Shaw student will receive a strong
core foundation of academics and citizenship in order to prepare them for success at
the next educational level and in order to decrease the number of non-proficient
students in both reading and math by 10%.” We will meet this goal by continuing to
strengthen our balanced literacy framework, our guided math framework and by
collecting and disaggregating data in order to identify at-risk students.
Goal two states, “Every student is provided an individualized academic
experience based on his/her needs so that the percentage of non-proficient students
in reading and math for each subgroup is decreased by 10%.” We will achieve this
by identifying at-risk students early so that we can intervene early. We also plan to
increase the number of students with access to digital technology and provide
rigorous and relevant instruction so that we increase our performance composite
and meet or exceed expected growth.
Goal three states, “Every student is exposed to an enriched learning
environment where they are helped to be healthy, safe and responsible: leading to a
10% decrease in discipline referrals.” We plan to achieve this third goal by
implementing strategies that allow us to create and maintain a safe and respectful
learning environment. We will also promote healthy, active lifestyles for our
students and staff. Finally, we will work to decrease the number of students that are
chronically tardy and/or absent.
The mascot for Stovall-Shaw Elementary School is the eagle. Our school
motto is, “To fly like an eagle, you must soar.” At our school we SOAR by Staying
safe, Offering respect, Acting responsible and Reaching our to others. We plan to
meet our school improvement goals by adhering to our school mission statement
which is, “The daily mission of the Stovall-Shaw Eagles is to have:
Enthusiastic teachers
Achieving students
Goals being set and met
Learning for the 21st century
Everyone invested
Safety and security for all”