Quantitative Real Time PCR

OIE Reference Laboratory Reports
Activities in 2011
Name of disease (or topic) for
which you are a designated OIE
Reference Laboratory:
Avian tuberculosis
Address of laboratory:
Veterinary Research Institute
Hudcova 70
621 00 Brno
(+420) 5 3333 1601
(+420) 5 4121 1229
e-mail address:
Name (including Title and
Position) of Head of Laboratory
(Responsible Official):
Professor Ivo Pavlik
Head of the Deparatment
Food and Feed Safety
Name (including Title and
Position) of OIE Reference
Professor Ivo Pavlik
Head of the Deparatment
Food and Feed Safety
Name (including Title and
Position) of writer of this report
(if different from above):
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
Part I: Summary of general activities related to the disease
Test(s) in use/or available for the specified disease/topic at your laboratory
Test (Total)
agglutination (524)
Corpuscular antigen of M. avium
subsp. avium (serotype 2)
477 domestic pigs, 17 wild pigs,
19 horses, 3 buffaloes, 3 bulls, 5 birds
agglutination (524)
Corpuscular antigen of M. avium
subsp. hominissuis (serotype 8)
477 domestic pigs, 17 wild pigs,
19 horses, 3 buffaloes, 3 bulls, 5 birds
agglutination (524)
Corpuscular antigen of
M. intracellulare (serotype 19)
477 domestic pigs, 17 wild pigs,
19 horses, 3 buffaloes, 3 bulls, 5 birds
MAPIA (508)
Recombinant proteins MPB83 and
MPB70 (differential diagnostics of
M. bovis infections)
examination (396)
Conventional culture technique
(media without Mycobactin J)
PCR Quadruplex
Quadruplex system for M. avium
species differentiation1
9 M. a. avium
22 M. a. hominissuis
5 M. a. paratuberculosis laboratory
16S rRNA PCR system for
Mycobacterium sp. and M. avium
complex members identification2,3
58 M. avium sp.
4 M. intracellulare
60 other atypical mycobacteria4
Differentiation of Mycobacterium
sp. Harmsen et al.5 and Telenti
et al.6
2 M. abscessus
2 M. chelonae/abscessus
2 M. chelonae group
2 M. arupense
1 M. bohemicum
1 M. celatum
2 M. europaenum
1 M. flavescens
4 M. fortuitum
2 M. gastri
2 M. gordonae
1 M. chimaera
1 M. insubricum
1 M. interjectum
1 M. intracellulare
4 M. intracellulare group
1 M. lentiflavum
1 M. mantenii
4 M. marinum/M. ulcerans
3 M. peregrinum/M. septicum
1 M. triplex group
4 M. sp.
16S rDNA
sequencing (70)
Isolates (84)
Tissue (46)
Environment (8)
Faeces (7)
104 fallow deer, 70 antelopes, 70 cattle,
66 red deer, 28 various suidae,
28 horses, 28 goats, 20 sheep,
11 moufflons, 11 buffaloes, 6 llamas,
6 zebras, 4 camels, 3 giraffes, 3 elks,
3 muntjacs, 1 reindeer, 1 donkey,
1 tapir, 1 rhinoceros, 3 exotic cattle,
32 various bovidae
186 fish tissues, 7 horse tissues,
144 environmental tissues, 51 pig
tissues, 2 human tissues, 6 other
mammal tissues
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
Test (Total)
Quantitative Real
Time PCR (339)
M. a. avium and
M. a.
IS1245 and IS9017
1 milk
3 blood
118 tissues
53 faeces
23 isolates
141 environment
Quantitative real
Time PCR
M. marinum and
M. ulcerans-like
erp and IS24048
108 fish tissues
9 human tissues
13 isolates
24 environment
5 gastropods
Home made technique for the detection and differentiation of members of the M. avium species: Moravkova, M.,
Hlozek, P., Beran, V., Pavlik, I., Preziuso, S., Cuteri, V., Bartos, M.: Strategy for the detection and differentiation
of Mycobacterium avium species in isolates and heavily infected tissues. Research in Veterinary Science, 2008, 85
(2), 257-264.
Van Soolingen, D., Bauer, J., Leăo, S., Pavlik, I., Vincent, V., Rastogi, N., Gori, A., Bodmer, T., Garzelli, C.,
Garcia, M. J.: IS1245 Restriction fragment length polymorphism typing of Mycobacterium avium isolates:
proposal for standardization. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 1998, 36 (10), 3051-3054.
Dvorska, L., Bull, T. J., Bartos, M., Matlova, L., Svastova, P., Weston, R. T., Kintr, J., Parmova, I., Van
Soolingen, D., Pavlik, I.: A standardised restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method for typing
Mycobacterium avium isolates links IS901 with virulence for birds. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2003, 55
(1), 11-27.
Non-identified mycobacterial species other than members of M. avium species, M. avium complex and M.
tuberculosis complex.
Harmsen, D., Dostal, S., Roth, A., Niemann, S., Rothganger, J., Sammeth, M., Albert, J., Frosch, M., Richter, E.,
11-11-2003. RIDOM: comprehensive and public sequence database for identification of Mycobacterium species.
BMC Infection Diseases, 2003, 3, 26.
Telenti, A., Marchesi, F., Balz, M., Bally, F., Böttger, E.C. and Bodmer, T. Rapid identification of mycobacteria
to the species level by polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme analysis. Journal of Clinical
Microbiology, 1993, 31 (2), 175-178.
Specific fragments for M. avium subsp. avium and M. avium subsp. hominissuis ; home made technique, Slana, I.,
Kaevska, M., Kralik, P., Horvathova, A., Pavlik, I.: Distribution of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and
M. a. hominissuis in artificially infected pigs studied by culture and IS901 and IS1245 quantitative Real Time
PCR. Veterinary Microbiology, 26;144:437-43
Specific fragments for M. marinum and M. ulcerans-like organisms; home made technique, Slany, M., Pavlik, I. :
The presence of Mycobacterium marinum in aquarium of infected human studied by erp and IS2404 competitive
real time quantitative PCR assays, Journal of Medical Microbiology, submitted.
Production and distribution of diagnostic reagents
Part II: Activities specifically related to the mandate
of OIE Reference Laboratories
International harmonisation and standardisation of methods for diagnostic testing or the
production and testing of vaccines
Establishment and maintenance of a network with other OIE Reference Laboratories
designated for the same pathogen or disease and organisation of regular inter-laboratory
proficiency testing to ensure comparability of results
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
Organisation of inter-laboratory proficiency testing with laboratories other than OIE
Reference Laboratories for the same pathogens and diseases to ensure equivalence of
Preparation and supply of international reference standards for diagnostic tests or vaccines
Reference strain is available.
Research and development of new procedures for diagnosis and control
Kaevska, M., Slana, I., Kralik, P., Reischl, U., Orosova, J., Holcikova, A., Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterium avium subsp.
hominissuis in neck lymph nodes of children and the tracing of infection in the environment by culture and triplex
quantitative real time PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2011, 49 (1), 167-172. doi:10.1128/JCM.00802-10
Collection, analysis and dissemination of epizootiological data relevant to international disease
Maintenance of a system of quality assurance, biosafety and biosecurity relevant to the
pathogen and the disease concerned
The diagnostic tests used in the Reference Laboratory are accredited (ISo/IEC 17025).
Provision of consultant expertise to OIE or to OIE Member Countries
Under the terms of OIE Reference laboratory two laboratory trainings are provided:
The quantification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and
Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis in different matrices using real-time qPCR (5 days)
Sequence analysis for identification of mycobacteria (4 days)
Provision of scientific and technical training to personnel from other OIE Member Countries
10. Provision of diagnostic testing facilities to other OIE Member Countries
11. Organisation of international scientific meetings on behalf of OIE or other international bodies
12. Participation in international scientific collaborative studies
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
National grants
Animal disease research, prevention and food chain protection, part: Mycobacterial infections of animals.
Institutional Research Plan, 1.1.2009-31.12.2013. Ministry of Agriculture, the Czech Republic, No.: MZE
0002716202, Project leader: Prof. MVDr. Jiri Rubes, CSc., VRI Brno, Czech Republic
Efficiency of alternative methods for prevention of enteric diseases in pigs and determination of risks from an
aspect of food safety. National Agency for Agricultural Research (NAZV), No. QH71054, 1.1.2007-31.12.20011,
Project leader: Prof. MVDr. Ivo Pavlik, CSc., VRI Brno, Czech Republic.
Mycobacterial infections in freshwater fish and their impact for livestock and humans. National Agency for
Agricultural Research (NAZV), No. QH91240, 1.1.2009-31.12.20011, Project leader: Prof. MVDr. Ivo Pavlik,
CSc., VRI Brno, Czech Republic.
The methods development for the detection and quantification of important bacterial and viral pathogens
contaminating food, water and environment and threatening humans’ and animals’ health. Safety Research
Programme of the Czech Republic during the years 2010 and 2015 (BV II/2-VS), Project leader: Prof. MVDr. Ivo
Pavlik, CSc., 1.10.2010-30.9.2015.
European Union Grants
Center for Advanced Microbiology & Immunology Research in Veterinary Medicine. Acronym: AdmireVet.
Registration No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0006. Regional R&D Centre. Ministry of Education, Youth and sports of the
Czech Republic. 1.12.2009-31.12.2013. Co-ordinator: Prof. MVDr. Ivo Pavlík, CSc.
13. Publication and dissemination of information relevant to the work of OIE (including list of
scientific publications, internet publishing activities, presentations at international conferences)
Presentations at international conferences and meetings concerning M. avium complex members
Kaevska, M., Kralik, P., Slana, I., Makovcova, J., Pavlik, I.: Penetration of mycobacteria in plants confirmed by
culture and quantitative real time PCR examination. Annual Congress of the European Society of
Mycobacteriology, 26th – 29th June, 2011, Lubeck, Germany, 92.
Kaevska, M., Kralik, P., Slana, I., Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterial lymphadenitis in children: advantages of quantitative
real time PCR in diagnosis and identifying sources of infection. 1st Annual Symposium of Bacteriology and
Infection (SBI-2011), July 30th –August 1st, 2011, Peking, China, 220.
Kaevska, M., Pribylova, R., Slana, I., Kralik, P., Pavlik, I.: Spread of potentially pathogenic mycobacteria in the
environment: possible routes of transmission through soil and plants. EPS Hohhot International Natural Sciences
Development Forum 2011, August 3-6 Huhhot, China, 64.
Klanicova, B., Seda, J., Slana, I., Pavlik, I.: Quantitative real time PCR and cultivation method for detection of
Mycobacterium avium subspecies in sediments of drinking water reservoirs. Annual Congress of the European
Society of Mycobacteriology, 26th – 29th June, 2011, Lubeck, Germany, 81.
Pavlik, I.: Emerging and re-emerging potentially pathogenic mycobacteria – current situation, ecology and impact
on animal’s and human’s health. 1st Annual Symposium of Bacteriology and Infection (SBI-2011), July 30th –
August 1st, 2011, Peking, China, 143.
Pavlik, I.: Various stages in the life cycle of syrphid flies (Eristalis tenax; Diptera: Syrphidae) and other Diptera as
potential mechanical vectors of potentially pathogenic mycobacteria causing infections in pigs and cattle. EPS
Hohhot International Natural Sciences Development Forum 2011, August 3-6 Huhhot, China, 58.
Slana, I., Kaevska, M., Kralik, P., Horvathova, A., Pavlik, I.: Development of quantitative triplex real time PCR
for the simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and M. a. subsp. hominissuis. In: qPCR
2011 Event - 5th international qPCR Symposium & Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshops, 28 th March 1st April 2011, Freising, Germany, 26-27.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
Presentations at international conferences and meetings concerning other mycobacterial species
Pavlik, I., Slana, I., Slany, M., Kralik, P., Moravkova, M., Havelkova, M., Svobodova, J.: Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infections in animals – current situation and future risk factors. Annual Congress of the European
Society of Mycobacteriology, 26th – 29th June, 2011, Lubeck, Germany, 73.
Slany, M., Kantorova, K., Jezek, P., Bodnarova, M., Pavlik, I.: Cutaneous Mycobacterium marinum infection in
humans detected by quantitative real time PCR. In: qPCR 2011 Event - 5th international qPCR Symposium &
Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshops, 28 th March - 1st April 2011, Freising, Germany, 34.
Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals
Blahutkova, M., Fictum, P., Skoric, M., Bezdekova, B., Jahn, P., Kriz, P., Mrlik, V., Slana, I., Kaevska, M.,
Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis infection in two sibling Fjord horses diagnosed by
quantitative real time PCR: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 2011, 56 (6), 294-301.
Kaevska, M., Slana, I., Kralik, P., Reischl, U., Orosova, J., Holcikova, A., Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterium avium subsp.
hominissuis in neck lymph nodes of children and the tracing of infection in the environment by culture and triplex
quantitative real time PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2011, 49 (1), 167-172. doi:10.1128/JCM.00802-10
Klanicova, B., Vondruskova, H., Slana, I., Kaevska, M., Pavlik, I.: Real-time quantitative PCR detection of
Mycobacterium avium subspecies in meat products. Journal of Food Protection, 2011, 74 (4), 636-640.
Kralik, P., Vondruskova-Prikrylova, H., Slana, I., Moravkova, M., Pavlik, I.: Survival of Mycobacterium avium
subsp. hominissuis in homemade smoked pork sausages. Czech Journal of Food Science, 2011, 29 (6), 547-553.
Kriz, P., Kralik, P., Slany, M., Slana, I., Svobodova, J., Parmova, I., Barnet, V., Jurek, V., Pavlik, I.:
Mycobacterium pinnipedii in a captive Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens): a case report. Veterinarni Medicina,
2011, 56 (6), 307-313. http://www.vri.cz/docs/vetmed/56-6-307.pdf
Kriz, P., Sisak, F., Slana, I., Karpiskova, R., Docekal, J., Skoric, M., Fictum, P., Babak, V., Pavlik, I.:
Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium var. Copenhagen Phage Type
DT2 in pigeons. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2011, 8 (10), 1-3. DOI: 10.1089/fpd.2010.0836
Kriz, P., Slana, I., Kralik, P., Babak, V., Skoric, M., Fictum, P., Docekal, J., Pavlik, I.: Outbreak of
Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium Infection in one flock of domestic pigeons. Avian Diseases, 2011, 55 (3), 503508.
Macek, P., Bodnarova, M., Zavada, J., Jezek, P., Pavlik, I., Slany, M., Havelkova, M., Stork, J., Duskova, J.,
Hanus, T., Kocvara, R.: Mycobacterium marinum epididymoorchitis: case report and literature review. Urologia
Internationalis, 2011, 87, 120-124. DOI: 10.1159/000328220
Moravkova, M., Slany, M., Trcka, I., Havelkova, M., Svobodova, J., Skoric, M., Heinigeova, B., Pavlik, I.:
Human–to-human and human-to-dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission studied by IS6110 RFLP analysis:
a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 2011, 56 (6), 314-317. http://www.vri.cz/docs/vetmed/56-6-314.pdf
Moravkova, M., Lamka, J., Kriz, P., Pavlik, I.: The presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium in common
pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) living in captivity and in other birds, vertebrates, non-vertebrates and the
environment. Veterinarni Medicina, 2011, 56 (7), 333-343. http://www.vri.cz/docs/vetmed/56-7-333.pdf
Skoric, M., Fictum, P., Slana, I., Kriz, P., Pavlik, I.: A case of systemic mycosis in a Hovawart dog due to
Candida albicans. Veterinarni Medicina, 2011, 56 (5), 260-264. http://www.vri.cz/docs/vetmed/56-5-260.pdf
Stepanova, H., Pavlova, B., Stromerova, N., Matiasovic, J., Kaevska, M., Pavlik, I., Faldyna, M.: Cell-mediated
immune response in swine infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium. Veterinary Immunology and
Immunopathology, 2011, 142, 107-112. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.04.005
Book chapters
Zinsstag, J., Borna, M., Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterioses. Chapter 15. In: Oxford Textbook of Zoonoses. Biology,
Clinical Practice and Public Health Control. 2nd Edition, Palmer, S.R., Soulsby, L., Torgerson, P.R., Brown,
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011
Avian tuberculosis
D.W.G.: Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-19-857002-8, 128-135.
Other communications
Knowledge dissemination is an important activity of the OIE Reference Laboratories for Avian Tuberculosis,
and for paratuberculosis, supported by the Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic and Biomedical
Technology, Epidemiology and Food Safety Global Network. Databases on paratuberculosis and Crohn’s
disease digest were updated in 2011 with a total of 360 new scientific articles (228 and 132, respectively),
published in peer reviewed journals and indexed in the Web of Science® (Thomson Reuters) database. Members
of the Biomedical Technology, Epidemiology and Food Safety Global Network were informed about new
publications by e-mails in weekly intervals. Both databases are available at the web page of the OIE Reference
Laboratory for Paratuberculosis, hosted by the Veterinary Research Institute, Brno. Network members from 22
countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy,
Nigeria, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and USA)
requested papers from those on offer. In total, 42 new items of information on mycobacteria were distributed by email to network members as the Centaur Global Network Information and were simultaneously archived at the
network web page. This open access system means that all information is available not only for the Centaur Global
Network members. Everybody can register as a person, interested in any or all of the 27 fields of interest, one of
which is (08) Mycobacterial diseases. In total, 210 e-mail notifications were dispatched in 2011, mostly to
distribution lists (27) Scientific information, (23) Education, (05) Zoonoses, (04) Food borne diseases and (08)
Mycobacterial diseases. The distance learning course on Good Research Practice was run also in 2011 and the
course assigned GRP 2012 has been opened in October 2011 and has to be finished by 31 March 2012. The
running course has registered 88articipants from 18 countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Croatia, Czech Republic,
Germany, Ethiopia, Finland, India, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan,
Sweden and Tunisia). The previous course, GRP 2011, has been running from October 2010 to 31 March 2011.
This course had 105 participants from 27 countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Czech Republic,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq/Kurdistan, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Zambia).
URL addresses of hyperlinks:
OIE Reference Laboratories for Avian Tuberculosis
Veterinary Research Institute, Brno
Biomedical Technology, Epidemiology and Food Safety Global Network (CENTAUR)
registration on line
Database on paratuberculosis
Database on Crohn’s disease digest
OIE Reference Laboratory for Paratuberculosis,
distance learning course on Good Research Practice
GRP 2011 Report
Centaur Global Network Information
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2011