Candidates for CRE Permanent Committee for AGM on April 12

Candidates for CRE Permanent Committee for AGM on April 12, 2014
1. Justin Yoo
I am currently the co-chair for the fifteenth Current Research in Egyptology
conference. I have a BA in Anthropology, an MA in Egyptian Archaeology from
University College London, and am currently a PhD student at King’s College
London writing a thesis on Greco-Egyptian economy, trade and identity formation
from the 7th to 4th-century BC. I have also studied at Oberlin Conservatory/College,
Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Queens
College (CUNY), UCLA, and the Middlebury Language Schools (French & Arabic).
I started my PhD in Egyptology at UCLA where I helped create the UCLA
Egyptological Encyclopedia. I have excavated at Mendes, Tell Timai, Khirbet almafjar, and also have also volunteered at the EES and have worked for the British
Institute in Amman as editorial assistant for the CBRL Bulletin and the CBRL
website. I have served as conference organizer for the Theoretical Roman
Archaeology Conference (chaired panel and editor of proceedings) and am chairing a
panel at the upcoming BRISMES conference. My main research interests are in
Egyptian economy from the New Kingdom through the Ptolemaic Period. I am
currently co-editing/co-authoring a book on ancient migration with Dr. Andrea
Zerbini: Mobile People, Movable Worlds.
I feel I can serve CRE best on the permanent committee by continuing what we have
started this year—transitioning from temporary websites yearly to having a permanent
website and web presence. The current permanent committee has already authorised
CRE to keep as the permanent CRE web address.
Similarly, I feel that CRE XV London’s FB and Twitter should be turned over to next
year’s organising committee, thereby keeping the nearly 600 followers we have and
utilising that for future conference marketing. I have extensive experience in web
design, web editing and marketing and feel very qualified to assist in this overall
Courtney Bobik from UCL, our current webmaster, has kindly offered to stay on and
help transition this to a permanent website for CRE. I look forward to working with
her and the rest of the permanent committee along with next year’s organisational
committee on issues such as this.
Similarly, for the first time ever, we were able to offer student bursaries this year. We
hope that we can continue with this and work out an arrangement where we can have
permanent bursaries to offer.
2. Carl Walsh
Having presented at last years CRE XIV, I have since been busy elbows deep in
organizing this year’s extravaganza. CRE for me has been my first experience of
being involved in a large international conference and I have loved every minute
(even the bad moments). As such I would love the chance to continue being involved
with CRE for the next few years and see how it continues to grow and develop. As I
have been involved in CRE as a presenter, published author, and organizer, I have
become intimately familiar with the processes and guidelines of the conference, the
intricacies of its organization (catering, volunteers, funding applications, abstract
selection) as well as potential hazards that can be encountered. All of this first hand
experience and knowledge are pretty essential requirement for someone who will be
advising and guiding future organizers, which is one of the primary reasons I think I’d
be well suited to the position. If that wasn’t enough I have also organized another
conference this year and are planning a second, so by the time I would be inducted
into the order of CRE, I should have this conference stuff down pat.
In terms of qualifications I have a MA in Egyptology from Cambridge and an MA
from UCL in the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, and am
currently working on my PhD at UCL on courtly body culture and diplomacy in the
Middle Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean. Fieldwork includes time at Knossos,
Crete and at Sesibi, Sudan. As such I have a good background not only in Egyptology
but the archaeology of the wider Mediterranean world. Hopefully I have convinced
you that my qualifications meet the desired requirements!
As someone who has been so recently involved with CRE I also think I can lend a
hand in some of the plans that have already been set in motion, such as the idea of
forming a permanent website as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts. I would also
like to expand CRE’s profile more widely into our neighboring fields in Aegean,
Sudanese, Near Eastern, and Anatolian archaeology in order to encourage a
continuing supply of fresh perspectives and research, which of course is what CRE is
all about. I hope you will consider me for a position of the standing committee!
3. Sarah Shepherd
I have presented at CRE and will be one of the poster presenters at the CRE XV
conference in London. I will shortly be commencing my PhD research.
The experience I have gained in presenting my research via CRE has been integral to
my academic development. It's led me to present at other conferences, chair panels
and assist with organising events at Hull.
I would welcome the chance to work for the Committee and assist with the ongoing
development of the CRE platform.
Sarah Shepherd
MA, Military History at University of Hull
Specialist Battlefield Tour Guide - 70th Anniversary D Day Tour (2014) at Leger
Battlefield Tours
2014 - Present (less than a year)
MA, Military History at University of Hull
2012 - Present (2 years)
Themes of the programme include the culture of warfare, the formation of armies and
navies, military
strategy and defence, and the politics of warfare from medieval to modern times.
~ Debates in Military History
~ Themes in Military History
~ Winston Churchill's Second World War as History
~ Military Society of the Middle Ages
~ Research and Design Strategy for Military Historians
~ Historians of the Middle Ages
~ Dissertation Supervisor: Dr Peter Halkon
'Bronze Age Sword Manufacturing in Ancient Egypt: The Khepesh'
Military Historian, Egyptologist and Researcher at Research
January 2005 - Present (9 years 3 months)
I am currently researching edged weaponry, namely the development of the Khepesh
and sickle swords
within Bronze Age sword manufacturing.
Academic Conference Papers at Conference Papers
2012 - 2013 (1 year)
Current Research in Egyptology ( CRE XIII, University of Birmingham) 27th - 30th
March 2012
'The Khepesh - A saga of Trade. Inter-connectivity and the Adoption of Technology'
A.E.G.U.S, Ancient Warfare Conference, University of Wales, 18th - 20th September
Ancient Egyptian Bronze Age Swords ~ The Khepesh, Proceedings will be published
by Cambridge Scholars (available 2014)
2nd Postgraduate Conference in Conflict Archaeology, University of Liverpool, 10th
- 12th October 2013
Ancient Egyptian Bronze Age Swords ~ The Khepesh
Current Research in Egyptology (CRE XV, Kings College London & University
College London) 9th - 12th April 2014
Ancient Egyptian Bronze Age Swords ~ The Khepesh (Poster Presentation)
Egyptology at University of Manchester
2006 - 2009 (3 years)
Year 1 ~ Pre Dynastic times to the Hyksos Period, Heiroglyphs I
Year 2 ~ Beginning of New Kingdom to Dynasty 19, Heiroglyphs II
Year 3 ~ Later New Kingdom to the Arab Conquests, Heiroglyphs III
Year 4 ~ Engaging with Research - Dissertation, 70%
Currently learning Arabic
Volunteer Experience
Board Member at Ferriby Heritage Trust
April 2013 - Present (1 year)
Ferriby Heritage Trust is a charity entrusted with preserving and promoting awareness
of the 4,000 year old Bronze Age Ships found on the Humber. The stitched plank
construction of the Ferriby Ships, dating back to 2300BC, produced large loadcarrying seagoing vessels which turned the prehistoric rivers and oceans into
thoroughfares and created the travel and trade which has shaped our modern world.
F.E.M.C, Cairo, Egypt
June 2013 to Present
Members:Sarah Shepherd
Friends of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt Museology & Education Committee Friends of the
Egyptian Museum, Cairo (FEMC) aims to offer support to the management of the
Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and to cooperate with the Ministry of State for Antiquities
Affairs to reach four main aims:
1. To establish a wide reaching support /OR/ structured support network for the
Museum with other institutions and individuals through projects and protocols of
2. To foster Museum projects and academic research through fundraising and support.
3. To empower Museum staff.
4. To generate public interest in the Museum and Egyptian heritage.
Skills & Expertise
Ancient Edged weaponry
Bronze Age sword manufacturing
Islamic Arms & Armour
The development of the Khopesh and sickle swords
Field Work
Archival Research
Ancient History
Military History
Art History
Historic Preservation
Archaeological Survey
Conservation Issues
Architectural History
Historical Research
Higher Education
Oral History
Academic Writing
University Teaching
Museum Education
The University of Manchester
Archaeological drawing
Sarah Shepherd
MA, Military History at University of Hull
Contact Sarah on LinkedIn
4. James Bennett
University Affiliation: Durham University (PhD Student)
PhD Topic: The settlement patterns of the Third Intermediate Period and the
Development of towns and cities during the 21st – 25th Dynasty.
PhD Supervisor: Dr. Penelope Wilson.
Candidates Website:
Statement for the Role in the CRE Permanent Committee
The CRE permanent committee provides a key backbone in the academic world
through its involvement in ensuring the smooth running of the annual Egyptology
conference. This provides a crucial platform for the development of research in
arguably one of the most important civilizations in the ancient world. Given my
academic achievements, experience and raw enthusiasm, I feel I would be ideally
suited to this position. I have a strong in-depth understanding of the archaeology,
culture and history of Egypt, and feel that this is an important background to bring to
the role. Outside of my strong knowledge base, skills such as organization,
communication and time management are highly important in the set up and direction
of the annual conference. These skill sets have been demonstrated through teaching
undergraduate students in the field, as well as publishing journal articles which
contribute to the literature pool. Having had a substantial amount of experience in
field work in Egypt and elsewhere, I have been able to develop key relationships and
contacts with various Universities around the world, as well as with fellow
Egyptologists. The formation of relationships in the academic world are extremely
important in order to ensure that the annual conference is able to provide the most up
to date and influential research to its designated audience.
James Edward Bennett
106 Main Street, Clifton Campville
Tamworth, Staffordshire
Tel: 07717359861
Academic Qualifications
2012-2015: PhD Archaeology (Durham University). The Development of Settlements
in the Third Intermediate Period in Egypt.
2010--‐ 2011: MA Egyptology (Distinction) (University of Liverpool)
2007--‐ 2010: BA Egyptian Archaeology (2:1) (University of Liverpool)
2013-2014: Athribis (Middle Egypt). (Excavation Supervisor) University of
Tubingen. (Directors: Professor C. Leitz and Dr. M. Muller)
2013: Tell Timai (North Eastern Egyptian Delta) (Excavation Supervisor) University
of Hawaii (Directors. Professor R. Littman and Dr. J. Silverstein, Dr M. Kenawi).
2012-2013: Athribis (Middle Egypt). (Excavation Supervisor) University of
Tubingen. (Directors: Professor C. Leitz and Dr. M. Muller
2012: Megiddo. Tel Aviv University Expedition to Megiddo. (Square Supervisor)
(Directors. Professor Israel Finkelstein and David Ussishkin).
2012: Sanisera Archaeological Field School (Menorca, Spain). (Director. Fernando
Contreras Rodrigo).
2011: Tell Timai (North Eastern Egyptian Delta) (Excavation Supervisor) University
of Hawaii (Directors. Professor R. Littman and Dr. J. Silverstein).
2010: Tell Timai (North Eastern Egyptian Delta) (Assistant Excavation Supervisor)
University of Hawaii (Directors. Professor R. Littman and Dr. J. Silverstein).
2009: Tell Timai (North Eastern Egyptian Delta) University of Hawaii (Directors.
Professor R. Littman and Dr. J. Silverstein)
2008: Court Farm Bestthorpe (England). Manchester University Field Archaeological
Unit (Director Andrew
Longworth). Roman Quarry Site
Newark (Nottingham)
Conference Papers
J.E. Bennett, ‘The Terracottas from the University of Hawaii’s Excavations at Tell
Timai (Thmouis) in the North Eastern Delta. Function, Dating and Provenance’,
Kontextualisierung von Terrakotten im spätzeitlichen bis spätantiken Ägypten.
Tagung vom 6. bis 8. Dezember 2013 im Martin von Wagner Museum, Würzburg.
J. Haney, J. Bennett and R. Littman, ‘Recent Excavations near the Center of Thmuis:
A Late Roman Period Room Deposit’, Society for American Archaeology 77th Annual
Meeting, April 18-22, 2012, Memphis Tennessee
Journal Papers
J. Bennett, ‘A Troupe of Six Terracotta Acrobat Figurines found in a Votive Pit at
Thmuis’, in ZÄS 141/2 (2014), (forthcoming)
Durham University Research Seminars: Grey College, Durham
November 20 2013: The Late Ptolemaic – Early Roman Temple Foundations in the
northern area of Tell Timai, James Bennett (PhD, Archaeology/Egyptology)
February 7th 2013: A Season at Athribis 2012-2013: Uncovering Ancient Egypt's Last
Great Stone Temple, James Bennett (PhD, Archaeology/Egyptology)
November 15 2012: The Development of Egyptian Settlement in the Third
Intermediate Period: An Overview of the Research, James Bennett (PhD,
J.E. Bennett, ‘Excavations at Tell Timai (Thmouis)’. North East Ancient Egypt
Society (NEAES) in collaboration with the Joseph Cowan Lifelong Learning Centre
CIC, Newcastle. (Commercial Union House, Newcastle, UK).
Poster Presentations
J.E. Bennett, ‘A Troupe of African Acrobat Terracottas from Thmuis (Egypt): Artistic
connection between Rome and the Egyptian Nile Delta’, De Africa Romaque:
Merging Cultures across North Africa, University of Leicester, 26th-27th October
Teaching Responsibilities: Teaching Assistant, Durham University:
Archaeology in Action (ARCH1071)
Ancient Civilizations of the East (ARCH1111), including museum handling sessions.
Ancient Empires of the East (ARCH2141), museum handling sessions.
Community Learning Programmes (The North East Ancient Egypt Society
Lecturer in ‘Beginners Hieroglyphs’ (2013-2014).