Y5 Curriculum Overview Spring

Curriculum Overview
Year 5 Spring Term 2016
This is a brief summary of the curriculum that will be covered during the spring term. It is not an
exhaustive list, but will hopefully give you an indication of the topics and skills covered.
The children have been using the topic of ‘Stargazers’ as a link from which to
generate purposeful writing. They have been writing poetry in different forms,
including free verse and performance poems. Within this they have been
developing their ability to critically evaluate and respond to each other, giving
relevant advice. Newspaper articles will be explored and written, both from their
own experience and also from a research base. There will be an opportunity for
the children to create their own myth to explain certain phenomenon linked to the
moon. As a way to connect personally with the topic the children will also be making
a diary entry.
We will also be continuing our writing skills program where children will have the opportunity to build on and
develop their grammar and punctuation skills. There will be a strong focus on the ‘basics’ of spelling,
handwriting, punctuation and grammar.
This term, the children will continue to undertake our times table challenge to develop their rapid recall
skills, including operations related to the times tables (e.g. 64 divided by 8, 0.6 x 3, etc). Math’s homework
will focus on this skill until the children have secured their target times tables.
In addition, the key topics for this term are: place value, including negative numbers, measurement
including temperature and capacity, converting between different units of measurement km/m, m/cm kg/g
etc. factors, multiples and products, written formal methods, symmetry, 2D/3D shape knowledge,
reflection and translation, graphing and charts, perimeter, area, calculating / measuring angles. This will all
be punctuated with frequent number work lined to all 4 operations. All Math’s topics from the Autumn
term will be reinforced and built upon.
Term 1 - Stargazers: This topic is science-based and as such the children
will be carrying out various investigations, ensuring the importance of
creating ‘fair test’. They will be researching Sun, Earth, Moon and our
Solar System as well as considering the force of gravity. There will be a
visit to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.
Term 2 – Pharaohs: This topic is history-based and covers aspects from
ancient Egypt. The children will unravel the secrets of ancient tombs, they
will use evidence and artifacts to understand and appreciate the past,
finding out about powerful pharaohs. Recognising the importance of the
Nile and how it was key to the development of Egypt. There will be a visit
to the British Museum in March to compliment this topic. Further details
will be provided nearer the time.
SRE: We will be researching Inspirational People and understanding why they inspire others.
Recognising and describing aerial images of Earth, identifying geographical features.
Finding out about Egypt’s climate, seas and significant geographical features
Locate key places, Cairo, Giza and the Valley of the Kings
Study of significant individuals – Galileo Galilei & Isaac Newton
The 1960s Space Race.
Tutankhamun and Howard Carter’s discovery
Egyptian Gods – Anubis, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Thoth and Ammit
Ramose – the life of an embalmer.
Ch will have the chance to explore programming by sequencing a series of instructions for programmable
We will continue to use a range of presentational programs, as well as using search tools to assist our topic
and literacy work.
Art &
Design and
Linking with the Stargazer topic, the children will using chalk pastels to
recreate planets from the solar system as well as stars, comets and
asteroids. Children will focus on using moon-like colours on black backgrounds
for effect. Carrying on the moon theme, children will use materials and
textiles to produce a ‘moon surface’. We will also be designing and making a
satellite, rover or shuttle for a moon mission.
Linking to the Pharaoh topic we will research and make our own ancient
Egyptian headwear. We will investigate the various jars and containers used
and their purpose. Following a food theme, we will make bread – Egyptian
style! Of course, we will also investigate the amazing pyramid structures and
find out why the building techniques have been so successful.
Year 5 will continue to participate in one hour of physical education per week with our P.E. Coach, on a
Thursday afternoon. In addition, the children will be receiving specialist gymnastics tuition on
All children are expected to have FULL P.E kit in school at all times. This should include a
The children will receive their homework every Friday. This will be a combination of literacy and numeracy
every week. In addition, topic work may also be set. Homework should be completed and returned to
school by the date set, usually Wednesday.
Guided reading books will be issued and the children are expected to read for 25 minutes per day. Once
the group has finished the book, a new one will be issued.
We appreciate any donations of newspapers or boxes of tissues.
Assemblies for both 5K and 5P will be performed in March. Further confirmation to be provided.
Many thanks for your support last term and we look forward to working hard, but having fun in this
New Year.
Mrs Kearns & Mr Poon