Ms. Millikin’s 6th Grade English Classroom Procedures: 2015-2016 1. FOLLOWING MY 3 A’s o I have very high expectations for ALL students. These expectations are best reflected in my classroom 3 A’s, and the meaning of each will be discussed thoroughly in class: o Act like a scholar o Assume responsibility o Advocate for yourself 2. ABSENCES o Students are responsible for managing work after absences, including the following: Scheduling make-up tests, quizzes, or activities Collecting hand-outs and submit homework collected during absence o Check IC o Visit me during Homeroom or send an e-mail to request a make-up quiz or test. Write down your make-up date in your AA planner and do not forget! If you do forget your test date, then you can obtain one more make-up date by sending me a professional e-mail in which you take responsibility, explain how or why you forgot the test, and finish by explaining what you will do in the future to avoid missing dates. o Access any hand-outs in the Make-Up Work folder for your particular class. o *Write “Absent” on any work collected during your absence and put it in the “absent/late work” bin for your particular class. 3. WATER AND BATHROOM BREAKS o Students may NOT use the bathroom during instructional time (when I am giving direct instruction). o Grab the girl (Hello Kitty) or boy (Broncos player) pass and put it on your desk. o Once back in the classroom, go directly to your seat without disrupting the class and put the pass back silently and efficiently. 4. START OF EACH CLASS o Students should be in their seats ready to work by the second/tardy bell. o Make sure items are in the basket beneath your desk unless needed for the start of class. HOWEVER, NO ITEMS ON THE FLOOR! THIS IS A SAFETY HAZARD! 5. CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS & OVERALL PARTICIPATION GRADE o The most important goal is for everyone to feel comfortable discussing different ideas and opinions. We will use a variety of tactics to encourage open, respectful communication in which everyone participates. All students are responsible for following and participating in classroom discussions. Therefore, shy students may need to push themselves to volunteer at least two times (2xs) a week. Your participation or lack thereof will be calculated into a weekly participation grade in IC. Ways to gain participation points: bring necessary supplies, participate in class, be ready to contribute to discussions, demonstrate a willingness to learn, be on task, etc. Students may lose classroom points for: talking out of turn or interrupting others, demonstrating disrespect, neglecting to bring supplies, neglecting to show reasonable participation in classroom readings, discussions, and other activities, or for behavior that negatively impacts the learning environment. 1 o 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Avoid making comments at inappropriate times (such as during instruction), or comments that attempt to be funny by being judgmental, criticizing, or making fun of others, or being aggressive. Define yourself by character and true strength instead. CLASSROOM MAINTENANCE o Place all books and items in the basket underneath your desk. o Keep your desk and the floor around your desk clean. Throw all trash away in one of the two bins located in the classroom. o RECYCLING: recyclable materials should be placed in the recycle bin under the turn-in table. CLASSROOM SUPPLIES & TECHNOLOGY o In the classroom, students will have access to supplies such as textbooks, silent reading books, a Smart Board, microphones, stapler, pencil sharpener, 3-hole puncher, and more. o All supplies should remain in the classroom, be treated with respect, handled carefully and returned to their proper place when not in use. Mistreatment will result in behavior consequences! o Students should not touch the Smart Board or any items on Ms. Millikin’s desk unless given permission. VERBAL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION o VERBAL: The primary method of communication between teacher and student is verbal. If time runs out during Independent Work Time in class (typically the last 15-20 minutes of the period), students may use homeroom, snack break, and after school to speak to the teacher. o E-MAIL: Students may also use e-mail to address questions that arise outside of regular class time. Remember that teachers have two (2) school days to respond to e-mails. Therefore, students should use another method than e-mail if they need a swifter response. Emails should demonstrate proper, professional etiquette (this will be addressed in class sometime during the first week or so). I will not respond to emails that are not formatted properly! DRINKS IN THE CLASSROOM o Water, a mood stabilizer, is highly encouraged and the only drink allowed. o Ensure that containers are water-tight and firmly closed. Please put student names on bottles! GRADING WORK IN CLASS o For particular assignments, students will be held responsible for diligently checking work and grading accurately. o Use a red or other dark-colored pen to grade. PENCILS ARE UNACCEPTABLE FOR GRADING! Students will receive one warning for this before points are deducted from the assignment. o Only use the colored pen to mark incorrect answers with an X, write in a correct answer, and enter the final number missed at the top of the assignment. GRADED ASSIGNMENTS SHOULD NOT HAVE A PLETHORA OF RED/COLORED PEN OR MISCELLANEOUS DRAWINGS! POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED. GROUP WORK o Students will work in groups periodically to share ideas, respond to each other’s work, participate in small-group discussions, and more. In this class, students will be placed in assigned reading groups each trimester that are chosen by the teacher based on reading 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. scores and ability level. Students MUST learn to work with others, even if they are not necessarily their choice of “friends” outside of the classroom. o Students may provide guidance and feedback to classmates and receive the same from them, but they should avoid sharing answers in a project unless instructed to do so. o Students may receive or lose participation points for their efforts to collaborate with their peers. o Students’ individual performance in a group assignment will be taken into account with regard to their grade. READING GROUPS (RGs) & COMPETITIONS (RGCs) o Each trimester, reading data will be analyzed to place students into small groups of 4-5 students known as reading groups. o Students will work together with their RGs to earn points. The RG with the most points at the end of each trimester will win both an intrinsic and extrinsic reward for their efforts! o There will be daily opportunities to earn points toward a student’s respective RG, and weekly competitions (typically on Thursdays or Fridays) provide the opportunity to earn double points. READING CHAIR TICKETS: o Each day, a student can submit ONE nomination for a student in their class period who demonstrates exceptional AA behavior and character (think: going above and beyond, helping other students in some capacity, offering a really great insight during class, etc.). Students who are nominating their peers need to be as SPECIFIC as possible with their nomination, or Ms. Millikin reserves the right not to accept the nomination. o Each class has a special place in the classroom to submit the Reading Chair Ticket nomination. They may NOT submit it anonymously. o Ms. Millikin will randomly draw ONE nomination every Friday/last day of each week. That nominated student will get to keep the nomination and will get to sit in a comfortable reading chair in the back of the classroom for the entire class period. o There is no limit to how many times one student can get nominated. He/she must really be doing something right! INFINITE CAMPUS (IC): LATE & MISSING ASSIGNMENTS o Assignments and specific requirements regarding them are entered in IC per AA policy. o Missing assignments will be noted in IC as well. Students have TWO DAYS for every ONE day missed to complete missed/absent work before the regular late policy comes into play (1 day late = -20%, 2 days late = -50% and 3 days late – on = zero). M’s will be changed to permanent zeroes (too late to receive credit) after 3 days. o No Name assignments will also be put into IC as “missing” until they are “claimed” by the student and put into the proper turn-in bin (-20% is automatically taken off assignment for not having a name). o If you have a question or you think there is an error in IC, send the teacher a formal e-mail that identifies the assignment and your question about it. This will begin a communication trail. OFFICE HOURS/WHEN TO COME SEE ME o I am available during Homeroom (after morning announcements – 8:17 a.m.) and after school by appointment. o I need time to prepare in the morning. Therefore, unless it is an emergency, please wait until Homeroom to talk to me. I very much appreciate it! PARENT INVOLVEMENT 3 o 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. I love to see parents involved in their student’s education. Please read along with us, and if you are interested in contributing to class, let me know if you have a Language Arts-related skill or career, such as being an editor or journalist. o At this age, it is sometimes necessary to encourage students to seek out clarification or solutions to problems on their own. We encourage students to self-advocate and educate them how to communicate professionally, so please support that development at home whenever possible. o If there is an emergency, major concern, or just something I should know, please contact me. I want to partner with you to best help your child. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND USAGE DURING INSTRUCTION & INDEPENDENT WORK TIME o Class follows the AA One-to-one agreement and AA policy your parents and you signed. o Only access the Internet if the teacher has given specific and explicit approval. Otherwise, avoid the Internet during instruction and focus on the lesson. o You may type on a personal electronic device rather than write long-hand for many notes, activities and homework. If electronics are not allowed for an assignment, then that will be clearly communicated in class and posted in the IC assignment description. *Special exceptions apply for particular students.* o Playing games at ANY POINT in the class period warrants an immediate behavior write-up. o INDEPENDENT WORK TIME: Surfing web sites that do NOT pertain to a particular task during independent work time constitutes a behavior write-up as well. Searching for music on Spotify after the allotted 60-seconds at the start of independent work time will constitute a behavior write-up as well. PRINTING WORK o Some assignments will need to be printed; you will be advised. For most daily classwork, students can choose to type or hand-write their assignments. o Students are encouraged to print at school (2nd floor closet for printer). Obtain permission from the teacher and one student will be sent with the printer pass to collect work for everyone else. ROOM ACCESS o The classroom is unlocked at 8:00 AM when the first bell rings. The room usually remains unlocked throughout the day. o Wait until the teacher is present to enter the room at the start of class, or at ANY point in the day unless you have special permission. STUDENT SUPPLIES o Students are responsible for arriving to class ready to go with their supplies, which vary depending on the day but ALWAYS include laptops and binders complete with lined paper, a red or colored pen, and pencil. o What if I forget my supplies? If a student forgets their supplies or comes to class unprepared, it will result in a demerit automatically after September 1st. SUBMITTING HOMEWORK o Homework will sometimes be graded in class, turned in at the start of class, or submitted at the very end of the class period. o Can I turn in work early? 4 Students will be allowed to turn in work early into the regular Turn-In Work bin. o WORK TURNED IN DURING CLASS: Often, students will be instructed to line up in alphabetical order (after being given a number) and submit work to the turn-in bin. The “Turn-In Work” bin is the only place that hard-copy homework is accepted. o Work must be complete and with full heading in order to be marked as received on time. Incomplete headings or work with no name will be marked as missing and put in the “Still to Be Claimed No Name” Bin. 22. TAKING ASSESSMENTS o Students are responsible for using a cover sheet during all paper assessments. o Online assessments are used frequently. Students are responsible for showing up to class with their laptops charged and ready to go. Games are NOT allowed after an assessment. Students caught playing games PERIOD during the school day will receive 1 warning during the grace period before receiving a write-up. o There is to be no talking during assessments – ever. Be warned: this is strictly enforced! If a student talks during an assessment for any reason other than an emergency, then that student will earn a zero on the test and an automatic behavior write-up. 23. ZONES OF NO INTERFERENCE: TEACHER’S SPACE & YOUR PEERS’ DESKS o The teacher’s desk, personal items, cabinets, and supply bins all part of the zone of no interference. Students should ONLY use supplies provided directly by the teacher at the student supply zone in the back of the classroom. o Never, ever crowd Ms. Millikin’s desk at the start of class. This is a critical time where I am getting final touches together and need to get class started. Write down your question and put it on my desk, or send me an email at an appropriate time. o Student’s own desks are also zones of no interference. Please respect each student’s space and personal items by keeping hands to selves and avoid moving desks. Consequences: What will happen if I do not follow procedure? When a student fails to honor procedure to a lesser degree (minor offenses), the student will typically get a warning, though in some cases, it will warrant a demerit. The demerit will be marked on the student’s demerit card as well as a MS-wide demerit database monitored daily by teachers and administration. When a student disrupts the learning environment (major offenses), the discipline policy and consequence matrix goes into effect (see Middle School Policies and Procedures document), which typically yields a formal behavior write-up. SIGN HERE I have read and understand these classroom requirements. ____________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ________________________________ DATE ________________________________ DATE 5