Big Greece/Rome/Byzantine/Judaism/Christianity

Big Greece/Rome/Byzantine/Judaism/Christianity
Let’s start with ancient Greece…
___________________ and ______________________ were city -states in Ancient Greece. City- states in Ancient
Greece developed because of the ________________________ terrain that prevented the city-states from
uniting to form a single nation.
Athens was a city-state in Ancient Greece. During the ____________________________ of Athens, Athens
experienced major accomplishments in the arts, sciences, and literature. Athens is most wellknown for its contributions regarding philosophy and government. In Athens, they established a
direct but limited _______________________, stressed the importance of the individual, considered the
political ideas of __________________, _________________, & ________________________, and encouraged all citizens
to participate in government.
Although Athens and Sparta were both city-states in Ancient Greece, they were very different from
one another. In Sparta, they emphasized the ______________________, sending young boys away from
their families at the age of 5 or 6 in order to begin their training.
Misc. Greece
One of the most influential military commanders in history (conquering most of the world known
to the ancient Greeks) was _______________________________________. In building his vast empire, he
combined Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian culture which created a________________________________
Ok, let’s look at some multiple choice…
Olympic games, the poems of Homer, and Hellenistic culture are associated with which ancient civilization?
A. Egyptian
B. Greek
C. Roman
D. Phoenician
I was one of the most influential military commanders in history. I conquered most of the world known to the
ancient Greeks and never lost a battle. I lived during the period 356 to 323 BC. Who am I?
A. Genghis Khan
B. Alexander the Great
C. Marco Polo
D. Julius Caesar
To what country would someone travel to see the Parthenon on the Acropolis?
A. Greece
B. Italy
C. Turkey
D. Israel
The most valid statement concerning societies which have had a “Golden Age” is that during these periods they
A. Surpassed all preceding cultures in scientific advancements
B. Experienced major accomplishments in the arts, sciences, and literature
C. Possessed great quantities of natural resources
D. Developed democratic governments
Which factor best characterizes the art of ancient Greece?
A. Emphasis on human form
B. Focus on biblical themes
C. Dominance of landscape paintings
D. Influence of the west African tradition
OK, now let’s look at Rome…
The ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of ________________.
When Rome was a republic, it created a set of laws called the ______________________________. These laws
tried to be as fair as possible to both the rich and the poor. Like the Code of Hammurabi, the
__________________________ were designed to create a stable society.
The Roman Empire, during its rise, height, and decline, was very similar to the _____________ dynasty
in China. Both empires promoted unity and communication by building a strong system of
___________________. As Rome started to drift away from being a republic, _________________________ became
the undisputed master of the Roman empire around 49 BC. This was the beginning of a reign of
reforms in the Roman society and government. His life ended when the Senate decided he had too
much power and stabbed him on the floor of the Senate ________ times.
The Fall of Rome
After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the
M.C. Review
Two outstanding contributions of Rome to civilization were in
A. Literature and medicine
B. Painting and drama
C. Engineering and law
D. Music and military tactics
The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables were designed to
A. Create a stable society
B. Promote peaceful relations with other cultures
C. Provide a framework for the development of democracy
D. Emphasize the importance of life after death
One way in which the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar is that both
A. Governed large areas around the Mediterranean Sea
B. Created democratic societies in which people elected government officials
C. Developed a social system in which great equality existed
D. Promoted unity and communication by building a strong system of roads
Byzantine Empire
After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the
________________________________. The capital of this empire was re-named _______________________________ by
Emperor Constantine. It was chosen as the capital because its location made it the crossroads of
Europe and Asia. At the height of the empire, a stable government allowed the Byzantine Empire
to flourish.
The Byzantine Empire was known for spreading its influence into early _________________________.
Cultural diffusion allowed things such as the Cyrillic alphabet, the Eastern ______________________
religion, and terms like Caesar/czar to be spread into early Russia. Another major contribution
from the Byzantine empire was their preservation of _______________ and ______________ culture.
During the reign of Emperor Justinian, a set of ______________ was created known as
___________________________________. This set of laws was similar to the code of Hammurabi in that both
successfully codified the laws of their empire. This accomplishment, as well as the construction of
the Hagia ________________ and the preservation of Greek and Roman culture, carved a path for a
number of Byzantine achievements.
M.C. Practice
An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to early Russia was the
A. Orthodox Christian religion
B. Use of the Latin alphabet
C. Beginning of democracy
D. Factory system
The adoption of the Eastern Orthodox religion and the Cyrillic alphabet by the Russian people occurred as a result
A. Territorial expansion during the reign of Catherine the Great
B. The westernization of Peter the Great
C. Contact with the Byzantine culture in the 10th century
D. The influence of the Crusaders during the Middle Ages
What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history?
A. Preservation of Greek and Roman culture
B. Construction of the pyramids
C. Expansion of equal rights
D. Invention of writing
The golden ages of the Roman and the Byzantine Empire can be attributed in part to
A. Cultural isolation
B. Stable governments
C. Command economies
D. Distinct social classes
Constantinople became the center of the Byzantine Empire because
A. The pope had made it the capital of the Christian world
B. It was a religion center for Muslims
C. Its location made it the crossroads of Europe and Asia
D. It was geographically isolated from surrounding empires
Two monotheistic religions that emerged during this time were _______________________ and
_____________________. Both Judaism and Christianity are ___________________________. Judaism began when
God made a covenant with _________________________. God promised the Hebrews land and that they
would be he chosen people.
Both people who believe in Judaism and people who believe in Christianity follow a set of rules
called the ___________________________________.Christianity differs from Judaism because Christians
believe that ______________________ is the son of God.
Judaism and Christianity are similar because they
A. Base their beliefs on the Koran
B. Stress belief in reincarnation
C. Are monotheistic
D. Promote the practice of polygamy
I am the central figure of Christianity, beginning with the events of my dying on a cross and the belief in my
resurrection after death. Who am I?
A. Jesus
B. Muhammed
C. Buddha
D. Lao Tsu