Topics for Questions 6-10

Topics for Questions 6-10
Greeks and Romans
Byzantine Empire
Ancient India
Ancient China
Ancient Africa
The Crusades and Cultural Diffusion
Ancient Greece and Rome
Ancient Greeks
City-States = Polis
Athens and Sparta
Athens = Golden Age/
Sparta = Warriors, Women’s
Direct Democracy
Alexander the Great: (Hellenistic
Culture = Greek + Egypt + Persia +
Ancient Romans
Elected officials
Laws = 12 Tables
Roads (Compare: Incas)
Aqueducts (Compare: Importance
of Water)
• Pax Romana – Peace of Rome
• Golden Age
Alexander The Great &
Hellenistic Culture
Roman Republic
Representative Democracy
12 Tables = Printed Law
Roman Architecture
Aqueduct = Carry Water
Coliseum = Arches and Grandeur
Review Questions
1. How were Athens and Sparta Culturally different? Use some examples
2. List 5 things that prove Rome was advanced for the time period in which
its people lived.
3. How did ordinary Roman citizens know what laws they needed to follow?
Review Questions
1. What geographic areas of the world did Alexander the Great’s Hellenistic
Culture draw it ideas from?
2. How were these areas added to the Eastern Roman empire?
Byzantine Empire
• Preserved Greek and Roman culture
• Orthodox Christians (no worship of idols)
• Stretched European culture into E. Europe and
S. Russia
• Justinian Code (COMPARE: 12 Tables)
Byzantine Empire
Orthodox Church
Justinian Code
Review Questions
1. What cultures did the Byzantine Empire preserve after the fall of the
Western Roman Empire (Italy) to the Huns and Goths?
2. How does an Eastern Orthodox Church avoid the creation of idols that
might contain spirits?
3. Describe the similarity between the Roman 12 Tables and the Justinian
• Polytheism- Many
• Monotheism – One God
• Animism / Shintoism
• Hinduism
• Buddhism
• Judaism (Jews)
• Christianity (Christians)
• Islam (Muslims)
Hammurabi’s Code vs Golden Rule
and Shintoism
Both = Natural Things Have Spirits
4 Noble Truths
Review Questions
1. Develop 2 questions for each Polytheistic Religion: Animism, Hinduism,
and Buddhism
The Mongols
Warrior tribe from north of China
“The Khans” – Genghis and Kubli Khan
United nearly all of Asia at one point
Kept Russia isolated from European influence
Review Questions
1. How did the Mongols spread their empire?
2. What effect did the Mongolian invasion have on early Russian civilization?
3. What family name did the Rulers of the Mongols all carry?
Ancient India
Mauryans and Gupta
Isolated by Himalayan Mountains
Religion = Hindu
River Valley = Indus Valley
Mauryans and Gupta
Himalaya Range = Isolates the sub-continent
Review Questions
1. Explain why early Indian civilizations were so isolated
2. Describe how geography effected the lives of people in India
Ancient China
Confucianism = “Fortune Cookie” Scholar
Filial Piety = 5 Relationships of Respect
Wife  Husband
Son  Father
Brother  Older Brother
People  Government
Young  Elderly
The Silk Road = Trade Route / Cultural Diffusion
Middle Kingdom = Chinese thought they were central and
best culture in the world (ethnocentrism) COMPARE to British
Imperialism in Africa (White Man’s Burden)
Filial Piety = Proper Respect of Parents, Intelligence, Elderly
Review Questions
1. How is the concept of “Middle Kingdom” similar to “Ethnocentrism”
2. Use your knowledge of Filial Piety to describe why Chicks dig Mao
3. What was the impact of the Silk Road on Chinese culture
4. What neighboring country was heavily influenced by Chinese trade and
Ancient Africa
Mali and Ghana
West African Empires
Gold and Salt Trade
Cultural Diffusion
West Africa
Cultural Center
Mansa Musa
Spread of Islam into N.
and W. Africa along
trade routes
Mali and Ghana = Gold and Salt
Axim and Songhai and Timbuktu =
W. African Kingdoms
Mansa Musa = Spread of Islam
Review Questions
1. What is the historical significance of Mansa Musa?
2. What two trade items are most closely associated with Ghana and Mali?
The Crusades
• Christians in Europe
attempt to spread
Christianity back into
the Middle East
• Failure  Middle East is
still Muslim today
• Cultural Diffusion
• Soldiers from Europe
bring back Middle
Eastern goods in
between the several
Review Questions
1. Describe how the Crusades caused Cultural Diffusion between the Middle
East and Europe.
2. Explain how we can know for certain that the Crusades were a failure