Chapter E-Ballot Process

E-Ballot Set-up Process
Please use this document to ensure a smooth E-ballot process. Please submit the requested information one week
before your election should start.
We use Survey Gizmo for your E-Ballot. This program will send each member of your chapter a unique hyperlink
they will click on to vote. This link can only be used once. This ensures a fair process.
As a reminder, review your bylaws to ensure you’re following your election procedures. A copy of your bylaws is
housed online in the bylaws directory in Officer Central.
If you have any questions, contact
1 Provide a list of the members to be placed on the ballot. Include full name, and position running for
2 Provide position statements for each person on the ballot. This can be one statement that includes
everyone, or it could be a separate document for each person. The statement should include a photo
and information such as background, and why they’re interested in the position. See example.
Provide the date you’d like the poll to open and the date you’d like it to close.
Provide the contact information (name and email) for the chapter leader that will be the main contact
for questions about the ballot. This is typically the Nominations and Election Chair.
You have the option of providing a specific message that your members will receive in the email that will
be sent out. However we will send the standard email message listed below if we don’t receive a
message from you. The standard message is below.
Email the five items listed above to
Next Steps
1 Chapter Services will provide a sample ballot for you to test and review for accuracy. Please note that
for those candidates running unopposed, they will be listed as a group with the option being to vote for
or against the slate. Only where the position is contested will the member need to vote for a specific
person. See the sample ballot.
Chapter Services will provide you with your latest roster. This will be the list of members who will get the
ballot. You should check this list for accuracy and approve it or let us know if corrections are needed.
Once you approve the ballot and the voting list, Chapter Services will send out the email to your
members on the date you’ve specified.
Chapter Services will send you the results the next business day after the poll closes.
Standard Email to Members
Dear [Member Name]:
As a member of the [XYZ] Chapter of ASSE, you are entitled to vote for your elected officers for the next chapter
year. Please take a minute to exercise your right to vote by filling out the ballot at the following link:
Your Ballot
Voting will close on [date & time]. If you have questions, please contact [Chapter Representative] at [Email
January 2016