Phase 5 - Week 8 – Spring 2 – Week 1 Objectives and criteria for

Phase 5 - Week 8 – Spring 2 – Week 1
Objectives and criteria for success:
Alternative pronunciations for u and ow p136, p153.
Practise recognition and recall of graphemes and different pronunciations of
graphemes as they are learned p136.
Teach spelling the words one, make, here.
Practise reading and spelling polysyllabic words p142 and p149.
Revisit and Review
Obb and Bob – phase 3
Practise reading high
frequency words p141- don’t,
old, I’m, by, time, house,
about, your, day, made,
came, make, here, saw, very
and put
Spelling tricky words so far in
Phase 5 p148 - oh, their,
people, Mr, Mrs, looked,
called, asked, would, should,
Spelling test –stupid, music,
human, sudden, under, fun,
but, tuba
Practise reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with
newly learned graphemes.
Teach reading the words again, different p141.
Practise reading and spelling high frequency words p141 and p148.
Practise reading and writing sentences p142 and p149.
Teach reading high frequency word again p141.
Review pronunciation of ‘u’ as in under, fun, but,
Teach alternative pronunciation of ‘u’. Use the
guidance on p136 on how to teach this.
Read the following words: unit, music, stupid,
Practise writing words: human,
stupid, tuba.
Teach reading high frequency word different
Teach spelling tricky word one p148.
Teach alternative pronunciation of ‘ow’ – cow.
Use the guidance on p136 on how to teach this.
Play What’s in the box? P113 – pictures in a box
and words on cards: snow, crow, pillow, elbow,
throw, row
Writing captions for a picture of all
of these words: snow, crow, pillow,
elbow, throw, row
Reading sentences p142:
I like loud music. Extend
Give the sound when shown
any grapheme that has been
Begin to write some of the
common graphemes when
given a sound.
Writing sentences p149:
The window is low. Write a
word and pass it on.
Begin to apply phonic
knowledge and skill when
reading and spelling
unfamiliar words that are not
completely decodable.
Read and spell phonically
decodable two-syllable and
three-syllable words.
Begin to read automatically
the words in the list of 100
high frequency words taught
in previous phases.
Teach spelling words make, here p148.
Teach reading of polysyllabic words using
alternative pronunciations of ‘ow’ p142:
downtown, clowning, downstairs.
Split board into 2 columns – ow
(how) and ow (snow). Ask children
to listen to the words, write and
sort them into the correct
phoneme box: glow-worm,
window, rowing, downtown, how,
snow, crow, pillow, elbow, throw,
Writing sentences p149:
Slow down!
Begin to accurately spell
most of the words in the list
of 100 high frequency