March 2014 Minutes

SECAC Notes 3-10-14
Introductions made
 Honestly Autism Day April 26th; Jean Considine mentioned that SECAC will sponsor
SECAC members and explained sponsorship procedures
 PJ Shafer explained how SECAC is involved with the BCPS budget – to push for full
funding of the budget by the board- no cuts, keep budget intact
 Transportation – Jim Mitcherling- will be presenting at another meeting
 Question to Debra Brooks about progress with vocational training – funding for liability
insurance for worker’s compensation and increased transportation arrangements– funding
will occur!
 Autism Society Essay Contest underway
Debra Brooks Continuum of Services for Special Education presentation
 Staffing to increase for services in home schools
 Professional Development (PD) to be available to train the staff to meet the needs of all
 Paraeducators to receive PD
 Additional Adult Assistants– Office of Special Education to work with schools to provide
 Behavioral supports needed for students with challenging behaviors
 Summer PD to be available for general educators
 Explanation of IDEA and the special education process
 Continuum of Services Model (visual shared): LRE and levels of services explained
 Overcrowding of classrooms with students with LRE C occurring and a growing concern
 Inclusive practices are being updated and addressed
 Discussion about staffing and training
 ALS students to attend home school to receive Continuum of Services
 Regional programs to remain intact
 Home school representatives should be attending teams for children who should be at their
school but attend a regional program elsewhere
 Ratios of Adults to students: LRE A 16:1; LRE B 14:1; LRE C 10:1
 Regional Programs provide 1 FTE Special Educator and FTE Para Educator
 Book about Autism Life Animated Ron Susskind NY Times
 Next month topics: transportation and Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities