Best Practice Guidelines Documenting Transition Services F Page Special Education Service Descriptor Example Time in Service* If there is no chart here, no LRE minutes required. NOTE: List each goal area in separate boxes on the F page. (i.e. reading, , math, written language, social/emotional learning) Specially Designed Instruction (General Education) Type: Service with LRE min Select from code list General education class General education class with consultation General education class with consultation/accommodations* (special education teacher is responsible for insuring that progress is being monitored and recorded on the IEP) ____will receive social skills instruction (turn taking, accepting feedback, joining in a conversation) in a group that is available to both students with disabilities and non-disabled peers. ____will receive skills instruction in math application (money, time, temperature, fractions, etc.) in a general education setting with consultation from the special education teacher. ____will receive skills instruction in math computation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in the general education class with lined graph paper to assist in alignment of numbers. (Accommodation) ____will receive skills instruction in the math application (money, time, temperature, fractions, etc.) in the general education class with the option to choose the use of a calculator and/or process cards on tests and quizzes. (Accommodation) ____will receive skills instruction in the math application in the general education class with the use of an alternate, forced choice assessment tools. (Modification) _60_General education ____Special education ____Community per Day x Week Month _60_General education ____Special education _____Community per Day x Week Month _60_General education ____Special education ____Community per Day x Week Month _60_General education ____Special education ____Community per Day x Week Month _60_Generall education ____Special education ____Community Per Day xWeek Month Specially Designed Instruction (Special education) Type: Service with LRE min Select from code list General education with direct special education support in the general education classroom * ____ will receive direct instruction math application from general education teacher with support from special education teacher or paraprofessional. (reteaching, paraphrasing, vocab, reading) (Special education teacher, support service provider or paraprofessional will be in the general education classroom to provide direct instruction, instructional support, or other assistance to the student or groups of students , through models such as collaborative or co-teaching) Consulting Teacher (This would be used for a student that is in a general education class. The special education teacher provides support in curriculum and strategies, but has no direct contact with the student in this class.) Co-taught Class with LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) minutes. ____ will receive direct instruction math application from general education teacher with support for learning strategies from the special education teacher. Math application is team-taught by a general education and special educator.____receives a review of past instruction and advanced preparation for upcoming instruction in the resource room. ____ is best served in a co-taught class for Language Arts focusing on comprehension skills and paragraph writing. Parallel Teaching with LRE minutes Consultation with LRE minutes ____ will receive math application instruction in a small group made up of general education and specially education students. Group membership changes bi-weekly based on student data. General education teacher will consult with the special education teacher on Algebra I curriculum standards and benchmarks, strategies, _ 45_General education __15_ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month _60_ General education ___ Special education ____ Community per xDay Week Month _45__ General education _15__ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week _30_ General education __30_ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week __15_ General education __45_ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week _30__ General education _30__ Special education _____ Community Month Month Month assessments, progress, and grades. _______ will receive specially designed instruction in the special classroom in math application based on this consultation. Pull Out After general education instruction, ______ will receive specially designed instruction in a small group in the special education classroom in the areas of math computation and application. ________ participates in a modified math program that provides specially designed instruction in a high adult/student ratio and provides functional academics, life skills training, and vocational training. ______ receives specially designed instruction in Learning Support classroom in the area of Reading Comprehension. Special class* (Including, but not limited to selfcontained classes, special schools, home instruction, and instruction in hospitals and institutions. Instruction is separate from non-disabled peers) Off Site Specially Designed Instruction (Community) Type: Service with LRE min Select from the code list ____will receive full program math application in the special education setting. ____ will receive _____ instruction in a self-contained off-site classroom for reading comprehension, math application, paragraph writing, and behavior in the area of relating to adults, peers and following directions. ____will have a wide variety of community opportunities including experiences in the work setting, recreation leisure experiences, life skills experiences with adult supervision while in the community. per xDay Week Month _____ General education __75_ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month _____ General education _43__ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month ____ General education __60_ Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month ____ General education __360 Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month ____ General education __420 Special education _____ Community per xDay Week Month ____General education ____Special education _120 Community per Day x Week Month ____will perform a required work task on the job with support provided by the job coach. Development of work and other post-high school living objectives Type: Service with LRE min Select from code list ____will receive specially designed instruction in job acquisition skills in the special education classroom focusing on the application completion and interviewing skills. Learning Strategies are taught one period a day in the resource room. The special education teacher oversees a community-based vocational placement two periods a day. Two hours of specially designed instruction provided daily in a special education classroom and two hours of training provided daily in a shelter work activity center. (Sheltered employment setting) ____ General education ____Special education _120 Community per Day x Week Month ____General education _60_Special education ____Community per xDay Week Month ____General education _55_Special education _120 Community per xDay Week Month ____General education _120 Special education _120 Community per Day The occupation and mobility instructor will assist____in community mobility experiences. Type: Activity/support With no LRE minutes _____will receive instruction to learn to be independent on the public bus system by practicing the bus routes with the help of a job coach. Week _____General education _____Special education _60_ Community per Day x Week xMonth Month _____will practice his social skills by explorations in the community with the help of his special education teacher and /or para-educator. ____will do 3 job shadows through Work Place Learning Connections but will be supported by the special education teacher and the job coach. Accommodations (Supports or services provided to help a student access the general curriculum and validly demonstrate learning) Type: Service - No LRE min ____ will receive copies of the teacher’s notes and overheads in science and social studies classes. Select from code list _____ will be allowed one-third more testing time than peers (e.g., 20 minutes for a 15 minute quiz). _____will have tests provided in an alternate setting. ____will be allowed to write directly on the test booklet and scores will be transferred to the answer sheet. _____will have access to graphic organizers for note taking. _____will use graph lined paper for solving math problems where the work needs to be displayed. ____ will be provided a scribe to record verbal answers to work sheets and test questions. ____will be provided books on tape. ____will be provided closed caption setting for audio programs ____ will be allowed extra time to complete writing assignments (3 days beyond the due date for peers) only if progress towards completion of the assignment is evident. Assistive Technology Type: Service – No LRE min ____ will have access to voice recognition computer program. Select from code list ____will have access to a calculator for math work. ____will have access to smart pen for note taking activities. ____will have flip camera for social modeling activities. ____will have touch switch available. ____will have a notebook sized computer for note taking. Linkages/ Interagency Responsibilities Type: activity/support Case management services provided by _________ County Mental Health and Developmental Disability. (MH/DD) Following graduation, job coaching will be provided by the MR Waiver with direct job coaching services provided by Employment Systems. ____has applied for Vocational Rehabilitation services and has been accepted as a client. ____ has applied for Student Disability Services at Kirkwood Community College and will receive accommodations as determined through a student interview. ____ will receive counseling at school through Horizons Counseling Services. ____is in Foster Care placement through DHS. ____ is under Juvenile Court supervision and has an assigned probation officer. Program Modifications (Changes made to the context and performance standards) Type: Activity/support For all content area tests,____will be allowed to use open book/notes. On multiple choice tests, possible choices will be reduced from 4 to 2. _____will be allowed to use a word bank when necessary. _____will only be required to complete only one step of multiple step problems. Full Credit for assignment completion will be given when they are turned in, despite the due date. The IEP team developed an individual intervention plan for _____based on the most recent functional behavioral assessment and has included this plan with the IEP. This plan may be modified as needed with out reconvening the entire IEP team. Supplementary Aids and Services Type: activity/support _____ will attend Adaptive PE class with his general education peers for social interaction. _____’s PE is modified from the general education curriculum to meet his skills and needs. ____will receive copies of the teacher’s notes and overheads in science and social studies. Gloves and chux are used by staff when providing jejeunostomy tube feedings, toileting and other nursing interventions. Large print handouts, lab signs and equipment labels when necessary. _____will be provided a FM amplification system. Supports for School Personnel * Joint planning must be listed for all students Type: Service - No LRE min Select from code list Special education teachers engage in joint planning for 1 hour or less per month with general education teachers and/or paraeducators to support involvement and progress in the general education curriculum and IEP goals. Or Special education teachers conduct joint planning with 1 general education teacher or para-educator over the course of each month, focusing on _____’s IEP goals #1 and #3. Special education teachers engage in joint planning for 1 to 2 hours per month with general education teachers and/or para-educators to support involvement and progress in the general education curriculum and IEP goals. Or Special education teachers conduct joint planning with 2 or 3 general education teachers and/or para-educators over the course of each month, focusing on IEP goal for reading fluency. Special education teachers engage in joint planning for more than 2 hours per month with general education teachers and/or paraeducators to support involvement and progress in the general education curriculum and IEP goals. Or Special education teachers conduct joint planning with more than 3 general education teachers and/or para-educators over the course of each month, focusing on IEP goals 1, 2, and 3. For students who have additional individual support from an adult a second descriptive box is used, code the support using Paraprofessional code (PP) are Medicaid eligible students, collaborate with district Medicaid coordinator Teacher Associate code (TA) for nonMedicaid eligible Support or related services ( Includes transportation, OT, PT, SLP, VI, OM, SSW, nursing) Para educators have no LRE minutes. Complete center column defining time and frequency of service. Provider(s) & when the service, activity or support will occur Beginning Date:________________ Provider(s):__________________ Name:______________________ ______ will require additional assistance from an adult in his core classes for the following: Assistance with note taking Maintaining focus in class Completing in-class assignments Organizing materials Meeting class deadlines ______ will require additional assistance from an adult to assist in; Monitoring at lunch, recess and in halls Teaching interventions related to behavior Direct instruction in social skills Sensory integration Time & frequency/when provided: _________________ Type: Service with LRE min Select from code list An 1:1 adult will be assigned to the student to assist with the implementation of ______’s behavior plan and other class needs. A program paraprofessional will be assigned to the classroom to assist with the implementation of ______’s behavior plan and other class needs. Occupational Therapist will provide a combination of direct and consultative services to ____ and her school team. Support will be in the areas of positioning, body movement, toileting, feeding, using communication modes, and other areas as needed. _45_ General education _45_ Special education _____ Community per Day Week x Month _____ will be provided with short-term counseling (two to three contacts, 30 minutes each) following any office referrals for disruptive classroom behavior. The counselor will reinforce/re-teach self-control approaches _____ has learned in the past. __30_ General education __30_ Special education _____ Community per x Day Week Month Speech services consist of: direct instruction in the therapy room and teacher consultation (problem solving, discussions, observation, teacher feedback). _120_ General education __60_ Special education _____ Community per Day Week x Month Type: Service – No LRE min In order for _____ to be successful in school, he requires specialized transportation to and from school. Select from code list _____ will require a bus attendant for his specialized route. Ongoing nursing assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, evaluation, consultation with health providers, staff, parents, and emergency situations. The time required for these services may vary from day to day because the student’s health status and related needs may fluctuate. Because of this, the time and frequency will be described as “up to___ minutes or hours.” See IHP for details. The time required for personal care and nursing services may vary from day to day because the student’s health status might fluctuate. Because of this, the time and frequency will be described as “up to ______minutes or hours.” Specialized Accessible Formats (Braille, large print, audio, digital text, computer software, electronic media) Type: Activity/support School district will order textbooks on CD via contacting the publisher or IA Dept for the Blind. Books on tape will be accessed through the IA Dept for the Blind. Victor Vibe (CD player and tape recorder have already been provided by IA Dept for the Blind). Computer software with voice output with spell checker and grammar checker will be used for any reading, writing, or testing assignments. NIMAS: Text books must be ordered for _______ in advance of each school year to allow for timely delivery in the appropriate format. The school will order textbooks in the Spring by notifying the Dept. for the Blind. If district wide tests are required, the school will also request these through the Dept. for the Blind. Raised line drawings and tactile models of graphic materials. GWAEA Transition Cadre – February 2012