PAPER #2: EMBARGOED PRESS RELEASE STRICTLY UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL 12:00PM NOON ET (US) ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2015 Region(s) of Interest: United Kingdom Institution(s): University of Oxford; Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Mistaken identities of tropical plants raise questions on biodiversity data The primary way that researchers know anything about the distribution of species in the natural world is via the specimen collections housed in museums all around the world. As a result, tremendous effort is being put into uploading data on those collections into free and accessible databases (for example, But researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on November 16 have uncovered a big problem: mistaken identities in those collections are incredibly common, at least among tropical plants. Since the 1970s, the world's plant collections have more than doubled, but more than 50 percent of tropical specimens, on average, are likely to be incorrectly named, the study suggests. "Part of the reason for such rampant misidentification is the huge increase in the number of specimens which have been collected in the last 50 years," says Robert Scotland of the University of Oxford. "The other reason is the lack of expertise in many tropical plant groups. This produces a situation where huge numbers of incoming specimens can overwhelm any efforts to identify them by the few people with the necessary skill." This discovery has serious implications for the use of specimen data coming out of those natural history collections. That might sound discouraging, but it's a problem that can be tackled. "We estimate it takes £500 ($750) to revise a species, which means for the cost of one world-class footballer-[such as Barcelona megastar] Lionel Messi--it would be possible to monograph the entire flora of tropical plants," Scotland says. He and his colleagues say that they are now doing their part by actively exploring new integrated approaches to taxonomy. They've brought their techniques together into something they call "foundation monographs," getting their start with two plant groups (see and The findings come as yet another timely reminder of how much there is to learn about biodiversity. "We know so little about the natural world, but we still have a chance to document it properly!" Scotland says. ### This research was funded by the Systematics Association and Linnean Society, the BBSRC & NERC. Current Biology, Goodwin et al.: "Widespread mistaken identity in tropical plant collections" Related Files This Dropbox contains a PDF of the paper proof, the supplemental info, and many photos from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (caption and credit info in filename): Author Contact: Dr. Robert Scotland Office: +44 01865 275059 Mobile: +44 07923 018981 Media Contact: Stuart Gillespie Tel: +44 01865 283877