SCURL Strategy & Plan 2014 – 16 SCURL Strategic Aims: A B C To improve and develop services for users and maximise access to resources through collaborative action and shared services To collaborate with other organisations, sectors and domains towards the creation of a co‐ operative library infrastructure in Scotland To advocate matters of shared interest on behalf of members to funding & planning bodies and other professional organizations SCURL Strategic Priorities 2014 – 2016 1. Effective collaboration Our priorities will be to develop: 1.1 Content Build on the longstanding successful record of collaborative content procurement across Scotland by increasing the content available to members, partners and stakeholders through developing a sustainable SHEDL2 model. 1.2 Access to digital collections Eliminate barriers and maximise access to Scotland’s research collections, including access to online resources. 1.3 Shared services Maximise opportunities for developing and promoting collaborative services in order to minimise duplication of effort across institutions, realizing increased efficiencies that deliver value for money and improve the quality and enhancement of the user experience. 2. Showcase Scotland’s research and collections Our priorities will be to: 2.1 Share expertise Share expertise effectively in relation to research output management within a dynamic OA landscape 2.2 Promote unique collections Promote the Scottish Collections Policy; and to promote Scotland’s unique and distinctive collections. 3. Effective advocacy and promotion Our priorities will be to refocus our activities and business planning by: 3.1 Communicating effectively Ensure that our website and our publications meet current needs, enable effective promotion, information sharing and collaboration and are appropriately targeted. 3.2 Governance Ensure that the SCURL organisation and finances are secured for the medium term. 3.3 Delivering SCURL objectives Ensure colleagues across our member institutions have the opportunity to contribute to delivering SCURL objectives. Our working groups and Communities of Practice will be actively engaged in maximizing knowledge exchange and will take the lead in showcasing SCURL developments within Scotland and beyond. Action Plan Strategic Priority 1: Effective collaboration 1.1 Content Build on the longstanding successful record of collaborative content procurement across Scotland by increasing the content available to members, partners and stakeholders through developing a sustainable SHEDL2 model. Actions Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact Review SCOPNET and SHEDL governance, aligning the work of the two groups more closely to ensure best advantage is taken of available opportunities and expert knowledge is shared Set out target deals for the year ahead, working with Library directors to systematically assess the benefits of these against institutional needs. Produce a review report on SHEDL/SCOPNET activities at the end of each year Progress report: Date: 1.2 Access to digital collections Eliminate barriers and maximise access to Scotland’s research collections, including access to online resources. Actions Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact Progress report: Date: 1.3 Shared services Maximise opportunities for developing and promoting collaborative services in order to minimise duplication of effort across institutions, realizing increased efficiencies that deliver value for money and improve the quality and enhancement of the user experience. Actions Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact Work more effectively with HEIDS to develop coherent strategies for shared services in particular: ‐ Explore a shared research data management and storage service ‐ Set up a task group to consider authentication issues and develop a toolkit of best practice which can be adopted locally at each institution Progress report: Strategic Priority 2: Showcase Scotland’s research and collections Date: 2.1 Shared expertise Share expertise effectively in relation to research output management within a dynamic OA landscape; to promote the Scottish Collections Policy; and to promote Scotland’s unique and distinctive collections. Actions Targets & timescales Progress report: Lead responsibility 2.2 Promote unique collections To promote the Scottish Collections Policy; and to promote Scotland’s unique and distinctive collections. Resource/contact Date: Actions Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact To review the Scottish Collections Policy during 2014/15 To consider how best to promote Scotland’s unique and distinctive collections during 2015/16 Progress report: Strategic Priority 3 Effective advocacy and promotion Date: 3.1 Effective communications Ensure that our website and our publications meet current needs, enable effective promotion, information sharing and collaboration and are appropriately targeted. Actions Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact Analyse the recommendations of the Communications Action Plan Task & Finish group and develop strategies for delivering them Progress report: Date: 3.2 Governance Ensure that the SCURL organisation and finances are secured for the medium term. Actions Explore the opportunities to become a legal entity to ensure SCURL Officers and operations are open to scrutiny and protected from liability Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact Review membership subscription levels to provide appropriate resources to support SCURL and SHEDL administration Progress report: Date: 3.3 Delivering SCURL objectives Ensure colleagues across our member institutions have the opportunity to contribute to delivering SCURL objectives. Our working groups and Communities of Practice will be actively engaged in maximizing knowledge exchange and will take the lead in showcasing SCURL developments within Scotland and beyond. Actions Monitor the effectiveness of the new working arrangements for the SCURL Business Committee and Plenary meetings Review the work of the Communities of Practice based on an analysis of the survey of members and realign with SCURL business objectives Targets & timescales Lead responsibility Resource/contact SCURL calendar of meetings for 2014/15 (proposed) Month October Business committee 15th November Plenary 12th December January SCOPNET/SHEDL X X 14th February X March 11th April May X 13th June Total Constituency X 11th 3 (SCURLBusinessPlan2014‐2016) 3 2 3