Notes: Global Winds

Notes: Global Winds
Air Movement
Cause of the
differences in Air
Wind is the __________ movement of _______ caused by differences in
air _______________.
The air moves from ____________ Air Pressure to __________ Air
The ____________ the difference, the ____________ the wind moves.
Differences in Air Pressure are caused by the ____________ heating of
Uneven heating produces pressure belts which occur every ________
Pressure Belts
Equators: As warm air _________ at the equator and moves toward the
poles, it ______.
At 30° north and south: As warm air cools, some of the air ________
around 30° north and south of the equator.
Poles: Cold air _________ and moves towards the equator.
At 60° north and south: Around 60° north and south, the air begins to
heat up and _________.
Global Winds
Causes: The combination of pressure belts and the Coriolis Effect cause
global winds
Global Winds: These are polar easterlies, prevailing westerlies, trade
winds, and doldrums.
At the equator 0 °
Located along the ___________ where no winds blow because the warm
rising air creates an area of _________ pressure.
Trade Winds or
Between 0 ° N – 30 ° N and 0 ° S - 30 ° S
Tropical Easterlies Winds that blow from 30° almost to the ________________.
Called the trade winds because of their use by early sailors.
Horse Latitudes –
Occur at about 30° north and south of the equator where the winds are
very ____________.
Most deserts on the Earth are located here because of the ________ air.
Notes: Global Winds
Between 30 ° – 60 ° N and 30 ° - 60 ° S
Wind belts found between 30° and 60° ________________.
Winds flow towards the poles from west to east carrying _____________
air over the United States
Polar Easterlies
Between 60 ° – 90 ° N and 60 ° - 90 ° S
Wind belts that extend from the ___________ to 60° latitude.
Formed from ________ sinking air moving from the poles creating cold
Jet Stream
The jet streams are bands of high-speed __________ about 10 kilometers
above Earth’s surface.
Separates warm air from cold air.
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